How can I show VS Code's disappeared extensions and files sidebar? - visual-studio-code

When I was working I don't know where I clicked, but then the Extensions and Files sidebar disappeared.

Go to View -> Appeareance and then reenable the Activity Bar by setting a checkmark there.

View > Appearance > Show Activity Bar.
Another way is by clicking on Customize Layout right next to the Minimize Button, and then click on Activity Bar to make it visible


Visual Studio Code Activity bar completely missing, Version 1.28

Just downloaded VSCode, ver 1.28 and the activity bar (left side) and the left side of the side bar are not there. This happened yesterday too, so uninstalled the program and tried again today.
I have no way to get to settings, debug, search, etc. Tried right clicking on black space and they don't show up, merely options to open a new file. If I do open (untitled) I still do not get that left part of the screen. I am comparing it to MS's user interface page ( Is it possible that I would have to change the resolution on my laptop?
From the menu bar at the top try
View/Apperance/Show Activity Bar
When the Activity Bar is visible, this option will show "Hide Activity Bar"
See screenshot
1.Simple go to the setting
2.Under the user settings search for Activity Bar.
3.You'd find it under the workbench.
4. Click the Activity bar visible and that's green and working.
Another way to loose Activity Bar is to accidently active Zen Mode. Check if
View/Apperance/Zen Mode
is checked and if so uncheck it.
You can also pull up the command pallet with
Ctrl + Shift + P
Then type/select
View: Toggle Activity Bar Visibility

Visual Studio Code - icons in Activity Bar have disappeared

Earlier this week I installed the latest release (May 2018) of Visual Studio Code and ever since then all the icons in the Activity Bar (i.e. the long thin bar on the far left of the window) fail to display. I always get the Explorer icon but after that the only one that does display is whatever I currently have open in the sidebar.
Perhaps some screenshots might help explain:
I've searched high and low in Settings to try and find how to get them all to display but I can't find anything. Can anyone help?
I'm on macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 by the way.
Right click on the activity bar itself and select whatever you want have on the activity side bar. if for some reason you don't see the activity bar, go to
View-> Appearance ->Show Activity bar
"Try right clicking the Activity Bar itself. If I right click it I get a list of the icons to show/hide."
In VSCode version 1.59 (Windows 10), the setting of controlling the visibility of activity bar is:
Settings -> User >-> Workbench -> Appearance -> Activity Bar -> "Visible
Controls the visibility of the activity bar in the workbench"
See the screenshot below:
Click on menu, if you don't have the top menu click the alt key the menu will appear. On the menu click view then click appearance, then click show activity bar. If all the activity bar does not show, go back to view menu to bring them back one by one. To keep an icon from disappearing right click on each activity bar, look for keep, click it. That will make it stay.
If you are a windows user and have the latest version of visual studio code
1)First go to the view section in the upper top of the visual studio code.
2)GO to preferences
3)Go to show Activity Bar and click on it.
This is the only fix that worked for me on Mac:
Click "View" > "Open view...". Search for the extension. From there you can open the extension in a side panel.

VS Code - toggle search icon in Activity Bar, move from panel or back

I accidentally removed search icon in Activity Bar and don't know how to add it there again. If I click on Activity Bar, I don't see this option any more.
Update: v1.44 you can now simply drag many of the views, including "Search" from the sidebar to the panel and back. See and
Update: v1.42 added a context menu option
Move to Panel/Move to Sidebar
to certain typically sidebar views like Search, Outline and custom views. So you wouldn't have to use a setting to move the Search view back to the sidebar. Here is a demo:
Also notice that you no longer right-click in the empty space below the search inputs in the sidebar but on/near the Search header itself to bring up the toggle option.
As part of the v1.42 release the search.location setting mentioned below will be deprecated.
Your setting should migrate automatically, but you will need to use
the new generalized method to move the Search view going forward. You
do not need to enable the experimental preview setting above in order
to move the Search view with the new context menu entry.
So I don't think there is a setting anymore, you just right-click on the header text "Search" whether it is in the Panel or active in the Sidebar to move it. See the demo below.
Right-click on the "Search" header if you have it in the sidebar to "Move to Panel".
If Search is in the panel, right-click on the word Search to "Move to Sidebar".
To enable moving the Output view at this point, you need to enable workbench.view.experimental.allowMovingToNewContainer.
There is a new unbound command which you can use to toggle the search position between the panel and sidebar. But note that in my testing it only works a couple of times because it focuses the panel when you move search to the sidebar - I'll file a bug.
Previous Answer::
You may have modified the setting:
"search.location": "sidebar",
which is the default to the alternative
"search.location": "panel",
which would put the search widget into the terminal panel as another tab.
As of vscode v1.35 or so, you can now right-click in the empty space below the search view (i.e., in the sidebar under the open search inputs) and you will get an option to Toggle Search View Position.
This context menu switch of the search view is persistent. It will automatically add this setting to your settings.json:
"search.location": "panel",
The only way at present (but see edit just below) to move the icon back to the activity bar (and thus the search across files functionality to the sidebar) is to change that setting to the sidebar option. Or look for this setting in the settings editor:
Search: Location
Controls whether the search will be shown as a view
in the sidebar or as a panel in the panel area for more horizontal
EDIT: More recently, vscode added the abilty to right-click in the search area when it is in the panel to toggle it back to the sidebar.
In windows
file--> preferences-->settings
In mac
preferences -> settings
vs-code version 1.30.2
Step 1: Click on Edit from Navbar
Step 2: Find in Files
You can easily search for anything in the side paanel
or else if you want anything to search inside files then
Step 1: Click "Ctrl+F"

How to restore the menu bar in Visual Studio Code

I disabled the menu bar in preferences and it disappeared as expected. Now there's no way to get to the preferences menu again. How do I get it back?
For Windows users:
For older versions (<1.54) of Visual Studio Code: Press Alt to make the menu visible temporarily. While the menu is visible go to the View menu and choose Appearance -> Show Menu Bar.
For newer versions see the following steps or if Alt does not work use Crtl + Shift + P for command pallete, type 'menu' and select View: Toggle Menu Bar
Alternativily open settings Ctrl+,, search for and change Window: Menu Bar Visibility to either classic or visible.
For macOS users:
If you are in Full-Screen mode you can either move the cursor to the top of the screen to see the menu, or you can exit Full-Screen using Ctrl+Cmd+F, or ⌃⌘F in alien's script.
If you are like me - you did this by inadvertently hitting F11 - toggling fullscreen mode.
Another way to restore the menu bar is to trigger the View: Toggle Menu Bar command in the command palette (F1).
It's also possible that you have accidentally put the IDE into Full Screen Mode. On occasion, you may be inadertently pressing F11 to set FullScreen mode to On.
If this is the case, the Accepted Answer above will not work. Instead, you must disable Full Screen mode (View > Appearance > Full Screen).
Please see the attached screenshot.
To restore menu bar visibility so that you don't press key Alt to make the menu bar visible and the menu bar remains visible all the time, see the setting below.
You inadvertently changed the value from "default" to "toggle", so restore the setting to "default" as shown below.
"window.menuBarVisibility": "default"
In version 1.36.1 I tried to follow the steps mentioned in the previous answers and noticed that the Toggle Menu Bar has moved to a different location and has been renamed to Show Menu Bar. Follow these steps:
Press Alt to make menu visible
Click on the View menu, navigate to the Appearance option and choose Show Menu Bar
Click on the 'Manage' button.
Select 'Settings'.
In the search bar type: 'menu bar visibility'.
In the drop-down select 'classic' or 'visible'.
Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette, then
write command : Toggle Menu Bar
From Version: 1.56.2 on in OSX you need to update in settings.json file
"workbench.editor.showTabs": true
instead of
"window.menuBarVisibility": "default"
Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
After that, you write menu
Option is enabled
You have two options.
Option 1
Make the menu bar temporarily visible.
press Alt key and you will be able to see the menu bar
Option 2
Make the menu bar permanently visible.
Press F1
Type user settings
Press Enter
Click on the { } (top right corner of the window) to open settings.json file see the screenshot
Then in the settings.json file, change the value to the default "window.menuBarVisibility": "default" you can see a sample here (or remove this line from JSON file. If you remove any value from the settings.json file then it will use the default settings for those entries. So if you want to make everything to default settings then remove all entries in the settings.json file).
Some changes to this coming in v1.54, see
Updated Application Menu Settings
The window.menuBarVisibility setting for the application menu
visibility has been updated to better reflect the options. Two primary
changes have been made.
First, the default option for the setting has been renamed to
Second, the Show Menu Bar entry in the the application menu bar now
toggles between the classic and compact options. To hide it
completely, you can update the setting, or use the context menu of the
Activity Bar when in compact mode.
Press Ctrl+Shift+P, type menu, select View: Toggle Menu Bar and the menu bar should be back. If not add a comment
Here is a simple solution to bring back the activity bar.
Just click on the view tab on top of vs code > appearance > then check activity bar then from there it has to appear
All these answers were wrong for me. Press ALT.

Netbeans - How do I hide the vertical bar w/colors?

Haven't found an option in the IDE to hide it, are there any configuration files that would do it? I never use it, and in my effort to optimize screen space with multiple tab groups, this would save me some pixels. :-P
Here's the bar in question:
I believe you are referring to the Diff Sidebar. To remove this use the menu item located at View > Show Diff Sidebar. This menu item is a toggled menu item so when it is active there is a check beside it.