ArcGIS online reordering popups - arcgis-online

I’m using the new map viewer and I have two overlapping polygon layers. When I have popups turned on for both layers, but I’d prefer popups for one layer shows up first.
Is there a way to reorder popups without reordering layers?

There's no way to make these pop up reordered. I hope esri fixes this soon- it is obnoxious!


Do not free tiles on layer hide

I'm using Leaflet's layer control to show / hide two different tile layers. Users toggle layers on and off to observe changes between them. The problem is that when a layer is hidden and reshown, all of the tiles are being fetched again. I want the layer to be hidden such that showing it again should be instantaneous as the tiles have already been loaded (unless the user has panned / zoomed). I've gone through the documentation and can't find an option that controls this.
Perhaps the layer control is totally deleting and recreating layers as they are unchecked / checked again?
This is on Chrome under Windows. It is noted that Mobile Safari on iOS does not reload the tiles when a layer is reshown.

How to write text onto a mapbox vector tile

I want to label stations on my map, and I would like to clusterize the stops at different zoom levels to filter them down. So as you zoom out all you get is the start and end, and then finally a single label start->end.
How do I render a text label on a vector tile ?
I could fetch the stations as a geojson and reload on zoom change if there's no easy way to do this with tiles.
Is there a reason you need to encode your data differently per-zoom-level in the tiles or are you mainly concerned with displaying data differently per-zoom-level? If the latter, I would recommend looking for an approach that focuses more on styling the vector tiles you already have rather than trying to generate those tiles in a more complex fashion. You could try using a zoom function to style your data. If you're using Mapbox Studio, you can also set zoom-specific style rules in the Studio UI, which is the route you'll probably want to go if you're using Leaflet (I see the Leaflet tag in your post but it's not entirely clear what your implementation looks like).
If the former, you may need to use a tool like Tippecanoe. This route will likely be a bit more complex, but gives you fine-grained control over how your vector tiles are generated. Keep in mind that once you've created your tiles using Tippecanoe, you'll still need to style them somehow.

Vaadin leaflet combining markers

I have a V-Leaflet map.
Depending on what the backend "says" (where/how-many), there'll be marker(s) on this map.
When 2 or more of these markers are closely located and thus overlap,
i'll look to combine them into one marker that refers to them all.
The only way i can think of is the explicit way -- getting the Bounds (org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.shared.Bounds)
of the portion of the map in view and going from there
(calculate how close/apart now those markers are, group/ungroup them accordingly.)
Is there a built-in/quicker way of doing this?
Note: i'm not interested in the mathematical/clustering part of the problem.
checking just not to miss out -- dont wanna redo if this is coded.
Sounds like you are looking for V-Leaflet Markercluster extension:
Server side api for Leaflet Markercluster extension
It wraps Leaflet.markercluster plugin:
Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality for Leaflet, a JS library for interactive maps.

Drawings not visible after removeLayer method : leaflet

As i am working on application which uses leaflet api. Live Here
Where first user enter '1' as input to load the image on map.
Then user can draw different shapes(fences) using bottom-left buttons.
The 'eraser' button is suppose to remove all layers from map regarding CurrentFeatureGroup.
When we click on 'eraser' button, all shapes will be removed from map having currentfeaturegroup.
But after removing when we draw some other shapes, these shapes are invisible, although i have checked the function working properly.
I don't have idea how these shapes are now invisible.
Script(which responsible to remove layers)
L.easyButton('<img src="/delete.png">', function () {
$('.leaflet-container').css('cursor', '');
Please consider removeLayer, not clearLayer.If someone have any idea
about this problem please do help.Any kind of help or reference will
be appreciated, thanks for your time
If you completely remove the featurelayer from the map by using map.removeLayer(currentFeatureLayer) where do you expect that any new features you draw after that will be added to? If you want to remove all current features from the featurelayer you really should be using currentFeatureLayer.clearLayers() which will keep the featurelayer so that you can continue to add features afterwards.

Smooth transition between Leaflet layers

I've got 2 tilelayers on a Leaflet/Mapbox map and I am able to toggle between the layers, similar to this map. The difference is that my two layers are of the same type, both showing 'bike stations' to continue with the linked example.
Since I'm adding and removing the layers for each click, there's a small delay between the removal of the first layer and the adding of the second layer. I think I need to listen for when the second layer has finished loading, the removing the first layer to get a smooth transition between the two.
Is there any built-in functionality in Leaflet or Mapbox for accomplishing this?
I managed to work around this problem by using the setOpacity method of the tilelayers instead of reloading them for each click. But I'm still curious as to whether there exists a ready-method as described above.
There's nothing built-in to accomplish this, but it's something we might cover with an example in the future.