How to make visual code terminal and editor look like pycharm - visual-studio-code

I have a django app and I really like developing with PyCharm but it's way too heavy so I am switching to Visual Code.
However, I would like not to lose some of the "look and feel" of pycharm when it comes to the terminal and code so I am trying to turn these (terminal and editor of VisualCode)
Into these (terminal and editor of PyCharm)

What you are looking for is to change to look and feel of the application.
On your visual studio code, Open the extensions tab then search "Darcula PyCharm Theme" Click on install. You will achieve what you want.


NanoFramework VSCode - How to get started?

Maybe I am just missing something, but I don't get how to setup a blank solution in VSCode (Under Windows or Visual Studio, you are able to just create a new Blank NanoFramework Template, but how can I do that in VSCode :/). I would really like to work with the nanoframework instead of c/c++, but I don't know how to create a blank solution :(.
That option is not currently available.
The main goal of the VS Code extension is to allow (partially) folks on MAC or Linux to work with .NET nanoFramework.
It's not possible to debug on VS Code and you'll only have a full experience on Visual Studio. If you're on Windows, the recommendation is to use Visual Studio.

Create script snippets on VScode Terminal like Termius

is there any way to define custom snippets into the console or WSL Ubuntu throughout the VScode? I saw this really useful feature as a Premium feature on Termius app.
I don't know if the dev team seeing this but if it was the main feature as a sidebar in the terminal, that would be great.

How to replicate the following Spyder behavior in VSCode?

I'm new to coding Python in VSCode. Previously I used Spyder but decided to move to VSCode as the project management seems better in it (I could easily switch to other files/folders by clicking on the path, just like in PyCharm). But I really need this one workflow which I still have not managed to do it in VSCode.
write some codes like Selenium.
Click run (F5)
The selenium browser opens up.
I could use the Ipython terminal to access the code interactively (find the element in the browser etc) and send new command.
I would like to have this workflow in VSCode. Im also quite overwhelmed by the difference in these 2 IDEs, for example, in VSCode, you have integrated terminal, a debugging console and an output tab, while im used to have only one-for-all Ipython tab.
Ok, I figured out what I need. Basically I just need to right click on the python file that I want to run on the side bar. Then I have to select 'run current file in interactive window'. The only difference is on the Ipython console, I have to use shift+Enter to send my input instead of just clicking enter. But its not a big deal.

Getting black screen in visual studio after Installation completed

I was getting black screen after opening Visual studio each time. I got a solution from Stack overflow i.e code --disable-gpu. It is working fine but my main issue is when I use to code in vs code. I am not getting suggestions as intellisense is not working and I am unable to install any extensions from Visual studio code.
to disable hardware acceleration permanently (without adding --disable-gpu argument) open folder "C:\Users\your_username_here\.vscode" than open file argv.json with any editor and look for
"//disable-hardware-acceleration": true, and just remove the tow slashes before disable. i think there is a similar workaround in linux
Hit Ctrl Shift P to open the command palette,
Type Developer and choose Developer: Toggle Developer Tools.
switch to the Network tab in Dev tools.
Search for extensions now
Go to properties of visual studio
change target . Add --disable-gpu
make sure to add a space before --
it will resolve your issue.

Is it possible to add auto-completion into external code editors for Unity

I just started using Unity with Visual Studio Code and got it up and running to use it instead of the default code editor but VSC doesnt display auto-completion and I am wondering if it is even possible to add this feature into Visual Studio Code and if yes, how to do so.