Vaadin leaflet combining markers - leaflet

I have a V-Leaflet map.
Depending on what the backend "says" (where/how-many), there'll be marker(s) on this map.
When 2 or more of these markers are closely located and thus overlap,
i'll look to combine them into one marker that refers to them all.
The only way i can think of is the explicit way -- getting the Bounds (org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.shared.Bounds)
of the portion of the map in view and going from there
(calculate how close/apart now those markers are, group/ungroup them accordingly.)
Is there a built-in/quicker way of doing this?
Note: i'm not interested in the mathematical/clustering part of the problem.
checking just not to miss out -- dont wanna redo if this is coded.

Sounds like you are looking for V-Leaflet Markercluster extension:
Server side api for Leaflet Markercluster extension
It wraps Leaflet.markercluster plugin:
Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality for Leaflet, a JS library for interactive maps.


Mapbox GL - transition animations for unclustering and for active feature

In Mapbox GL JS, I'm looking to use clustering + use a different icon for one feature which is currently defined as "active". I want the necessary transitions (unclustering + change of the active feature) to be animated, but can't find a way of making this all happen.
Mapbox provides an example showing how to implement clusters, which uses different layers for the clusters and for non-clustered features. This technique can also be used for rendering the "active" feature in its own layer with a different image. When a cluster breaks ("unclusters") into features, it basically gets removed from the clusters layer, and the features get added to the "unclustered" features layer. But this doesn't allow adding a transition animation, since there isn't really a transition here. I would like to show the cluster splitting into features, with each feature moving to its respective location.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Some ideas that don't quite provide a full answer:
Use Leaflet with the markercluster plugin and its "spider" behavior for clustering. This works and provides a nice "spider" transition animation for unclustering. However there is no "official" binding between leaflet and Mapbox GL, so I'm reluctant to use that (there is just this which I would need to modify and it's based on undocumented Mapbox internals). Also I'm now sure whether this is good or bad performance-wise with thousands of features. And I know from experience that adding an animation to modify the shape of Leaflet markers (for active/inactive transitions) doesn't really work.
Use markers in Mapbox, instead of layers, but then how to do any sort of clustering?
I can't think of any reasonable way to implement this just using Mapbox GL JS, short of learning WebGL and implementing a custom source.
But I wouldn't write off the Leaflet+Mapbox approach - in my experience, the performance is ok (though I haven't tested with clusters or what you're trying to do).
There is a similar approach with OpenLayers: I have also used this and it worked fine.
Finally, it seems there are quite a few Leaflet and OpenLayers libraries that specifically solve the animated clustering issue: (And most of these answers are very old, so perhaps there are more libraries now).

Remove redundant markers and circles from google_maps_flutter

I'm using google_maps_flutter to display only specific markers on the map. Unfortunately, there are tons of other markers and circles on the map that interrupt the experience (Restaurants, Stores and so on). How can I disable or remove them?
I found out that it can be made by styling the map and removing unwanted parts away. You can also make some sick looking design too. Very useful.

Mysterious "markers" using Leaflet (with Omnivore and the MapQuest plugins)

I'm using Leaflet (with omnivore and the MapQuest tile plugins) to display a map with colored polygons. The map and polygons look/work fine, but there are these mysterious blue markers everywhere.
There's nothing in the JS about markers at all, and if I comment out the polygon.addTo(map); line, the markers disappear. So they're definitely related to the polygons, even though they're not directly positioned on the polygons.
Any idea why the markers are appearing, or how I can make them disappear?
SOLVED: It turns out that the problem was that I'm using MSSQL's ".Reduce(n)" function to simplify the polygons (for performance), and if you simplify the polygons too far, the results have "Point(...)" items in them - which leaflet renders as markers!
Now, off to figure out why MSSQL is turning things into points...
Welcome to SO!
Most probably your polygon variable is a Leaflet GeoJSON Layer Group built by the omnivore plugin, and the data you feed it with contains "Point" type geometries.
If you do not specify anything special to handle these points, Leaflet will render them with this default blue marker icon.
In that case, you could simply filter out those point features, whether after omnivore processing (use the ready event) or using a custom GeoJSON Layer Group with its filter option. There should be other posts describing such solutions.
See e.g. Mapbox: Filtering out markers in a Leaflet Omnivore KML layer
If you are not in this case, you would have to provide more information for people to be able to help you. Typically code that you use to build your polygon layer and sample data.

Can I implement web mapping application for drawing using leaflet?

I want to implement a web mapping application for drawing using differents functions of topographic computation like for example calculate the "bearing angle" (gisement in frensh).I know that I can draw shapes using leaflet draw plugin but I'm wondering if leaflet provide this functions. Thank you
Leaflet has a distanceTo() method for the Cartesian distance between two points.
Leaflet doesn't have complicated geometric functionalities built in, but there's an excellent Leaflet plugin called Leaflet.GeometryUtil that does: (And here's a link to the plugin's online documentation).
Other plug-ins that might provide useful functionality are found here:

Cluster markers from different overlays with each other

I use angular-leaflet with leaflet markercluster plugin (see for example).
Now I have three different overlays with 'clustermarker' type. At the moment markers of each overlay cluster only with markers from the same overlay. I would like all of them to cluster with each other. How can I accomplish this?
You might be interested in those extra Leaflet plugins:
But I am unsure about how to use them with Angular Leaflet Directive.
Disclaimer: I am the author of those plugins.