How to get exactly Eclipse Editor kind of Tool Tip in RCP/SWT Table cell - eclipse

I want to get Exactly eclipse editor kind highly customized tooltip like below-
I used eclipse provided snippets of customized Tooltips but none of them were so highly improvised performance and easy to use.
How to reuse these Tooltips , any example would help.

you just need to extend org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip
and override
protected abstract Composite createToolTipContentArea(Event event,
Composite parent);
you can add org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser and set formatted content and add required controls.


adding icons to custom Eclipse editor hovers

I've created my own extension to DefaultTextHover within my custom Eclipse editor, and wanted to add icons to the hover -- similar to what the JDT does when I hover over a program element.
Currently, my implementation of getHoverInfo returns the appropriate String for the hover itself. But I would like the hover to also contain an icon -- similar to what I'm already using in my editor's outline.
How can I do this?
You need to make your extension to DefaultTextHover implement ITextHoverExtension which adds the new method getHoverControlCreator. This method returns a IInformationControlCreator which is used to create the IInformationControl which is used to display the hover information.
IInformationControl creates the hover and can interpret the hover text any way it wishes (as HTML for example).
There is a DefaultInformationControl implementation of IInformationControl available which does a lot of the work for you. This requires you to provide a class implementing DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter and DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenterExtension.
There is an internal JFace class HTMLTextPresenter which can be used as an example for implementing the information presenter (since this is internal you should not use it directly).

What would be the best approach to implement a multi-select combo in SWT/JFace?

I need to implement a multi-select combobox using SWT/JFace, What would be the best approach?should i go for changing the source code or i should try to extend the combo?
It is not possible to extend a Combo It is possible to extend Combo by overriding checkSubclass(), however it is highly disapproved of. The alternative is to create a wrapper for it. But that would be too much work.
Extending a CCombo is an option, but not a very good idea. Again, too much work for the functionality you need.
As sambi reddy mentioned, you could use a TableComboViewer from Nebula (scroll down to "TableCombo").
Another convenient solution (my favorite) is to have a CheckboxTreeViewer since you need to implement multi selection and such.
For anyone who is looking for a widget that allows user to select multiple options from a list of check box style options.
It is based on user1438038's idea and extended to provide nearly all of the api required of a widget similar to Combo.

GWT SuggestBox: add multiple ClickHandlers to each suggestion

Add multiple ClickHandlers to each suggestion. For example, for each suggestion I want to have 2 links 'exclude' and 'include' and add a handlers to each link.
SuggestBox let's you provide your own SuggestionDisplay if you don't like the default one.
It might be helpful to include more details in the question (I would comment but cant until i get more rep).
What type of widget/widgets are you using?
If its a suggestbox then the answer Thomas Broyer supplied should work.
To do this create a new class and extend
We have a similar implementation at my workplace. We have a custom suggestion display class which extends SuggestBox.SuggestionDisplay. It is a PopupPanel at heart, with a VerticalPanel that holds our custom Suggestions. Those items have click handlers.
The project advanced suggest box handles this kind of needs: you can use the Table layout for example to have your buttons (see the demo)

Using an EditorPart inside a Composite

I'm new to RCP and I'm trying to create a new View or Editor. At the current state I'm extending ViewPart.
The Layout I want to achieve is a SashForm where both sides have a CTabFolder. One of the sides of the SashForm is basically a MultiPageEditorPart. One of it's tabs should be an editor for a specific language with syntax highlighting and similar features. From what I understand I could extend AbstractTextEditor for that (and maybe use it as one tab of a MultiPageEditorPart).
If I try to achieve this layout with a ViewPart as top level container which contains a SashForm, I can't add an EditorPart to one of the sides of the SashForm. Of course I could implement this editor from scratch as Composite but I want to avoid that.
I am also willing to use an EditorPart or MultiPageEditorPart as top level container but then I'd have to find a way to get the SashForm layout working. The whole editor should be splited first and then each side should have tabs.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
If anything is unclear please ask. I've got the feeling I've put this into words a little complicatedly.
I think you should just make a ViewPart that has a text editing component of some kind on the left, instead of trying to find a way to use an EditorPart. All that EditorPart is really buying you is dirty flag management and Save support; syntax highlight and so forth you can add to the text editing component yourself (I was surprised at how few drop-in text components I found while poking around the internet just now; I expected to find "a few" and instead I found "basically none").
You can see one way to do very rudimentary syntax highlighting with a StyledText component here: JavaSourceCodeViewer
To see a more robust implementation of things like syntax highlight and autocomplete, take a look at the class that Eclipse uses for the editing of Java source code: CompilationUnitEditor
I think what you are trying to achieve is quite complicated and might require a lot of extra work. See an editor is not just different controls laid out in some order, but it has a lot of additional features that any editor class expects to work. These include things like selection service and action bars etc, that you will need to hook in to ensure smooth running.
That said, it should be possible to achieve what you are hoping for. You can have a look at the source code of the MultiPageEditorPart itself to see how it converts a single editor into a multi page editor, which is capable of hosting a completely independent editor on each of its pages. You would need to achieve something similar if you want your editor to host two MultiPageEditorParts separated by a sash. If you want to carry on, you should start implementing some stuff and if you run into any problems, post them here. You would be able to get a lot better help then.
You need something like MultiPageEditorSite. Use it for inspiration when implementing an EditorSiteDelegate. MultiPageEditorSite has support for separate keybindings between the pages, for example.
class ChildEditorSite implements IEditorSite {
IEditorSite parent;
public Object method() {
return parent.method();
Using this class, you can easily do the following in your main EditorPart:
class MyCoolPart extends EditorPart {
public void createControl(Composite parent) {
EditorPart child1 = new MyChild();
child1.init(new ChildEditorSite(getEditorSite()), myInput);
EditorPart child2 = new MyChild();
child2.init(new ChildEditorSite(getEditorSite()), myInput);
Be sure to also dispose of your children correctly when you dispose of your MyCoolPart. Please note that this only works in the most basic of cases. An EditorPart that is a DocumentEditor or that relies on IPersistablePart or implements listeners/adapters for confirming a save is probably going to require a lot more Lifecycle management...

How to implement Quick Fix / Quick Assist for custom eclipse editor?

I have extended org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor to implement a custom editor.
For this editor, I have defined a marker type (org.eclipse.core.resources.markers extension point) and an annotation type (org.eclipse.ui.editors.annotationTypes extension point) to mark specific parts of code in my editor. I use a reconciler to update my annotation model.
Now I want to add a quick fix / quick assist feature. I simply want eclipse, to show a box with proposals, when I hover over an annotated part of the code and replace that part with a given string, when I click on a proposal. Just like the quick fix feature for the java editor.
So, what is the best way to implement this behavior?
I read about marker resolution generators and quick assist processors, but I'm still confused how it all works together...
I would be glad, if someone could point me to the right direction.
EDIT: From what I've understood so far, a MarkerResolutionGenerator is responsible for showing quick fixes in the problems view. To get quick fixes in the source viewer, I would have to set a QuickAssistAssistant for my SourceViewer and implement a QuickAssistProcessor which returns CompletionProposals.
Is this the right way to do it?
EDIT2: I'm wondering if I need Markers at all, or only Annotations, I'm confused...
I finally found out how to get Quick Fix to work for my editor.
I use the annotationTypes extension point to register my own annotation type and the markerAnnotationSpecification extension point to specify the look and feel. In my custom SourceViewerConfiguration class I override getAnnotationHover(...) to return a DefaultAnnotationHover object and getTextHover(...) to return a DefaultTextHover object, so the annotations are shown in my source viewer.
Then I override getReconciler(...) to return a MonoReconciler with my own implementation of IReconcilingStrategy to create the annotations in its reconcile(...) method. And finally I override getQuickAssistAssistant(...) to return a QuickAssistAssistant with my own implementation of IQuickAssistProcessor. The computeQuickAssistProposals(...) method in the processor class computes the quick fix proposals which show up, when I press CTRL+1.
I don't create any Marker objects and don't use a MarkerResolutionGenerator, since the marker concept is much more heavyweight than using only annotations and the functionality which annotations provide fits my needs.
You have to register an extension to the extension point org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerResolution. This extension refers to a markerType (using the markerId), and also a resolution generator.
The latter component is responsible for calculating the possible fixes: it reads the marker, it can check the related files, etc., and creates marker resolution instances. These resolution instances basically process the erroneous files, and hopefully fix the original problem.
During marker resolution, you should not worry about removing the markers, as after the fix is executed, sometimes the validation would run again (e.g. during the build, or if no automatic validation is available, then manually - but it is not the task of the marker resolution to update the list of markers).