How to group up commonly accessed files in a Project, and then show them in a simple fast accessible folder? - eclipse

When you are working with a project, you often need to click many times in the Tree view & search for files in different locations, just to get the desire files opened.
Is there a way to let some commonly accessed files directly shown under the root of the Project (or group them up in a simple fast accessible folder)?
eg: like creating virtual Links to those files under the root of the Project. (or other solutions).
This is what I am doing right now:
the problem is::
manually creating the links in Windows are really time consuming. You can't just right click in Eclipse to create them.
when you open them, they will be opened with Default Editor -- which treats them as Text file not link file.
you can open it with System Editor, but that
requires you to set all these file to be opened by Eclipse.exe in your operating system.
maybe its fine for .java file, but for all other files (eg: .xml, .html) is probably not good.
you have to right click to open it everytime
the icons in the tree view becomes just a Text file icon.


Netbeans itacilized file name

Today I opened netbeans after a month of not using it, and when I opened it all my program tabs with file names were italicized. This makes it a class like println, but the classes I am working on are my own files, and now I can't edit it.
How can I make them read and write files again?
Italized file names mean that the files are read only. Are those files located on your computer or on a remote server? Did you have write access to project files? Do you have them as .java, .class, or .jar? To begin with right click on the tab, use select in projects and see what is selected.

Get Eclipse variable with the name of a file that is not in the project

I am trying to find a way to navigate to the folder containing the current opened file from Eclipse. I have read this tutorial which describes an External Tool that I have adapted as follows:
Location: /usr/bin/nemo (or file mananger of your choice)
Arguments: ${resource_path}
This works fine, as long as the editor contains a file that is in a project. However, if I have F3'd through an include and I am now in a system include file (for example), or I have opened some other non-project file, this method fails with the error Variable references empty selection: ${resource_path}.
I know Eclipse knows the filename, because it a) opened the file in the first place and 2) it's in the title bar. How can I get this into an External Tool?
Alternatively, is it possible to get Eclipse to use the current file's location as the default directory in the open dialog? It's annoying to have to navigate though a lot of hierarchy every time you open a resource in a new location.

Sublime Text: quickly access files outside the current project

To facilitate code reuse across projects, I set up this (quick and dirty) method to access recent projects.
In the current project, I add a link (z-themes) to a folder that contains links to recent projects. This enabled me to access those files without having to open the whole project (this worked in Espresso).
In Sublime Text, links are not followed and symlinks mess with the file search (files in the linked folders appear in the Go to file panel, so I might open the wrong file)
The question is: how do easily I access files in predefined folders outside the current project?
Plugins and alternative workflows are welcome.
Perhaps something like FuzzyFileNav? That plugin allows you to set up bookmarks to a particular folder. You can then navigate through folders as you would normally in the file system.
I found Goto Folder: it's very simplistic and doesn't allow for any file management like FuzzyFileNav does (which could be nice) but it allows for simple bookmarks and it behaves well.
Edit: I also found FileBinder
This is what I use now: I created a previous projects "project" just for the older files.
simple to add projects (drag their folder to the sidebar)
use Sublime's file search across all the files
old projects' files are separated from the current project
no plugins to update/figure out
Only thing is that I'll have to keep a separate window open just for this, but it's not a big deal.

Eclipse: Two Linked Resources pointing to same physical file are opening twice in Editor

I had to create multiple linked resources pointing to a single physical file in an Eclipse project. The problem is, whenever I try to open these two files, the editor opens each file in a separate tab, it won't direct me to the already opened file.
This is different from how VisualStudio works. VisualStudio has an option to add an existing file to a project. A single file can be used in multiple projects. Whenever we open both files, VS will direct us to the already opened file, it won't open the file in a new tab.
It's possible that developers open/edit multiple files at the same time and not notice that the same physical file was opened more than once. This behavior can potentially cause a lot of problems, for example, if File 1 is modified but not saved, and later File 2 is modified then saved, all modifications previously done in File 1 will be lost.
Is there any preference to turn-off/on this behavior? If not, can I implement this hook as a plugin?

Where do I specify the text of a Pocket PC app's shortcut?

I'm unfamiliar with Pocket PC development, but I have to make a few minor changes to an VS2005, Pocket PC 2003 Device application. One of the changes (which I thought would be trivial) is changing the text of app's shortcut, but I can't figure out where this text is set. The solution includes a setup project, so I'm looking for it in there, but I can't find it. I know it's got to be in there somewhere because building the setup project generates an AppSetup.inf file that contains the shortcut information.
This can't be that difficult. Surly I'm suffering from what my wife refers to as "male vision" when I can't find the bottle of mustard in the refrigerator that's right in front of my face. Where do I specify this text?
It depends on exactly how the shortcut is generated. There are generally 3 mechanisms that are used.
Via the CEShortcuts section of the INF. For this, it's the text before the first comma
Via copying an LNK file via the CopyFiles section of the INF. With this mechanism, you create a physical LNK file on the desktop that gets rolled into the CAB and it's copied like any other file. The name on the device is again the first string before the comma.
Via a programmatic call (usually to SHCreateShortcut) in a custom CE Setup DLL.
You'll have to figure out which is being used in your deployment scenario to know exactly what needs to be changed.
Thinking more about this, are you trying to simply find where in the Studio UI of the installer project to change the shortcut? If so, this MSDN article may help. What is very non-intuitive is that there are little icons at the top of the Solution Explorer that change the view of the installer, allowing you to see things like files, registry entries, etc. It may be that you simply aren't looking at the right view and you need to select a different icon. There are no menu items that do what these icons do, and they are hard to notice the first time you start using an installer project.
Well, as I suspected, it was right in front of my face. We'll call this project PDAProject. In the solution explorer, under the PDAProjectSetup project is an item labeled Primary output from PDAProject (Active). If I double-click on this item two panes appear in the code editor window. The one on the far left shows a folder tree labeled File System on Target Machine. Under this are three folders labeled Application Folder, Program Files Folder, and Programs Folder. When I click on the Programs Folder, the application shortcut appears in the pane on the right and I can modify its text.
I don't know why I was never compelled to double click on that Primary output from PDAProject (Active) project item even though that's how you open any class or form for editing. I kept right-clicking and opening the Properties. Maybe it's time to give up programming and take up basket weaving.