not able to see osgi deployment definition option (i.e to create .dpp file) in new wizard Eclipse - eclipse

I am working on one of the POC for IoT project. To host Eclipse application on cloud service I need to create .dpp file i.e using the option
New->Others->OSGI->Deployment definition package. But I am not able to see that option in Eclipse. How to get the Option to create dpp file?

You need to install the Mtookit package into your Eclipse IDE. Instructions can be found here:


JBoss Forge new Gradle Project?

When starting a new project using JBoss Forge, the project is creating with a Maven build system by default. How do I take advantage of Forge 2.*'s Gradle AddOn to create the project using Gradle instead of Maven?
% forge
Using Forge at /usr/local/Cellar/jboss-forge/2.12.2.Final/libexec
[ForgePlaygroundGradle]$ new-project --name ForgePlaygroundGradle --topLevelPackage com.kedges.forgegradle --porjectFolder . **???**;
What you need here are two things:
1) After you start Forge, make sure you have installed the Gradle addon (it does not come with the core distribution):
addon-install --coordinate org.jboss.forge.addon:gradle,2.12.2.Final
2) Then you can use the --buildSystem option of the project-new command:
project-new --named ForgePlaygroundGradle --topLevelPackage com.kedges.forgegradle
Please note that the latter command may take some time to execute the first time. The reason for this is the downloading of the dependencies for a decent Java EE web project. Same happens with Maven projects when you create them with an empty local ~/.m2/repository folder.
If you don't need a web project, then consider the other project types provided by the --type option.

Appengine endpoint client library creation in eclipse

I have a java based appengine endpoint project in eclipse.
When I generate client library using command line tool.
I'm getting only source based jar file ('project_name_version'.java-1.18.0-rc-sources.jar). It does not work fine in Android Studio when I add as a Library.
How can I get class based jar client library (google-api-services-'project_name_verison'-1.18.0-rc.jar)?
I tried searching online but no luck yet.
You could always zip up the sources file and use them in Android Studio. However , note that in the build.gradle file, you will have to reference the other dependent JAR files + versions that will be needed by the sources that you have generated in Eclipse via the Generate Cloud Endpoint Library option.
Build your app engine back end with JRE 7. You can change this from windows->preferences->java->installed JREs. You'll find an Add button at the right side of the pane. For more detail refer this Tutorial
This will solve most of your problems.

Easiest way to deploy OSGi framework from Eclipse?

I am developing a server with Jetty (servlet container). I am successfully running the server within Eclipse with an osgi-framework run configuration. Everything fine.
What is the best way to export this run configuration so that I have a valid config.ini and all plugins (the workspace bundles and the ones from my target platform) and am able to run the osgi-framework without Eclipse IDE running.
I tried to make a product to get the config.ini and all the bundles but I cannot run the framework with java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar.
It is not finding the bundles in the plugin folder, because obviously the names do not match exactly (e.g.: instead of
There are about 150 bundles and I do not want to edit the config.ini manually.
What did I miss?
What worked pretty well for me was to make a new product, based on the (working) run configuration, and export the product. That project should then be 'runnable', or at least pretty close.
Did you try that?
Hope it helps, Frank

AppEngine Java project in Eclipse - which jars to include?

I am building some small Java application to run on Goole AppEngine.
It is not clear to how should I configure eclipse so I'll be able to compile my project but I won't deploy stuff that already exists in on the platform.
(I've tried to read about the subject - here for example - but stil. it is not clear to me).
For example:
The Jersey and the Junit jars - I want them to be uploaded with my code to the cloud in the deployment process.
The AppEngine jars -I need them only for my design time - to be able to write code that is using the platform classes, but I don't want to upload them in the deployment process as they will be available to me by the platform.
Please help to get it right.
I think you need to read a bit from here Google Plugin for Eclipse
And also get the plugin from there, in addition , add the Jersy and the Junit (check first that the API's are on the WillItPlayInJava list) to the build path of the project

Using customBuildCallbacks.xml in an Eclipse RCP headless build

I am trying to add some custom build steps to my headless build process for an Eclipse RCP application.
I understand that the recommended way is to provide a customBuildCallbacks.xml file on the plug-in directory, and adding a link to it in the file.
# This property sets the location of the customb Build callback
customBuildCallbacks = customBuildCallbacks.xml
However, during the build process, this step is ignored.
Is there some set-up step I might be missing?
Actually, I found out that this is the only thing required.... if we are using eclipse 3.3. This will not work using Eclipse 3.1