What if the drools rule file is red but can run? Although it can run, the object that is red can't call properties in then? - drools

What if the drools rule file is red but can run? Although it can run, the object that is red can't call properties in 'then'?
enter image description here

Drools are text files. They have no colors.
Your IDE, whatever it is, appears to have a Drools plugin that affords validation. If you have valid Drools, and the plugin shows some sort of 'invalid' indication, you should file a bug with the IDE.
In terms of your actual rule, the IDE is correct because you have an invalid self-reference. You can't declare a variable and refer to that same variable in that selfsame declaration.
That is, this is wrong:
$eventA: Person(this != $eventB, $eventA.age > $eventB.age, this after[0s, 2s] $eventB) from entry-point "ATM"
You can't refer to $eventA here! It's not declared!
Correct syntax is this:
$eventA: Person(this != $eventB, age > $eventB.age, this after[0s, 2s] $eventB) from entry-point "ATM"


Where to find "Log Dyld API Usage" and "Log Library Loads" on XCode 11?

I want to disable the printing of Logging Dynamic loader events (dyld) in the XCode console. I found a solution here.
But I couldn't find Log Dyld API Usage and Log Library Loads options in product scheme diagnostics of XCode 11. Please help me find them.
PS: If there is a new process in Xcode11 for disabling logs, please let me know.
Answer: This step by step solution is suggested below in the answers. I am just attaching this picture for a better understanding.
Dynamic loader
Events environment variables
One would say that you can set environment variables like DYLD_PRINT_APIS=0, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=false, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=no, ... but it doesn't work in this way. Check the source code:
else if ( strcmp(key, "DYLD_PRINT_APIS") == 0 ) {
gLogAPIs = true;
In other words gLogAPIs is true when the variable exists. You can set it to whatever value, keep it empty, it will be always enabled if the variable exists.
Xcode scheme
UI for this setting is gone in the Xcode 11, but it can still be in the scheme file. Let's say that you have a simple project Foo. The scheme is located at Foo/Foo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Foo.xcscheme1). It's a XML file. Quit Xcode and open this file in any editor and search for the LaunchAction element.
There will be:
LaunchAction element attribute like enableAddressSanitizer = "YES"2) or
DYLD_... environment variable set.
Just remove this attribute/environment variable and you should be fine.
1) The exact path can vary, because it the scheme can be included in the workspace, project, ...
2) I don't have a previous version (10) of Xcode installed, can't check for the exact name, but it should be there and it will be obvious which one it is. This one, I used, is for the Address Sanitizer checkbox. If you find the exact name, let me know and I will update this answer or answer it yourself and I'll delete this one.
Instructions above helped OP to find exact XML element names. One has to remove:
LaunchAction/AdditionalOptions/AdditionalOption elements
where the key is either DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES and/or DYLD_PRINT_APIS

rule failed test while trying to upgrade pmd from 6.17.0 to 6.18.0

the rule is
"//Reference[matches(#literal, \"^\$[^!]+\") and ./preceding-sibling::Text and ./following-sibling::Text]"
for your convenient I will provide the project and you can mvn-test it.
the whole project is at https://github.com/XenoAmess/p3c/tree/1605f4d1b9c6a505074be5328953af26f578e190/p3c-pmd
the Rule class is com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.vm.rule.other.UseQuietReferenceNotationRule
I tried to look through your update log, and found nothing related.
Thanks for help.
That's a side-effect of fixing https://github.com/pmd/pmd/issues/1923. It has been fixed by using real/full name in the rule context (see https://github.com/pmd/pmd/pull/1982). In unit tests, the file name used is "n/a", which is now interpreted as the file "a" in directory "n". RuleContext::getSourceCodeFilename returns just the filename and not the full path. To retrieve the full path RuleContext::getSourceCodeFile can be used.
Your rule UseQuietReferenceNotationRule checks the filename (UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.java:65) which is now not "n/a" anymore in the unit tests but "a". You can "fix" the unit test by simply changing UT_FILE_NAME to "a" (see UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.java:45).
Alternatively you can change the rule to use ctx.getSourceCodeFile().toString() to recover the full pathname in UseQuietReferenceNotationRule.java:62. Although the file doesn't exist, it still points to "n/a".
An alternative for checking the path names in the rule itself might be File exclusion/inclusion patterns.
Also, contributions on https://github.com/pmd/pmd are welcome if you think the rules make sense for a wider audience.

Eclipse XML Validation - how to exclude certain files?

Since the reactions in the Eclipse WTP forum were not really helpful I try to maybe get an answer here:
In our test folders we have a couple of (purposely) faulty XML files.
EACH and EVERY time I do a full rebuild these are flagged as validation errors!
No matter what I specify in Preferences -> Validation -> XML Validation -> Settings under "Exclude Group: these files keep getting validated and hence flagged as build errors and this is mighty annoying!
What syntax is expected for a "Folder or Filename" rule?
Our faulty testfiles are named like "Filename-01.xml" to "Filename-30.xml" but strings like "Filename*.xml" or "Filename*" (with or without the case sensitive flag checked) obviously don't match. Whether specifying the full pathname or just the directory-local name or even trying with RegEx syntax (i.e. "Filename.*") didn't make any difference.
What is the secret sauce to get this "Exclude Group" working?
Or is this simply a bug that we have to live with (because I have little hope that this will ever get fixed...)?

SuiteCloud IDE Validator Ignore List

In the SuiteCloud Eclipse IDE for NetSuite, what is the Ignore List setting under Preferences > NetSuite > Validation? Is it a single file that behaves like, say, a .gitignore? Or is it an explicit list of files to ignore?
I suspect this setting is why Eclipse is always building libraries and other files I've explicitly told it not to in my NetSuite projects.
Can anyone provide some clarity on the usage of this field?
Attempt 1
I tried setting this preference to a single file with the following contents:
**/Third Party/**
But that does not seem to work as expected. Files that should be caught by these regexes are still validated. One of them in particular (docstrap.lib.js) crashes the entire IDE every single time when the SuiteScript validator encounters it.
Attempt 2
I tried to put a similar string of regexes directly into the field itself:
but this just yields an error directly in the dialog itself: Value must be an existing file
Attempt 3
Created a new SuiteScript project with only blanket.min.js in the project root. Added an ignore file with the following contents:
blanket.min.js still gets validated. Completely lost as to how this ignore file should be formatted.
The ignore list is used by the SuiteCloud IDE (IDE) to avoid having errors in the IDE for non-standard script ids in SuiteScript 1.0 APIs.
As an example...
Since customrecord_foo is a non-standard record, it will be marked as an error by the IDE.
To tell the IDE to ignore customrecord_foo, the ignore list can be used.
It's a text file, with one script id per line.
The specified non-standard script ids in the ignore list file will not be flagged as an error by the IDE.

How do I get Eclipse to ignore errors in WSDL file?

EDIT: To be clear, I want to get rid of the big red X on my project, not just filter the errors from the "Problems" list.
I get a bunch of these errors. How do I make Eclipse ignore them? I donøt have the option of fixing the actual problem :(
src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'ser:char'. It was detected that 'ser:char' is in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'file:///Users/itunesuser/git/online-service-wizard/suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice/multiservice.wsdl'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'ser:char' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'file:///Users/itunesuser/git/online-service-wizard/suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice/multiservice.wsdl'. multiservice.wsdl /Scrubbr-suppression-extension/src/main/resources/com/satorisoftware/ws/infuse/multiservice line 623 WSDL Problem
Go to window > preferences search for validations(it is not under any menu) > scroll down for wsdl and uncheck the wsdl in the list see the screenshot like below.
Go to Properties, find Validation, switch off WSDL validation entirely.
Not ideal, but better than nothing.