I'm trying to attach autocomplete renderer to multiselect customfield. It might look like labels renderer (but with no possibility to add new option to list of options from renderer directly) or like a column picker renderer in issue navigator.
All I've found so far is that article
that article
It is helpfull, it works for me, but I'd prefer more elegant solution, which does not need to enable html in fields description. I can Java, and I'd prefer to develope Jira plugin, enabling to attach that renderer to any choosen multiselect customfield.
Can enybody give some hint, how that renderer is reachable trough Jira Java API or connection of some velocity template etc.?
I installed the new Unity UI Builder. Everything works just fine...
But how do I add the uxml to my scene or how do I attache it to camera?
I tried to drag and drop the uxml to camera and I searched for a component, but I couldn't find anything... Is there any official documentation?
You must use an gameObject with PanelRenderer.cs attached to it:
For now, I only know you have to set UXML file and USS file. In play mode, by magic (I still don't understand how unity does it), it will render.
In the Github project you can see how things are for now. UIElementsUniteCPH2019RuntimeDemo
The project linked above uses UI Builder 0.8.
Runtime support is still not available using the packet manager.
You can add the preview version to your project by adding the following line to your manifest.json (it's located in the projects Packages-folder)
"com.unity.ui.runtime": "0.0.4-preview"
You may want to check whether a newer version is available.
Keep in mind that the preview version is intended for previews only. The api and workflow might change with newer versions.
Once runtime support is enabled you can use the Panel Renderer as described above.
In Unity 2021.2, when you add a UI Document to the hierarchy, a PanelSettings asset is automatically created and assigned to the that UI Document.
Simply add your uxml file to the UI Document -- there is no Panel Renderer component anymore.
Even though the UI Builder offers a preview of the menu over the actual game scene, there is no way to use that menu in a game using Unity's functionality or packages. To do that we need to use the code that comes with the demo by Damian Campeanu from Unite Copenhagen 2019 that you can find here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UIElementsUniteCPH2019RuntimeDemo.
The demo has following structure.
Structure of the project
The files that we are interested in are located in Assets/UIRuntime folder. Simply copy this folder into Assets folder of your project.
After copying the the folder,create empty game object, and add two components in the inspector. Panel Scaler and Panel Renderer.
Game menu object with panel scaler and panel renderer components
Panel Scaller is responsible for scalling your menu for the display. Choose "Constant Physical Size" and 96 for both Reference and Fallback DPI. Those are the values from the original demo and 96 DPI is a typical pixel density for most computer screens (it is different on mobiles and high density screens).
Panel Renderer is the place where you will set your UXML and USS (Unity Style Sheet) files (Uxml and Unity Style Sheet fields. Leave the last two of fields empty, and tick the "Enable Live Updates" checkbox. This will enable you to show the updates in the game viewport as you make them.
I wanted to comment under existing answer by Pablo but I'm new so I can't.
For vuetify, I use <v-content> for making may layout when I'm using Vue. Since I got used to this, I was finding this kind of component on Material UI.
Is there a way to convert this layout from Vuetify to Material UI?
<v-toolbar app>...</v-toolbar>
<v-navigation-drawer app>...</v-navigation-drawer permanent>
I was using nuxt on Vuetify. Now I'm using next for my react project.
I'm kind of finding the <v-app> and <v-content> like component for Material UI but I can't seem to find it. Or do I make that layout myself?
well, while Vue is more of a framework in the classic acceptance of the notion, react is more of a library, providing components that you can assemble in any way you may find appropriate
so you'll have to build that layout yourself
have a look at this example:
I am using the steps given in the URL to make a color-picker rte plugin
and at the same time I am making another custom rte plugin to do some text modulation.
But only one of them is working using rte.coralui2 as categories.
and both icons are coming at the same location.
If I disable one js then another is working.
I have registered the plugin with different name and I have also used different variables.
I am not able to make the rte plugin button at different location.
Please suggest the possible solution.
it's possible you are overlaying rather than extending the rte.coralui2 category. I suspect your custom clientLibs are competing with each other and only one is available.
It seems like you are using the same steps provided in the blogpost for creating both the plugins and while doing that, you are using the below code twice with different icons :
if(items.indexOf(ExperienceAEM.TCP_UI_SETTING) == -1){
items.splice(3, 0, ExperienceAEM.TCP_UI_SETTING);
So, maybe, the icons are being added at the same place and only one of them is shown.
You should create ExperienceAEM.CuiToolbarBuilder Class only once and add both icons inside that class
I want to get Exactly eclipse editor kind highly customized tooltip like below-
I used eclipse provided snippets of customized Tooltips but none of them were so highly improvised performance and easy to use.
How to reuse these Tooltips , any example would help.
you just need to extend org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip
and override
protected abstract Composite createToolTipContentArea(Event event,
Composite parent);
you can add org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser and set formatted content and add required controls.
I've been asked to create a CQ5 "overlay" component by simply copying the out-of-box component from /libs/foundation/components/flash to /apps/myproject/components/flash. My question is: what happens to the original - is it just ignored?
a CQ5 "overlay" leverages sling rules for resource resolving. if /libs/foundation/components/flash needs an overlay, you "overlay" the corresponding file at location /apps/foundation/components/flash/filename This will CHANGE how the foundation component behaves in all instances. And the existing sidekick component remains, but behaves differently.
If you have a NEW component at /apps/myproject/components/flash, it can inherit from the foundation component via sling:resourceSuperType on the new component. In that case, you have a new component in the sidekick. In your new component, you could use the same values for jcr:title, componentGroup, or you could change them to distinguish your component in the sidekick. If the title, componentGroups are the same, the sidekick can distinguish them with parenthesis around the webapp (foundation) vs (myproject). However, I have seen situations where it is impossible as an author to distinguish them.
It is not ignored. Both components can show up in the authors' sidekick -- one will say flash (foundation), the other flash (myproject). When one of these is used by an author CQ will instantiate appropriately. The usual rules apply for what shows up in the sidekick (group name, selected in design mode, etc.)
Just to clarify: overlay and flash are two different things.
Sample of overlay implementation: http://jquerytools.org/documentation/overlay/index.html
So if you were asked to create an Overlay component, copying a Flash one might not be the best idea.