jruleImportException : the selected archive does not have descriptor.xml - datastage

I have created JAR file from decision service in IBM ODM. I was using that into datastage application to call rule app from datastage. while doing that I am getting error.
JruleImoprtException: the selected archive "filePath" is not valid ruleset archive.the file descriptor.xml could not be located in the archive.
I have used 8.10 version to create decision service. Datastage is using 8.8 version.
Is it creating error because of the conflicting version or I have created jar file wrong way ?

IBM has moved to Decision service from 8.10 onwards that uses Decision rule engine to creates dsar file for deployment. This dsar file has archive.xml to instruct the Jrule connector about the information of the rules.
In earlier versions - Rule projects are created using classic rule engine and jar file is required to deploy the project. In those version it has description.xml file that contains the metadata about the projects parameters.
As of now, you can switch to Classic Rule Engine option to create a JAR file that includes the description.xml. It is deprecated so not advisable.
In Eclipse -> Right click on the project -> Rule Execution server -> Select classic rule engine.


Error while trying to update p2 site with Buckminster

I am really new in buckminster.
I have just downloaded from our repository an Eclipse RCP project that needs a plugin update (placed in its Target Platform). We are currently using a remote target platform.
I have downloaded the remote target platform configuring its path in the targetplatform.source project, then I did the update and reload it checking the plugin's version. I have changed the version number in feature.xml on my targetplatform.feature project (that contains the buckminster.properties file).
The problem comes when I right-click on the targetplatform.feature project, select Buckminster > Invoke action... > site.p2. This just rise an error and the console shows the Buckminster log with the same error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: case variants of key: awt.toolkit: case variants of key: awt.toolkit
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
I finally had to stop using a remote target platform as I could not solve the Buckminster problem. The workaround described below covered my plugin update needs.
In order to have a control version system, the plugin update problem can be managed by having a repository manager (for example Nexus). Then you can simply upload a zip of your target platform with the updated plugins. Nevertheless, this forces the configuration to set the target platfom as local and therefore you need to download and unzip it previously.

Unable to upload custom Plugin

I created a custom plugin to be uploaded on Google Cloud Data Fusion platform, which is based on CDAP platform.
I followed the instructions for developing and deploying plugins but the upload fails when I try to associate the corresponding Json configuration file (generated by IntelliJ itself through the CDAP Maven artifacts) with following error:
Artifact artifact:default.record-gen-source.1.0 extends artifacts 'system:cdap-data-streams[4.0.0,5.0.0)/system:cdap-data-pipeline[4.0.0,5.0.0)' that do not exist
If I remove the reference to parent artifacts the custom plugin is loaded but it doesn't appear neither as a batch plugin or as a stream plugin (I can understand this, I'm removing the parents references).
What could be the error?
The issue is the plugin you are trying to upload inherits from incorrect parent artifact versions(which in this case cdap-data-streams & cdap-data-pipeline). The version of these artifacts are based on the version that is available in your current Data Fusion instance (which I believe is 6.1). If the version of cdap-data-pipeline/cdap-data-streams artifact doesn't fall under the range specified then you will be seeing this error. If you edit the version range to be [4.0.0,7.0.0) it should work I believe.
Can you try updating the pom.xml if you are using cdap-maven-plugin plugin with updated version range Like here and rebuild & deploy?

not able to see osgi deployment definition option (i.e to create .dpp file) in new wizard Eclipse

I am working on one of the POC for IoT project. To host Eclipse application on cloud service I need to create .dpp file i.e using the option
New->Others->OSGI->Deployment definition package. But I am not able to see that option in Eclipse. How to get the Option to create dpp file?
You need to install the Mtookit package into your Eclipse IDE. Instructions can be found here: http://eclipse.github.io/kura/dev/kura-setup.html

Drools guided rule editor and Eclipse Project

I have created a java project in eclipse which automatically picks up
all the .drl files from an external directory and executes all the
rules in that directory .So this enables the execution of dynamic
addition of new rules at anytime.
Now, instead of creating a new drool file and add it into that
directory, i want to use the guided rule editor to help non technical
users to add new rules into that directory.
I have started on with drools-workbench, but still i have no idea how
to integrate this eclipse project with the guided rule editor feature
available in drools-wb.
Is there any way in which i can export this project into the drools
workbench. If that is possible, then how can i deploy this directory
which contains all the .drl files into drools-wb and how these .drl
files can be used in the guided rule editor.
If your existing project is a maven project then you can import that project into drools-workbench, but there should be some required files(project.import,..etc) need to available specific to drools-workbench those should be available into project. We cant download any specific rule file from drools-workbench, workbench will create jar file which contains all the assets(rules and BPMN files), you can add this jar into classpath and create kieSession from there through which you can execute rules.

Java based open source deployment framework

I am looking for an open source deployment framework (java based). It should have following high level capabilities:
Posibility of registering deployment handlers for each artifact type
The framework should define a metadata format for defining the
artifacts. The framework should read a package (exm a zip file), load the metadata file
and invoke handlers for each artifacts packaged.
Where i want to use this framrwork?
I want to use this framework to deploy composite application packages (containing jar files, bpm models, rule models, ear files etc). On deploy the artifacts should get deployed to their respective runtimes.
Please let me know if you are aware of such an open source framework.