Netbeans - How do I hide the vertical bar w/colors? - netbeans

Haven't found an option in the IDE to hide it, are there any configuration files that would do it? I never use it, and in my effort to optimize screen space with multiple tab groups, this would save me some pixels. :-P
Here's the bar in question:

I believe you are referring to the Diff Sidebar. To remove this use the menu item located at View > Show Diff Sidebar. This menu item is a toggled menu item so when it is active there is a check beside it.


VS Code - toggle search icon in Activity Bar, move from panel or back

I accidentally removed search icon in Activity Bar and don't know how to add it there again. If I click on Activity Bar, I don't see this option any more.
Update: v1.44 you can now simply drag many of the views, including "Search" from the sidebar to the panel and back. See and
Update: v1.42 added a context menu option
Move to Panel/Move to Sidebar
to certain typically sidebar views like Search, Outline and custom views. So you wouldn't have to use a setting to move the Search view back to the sidebar. Here is a demo:
Also notice that you no longer right-click in the empty space below the search inputs in the sidebar but on/near the Search header itself to bring up the toggle option.
As part of the v1.42 release the search.location setting mentioned below will be deprecated.
Your setting should migrate automatically, but you will need to use
the new generalized method to move the Search view going forward. You
do not need to enable the experimental preview setting above in order
to move the Search view with the new context menu entry.
So I don't think there is a setting anymore, you just right-click on the header text "Search" whether it is in the Panel or active in the Sidebar to move it. See the demo below.
Right-click on the "Search" header if you have it in the sidebar to "Move to Panel".
If Search is in the panel, right-click on the word Search to "Move to Sidebar".
To enable moving the Output view at this point, you need to enable workbench.view.experimental.allowMovingToNewContainer.
There is a new unbound command which you can use to toggle the search position between the panel and sidebar. But note that in my testing it only works a couple of times because it focuses the panel when you move search to the sidebar - I'll file a bug.
Previous Answer::
You may have modified the setting:
"search.location": "sidebar",
which is the default to the alternative
"search.location": "panel",
which would put the search widget into the terminal panel as another tab.
As of vscode v1.35 or so, you can now right-click in the empty space below the search view (i.e., in the sidebar under the open search inputs) and you will get an option to Toggle Search View Position.
This context menu switch of the search view is persistent. It will automatically add this setting to your settings.json:
"search.location": "panel",
The only way at present (but see edit just below) to move the icon back to the activity bar (and thus the search across files functionality to the sidebar) is to change that setting to the sidebar option. Or look for this setting in the settings editor:
Search: Location
Controls whether the search will be shown as a view
in the sidebar or as a panel in the panel area for more horizontal
EDIT: More recently, vscode added the abilty to right-click in the search area when it is in the panel to toggle it back to the sidebar.
In windows
file--> preferences-->settings
In mac
preferences -> settings
vs-code version 1.30.2
Step 1: Click on Edit from Navbar
Step 2: Find in Files
You can easily search for anything in the side paanel
or else if you want anything to search inside files then
Step 1: Click "Ctrl+F"

Eclipse: Lower bar moved to right, how to undo?

I don't know if this is the right place for it. Using Eclipse 4.6.2 on OSX, in the Java view, I used to have a bar on the bottom with Problems, Tasks, Console, Properties, etc. tab options. This bar is now small icons on the right. It appears on the bottom when I click on the right bar, but it disappears as soon as I click on any editing tab outside of it. Clicking and dragging the bar to the bottom doesn't have any effect. It has a restore-window style icon that doesn't seem to do anything.
I'm also finding that when I select a .java file, like in Problems or Call Hierarchy, it shows up on the bottom, when it used to pop up above the bottom section.
I've always gotten really confused whenever I've tried to mess with the default views/perspectives in Eclipse. I probably made this happen by mistake. I want to revert to the original behavior, but I'm not sure how. Any advice?
On the top there should be a "window" menu bar. If you look in the window bar you should get a "reset perspective" option.

Eclipse Outline view is hiding code

I'm using the Kepler CDT release (4.3.1) of Eclipse. When I click on anything in the Outline view, the corresponding editor view is reduced to showing just that item. If I click on a variable, I get a single line with just that variable. The Edit->Expand Selection options are all dimmed out. Hitting Shift-Alt-Up Arrow just moves me up to the previous item in the outline view. If I change editor tabs and come back then the Expand Selection options enable and I can manually hit Shift-Alt-Up Arrow a number of times to make the entire file visible again but clicking on anything in the outline view again will just reduce the view. Is there some new setting in Kepler that will make outline stop doing this?
Turns out the feature for Show Source of Selected Element Only was turned on. In Kepler the toolbar button for this is not visible. Even searching under quick access doesn't turn it up so it's somewhat of a puzzle how it could have been turned on. I actually thought maybe it had been removed from Kepler.
In the Customize Perspective dialog under the Tool Bar Visibility tab. In the Tool Bar Structure section I opened the area for Editor Presentation. I noticed there was actually a check next to the box for Show Source of Selected Element Only. However, it wasn't visible in the toolbar (a bug I've seen before in Eclipse) so I unchecked it and checked it. Then I exited the dialog. Now the button showed up on the toolbar. I then toggled the feature on and then off. Now clicking in the outline view works correctly.just moves to the correct spot.

Hide Eclipse Menu Bar (auto-hide)

I'm trying to hide Eclipse menu bar to save some screen real estate. I found I can do this using perspectives but that would permanently take out the menu from that perspective. The behavior that I want to get is something along of auto-hide, so that the menu remains hidden until I hit ALT+F for example or any other ALT key combo.
Is there's a setting or a plugin that can do this?
This is just a work around. Create two perspectives.
First one named - With Menu.
Second one named - Without Menu.
In the "Without Menu" perspective remove all menu items and Save.
To create the effect of hiding and showing, switch between perspectives by using
Theres a fast view option- just right click the tab and select Fast View. It'll bring the entire window down to the eclipse taskbar. You can recover the window by just clicking on it's icon.
Have a look here Is there a Macro Recorder for Eclipse? You could set up the macro so respond to ALT+F possibly.

How can I enable vertical split views in the Xcode IDE?

I'm diving into iOS development and I'm using Xcode on a multi-monitor setup.
Obviously I want to take advantage of the multiple monitors to view and edit multiple panes of source code, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to enable vertical split views. In other IDEs, it's just an option you click in the "Window" menu.
How do I enable vertical split views in Xcode?
Xcode 4
Check out the options in the Navigate file menu item. I like Command+J. Also, while the Editor is active, i.e., you're editing code or your cursor is blinking in the Editor, press Command+Option+,. Or, you can Option-click (or Option+Shift-click) a file in the Navigator. Then, to make more room for editing, I like to press Command+0 to hide the Navigator and, if they're not already hidden, Command+Option+0 to hide the Utilities. Press Command+Enter to go back to the Standard Editor view.
Xcode 3
Hold down alt and click the little tiny box (with a horizontal line through it) in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. It's underneath the tiny little lock icon.
Xcode 9 for those coming from a search engine:
Click and hold on the Assistant Editor button for an options menu. Choosing "Assistant Editors on Right" will cause the view to be split vertically.
This has changed in Xcode 12, maybe earlier. All my Option-Clicks go to open second view appearing below rather than size by side. The solution is to go to Views -> Change Editor Orientation
respect to mattdipasquale
Command+J --------Check out the options in the Navigate file menu item
Command+Option+,------editing code or your cursor is blinking in the Editor
Option-click (or Option+Shift-click)------open a file in the Navigator
Use the dropdown on the split icon to choose between different views
For Xcode 14 you just have to click this icon: