Deploying new version of google script webapp requires a new link - deployment

I am trying to deploy a google script webapp. I have to use a new link for every new version even though i tried the following process.
Deploy the version -- call it version A link.
Make it the new version by clicking on the pencil icon at the top right to edit this deployment. Click on the "Version" dropbox and "New version". Then "Deploy". It gives me the same link - version A link.
I make a change and deploy it - I get a new link for this version - call it version B link.
I make version b the new version by Make it the new version by clicking on the pencil icon at the top right to edit this deployment. Click on the "Version" dropbox and "New version". Then "Deploy". It gives me the same link - version B link.
I click on the version A link and it is still giving me the original version A and does not include the changes i made.
I tried to use the link that is obtained when I click on test deployment and it seems to give the latest version. However, it requires someone else to be signed in on google for it to work. I need it to work without signing in b/c some people that will use this do not have google accounts.
What am i missing?


My Google action is deployed but still it shows test version when using it in google assistant

My google action is deployed and is usable. But when I am using, it shows test version.
And also, reviews of users are also not saved.
You can switch which version you're using for your account by going to the simulator and selecting the "Change version" control and selecting one of the non-test versions.

Can't link ionic app to ionic pro account

I have a monolith jhispter app and an ionic-jhipster app both working fine together (Thanks to Matt Raible and JHipster team). And I'm not sure if my problem has anything to do with JHipster.
Since I'm working on windows, I thought maybe I'd be better to use Ionic Pro cloud services to build my app for ios and Android. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Here is the process I went through:
1-I added my Ionic app on GitHub. So, I'm using GitHub as my Source Control
2-I used "ionic ssh setup" command to create SSH public/private keys and I believe it took care of generating the keys and putting them in the right place I guess I didn't have to generate the SSH keys since it could work just by my user name and password too. Is that right?
3-I went to my app's folder and used "ionic link" to link my existing app to my Ionic Pro dashboard
4-In answer to existing app or new app (which was not clear to me what it's asking for), I chose new app since GaëlMarziou helped me in the comments section to understand there should be an app already created in my Ionic Pro so I can link my local app to it. It took me a while so I understood this prompt is asking about the dashboard app not my local app. I chose "new" since it was the first time I was using my Ionic Pro account and I had no app on it.
5-Then it asked about the source control and I chose GitHub and provided the credentials
6-Then it showed me a list of my repositories on GitHub so I can choose one. But before I do anything it just jumped out with no error/success messages. And I considered it done since I had the same names for my app and GitHub repository and I thought maybe it was smart enough to find the correct repository.
Now, I can see an app in my Ionic Pro dashboard but the build and commit history is empty and it looks like the app is not linked yet.
I tried "git push origin master" to build my app when I was in my Ionic app folder. I assume "origin" would work for any git repository, am I right? It tells me everything is up-to-date and nothing happens in my Ionic Pro dashboard.

In Unity Hub, where do I find the Installs tab?

I've installed Unity3D, and am trying to get it set up. I'm using what I think is the official documentation, which refers to the Installs tab (I'm reading this page:
My Hub doesn't have an Installs tab - I have "Projects" and "Learn", but not "Installs". Do I need to do something to make it appear?

prevent auto-update of Chrome App

One of the information at states that “5. After you publish your app, whenever you want to change your app's listing or .crx file, use the dashboard to update them. To push an updated .crx file for your app, just increment the version number in the manifest, upload a new ZIP file to the dashboard, and publish the change. People who have already installed your app will automatically get the update.”
As per that, whenever, for a given app, an updated CRX file (i.e., new version of app) is uploaded in the webstore, the client devices where the older version of app was previously installed would get updated (with the new version of app) automatically.
However, I’ve requirement, where the new version of the app shouldn’t get updated automatically - even if the new version of the app is uploaded in the 'webstore'.
Is there a way to accomplish that?

Google App Engine: This application does not exist

I try to upload sample app to Google App Engine with existing progect ID.
Here is GAE screenshot
gae screenshot
I'm using the same ID in the progect.
But when I try to upload it with plugin from Eclipse then I recive an error:
eclipse error
The whole error from a console:
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\appcfg2693799039714166602.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update. Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (project_id=u'app1-152711'). To create an App Engine application in this project, run "gcloud beta app create" in your console.
Debugging information may be found in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\appengine-deploy7186088524405894873.log
Why I can not upload it?
This is actually the new intended behavior. App Engine will not be enabled for new projects until you go through the app creation flow in the Cloud Console under 'App Engine' to enable the App Engine service, or alternatively run gcloud beta app create from the console.
I just encountered this myself. The project has to be created in the Cloud Console AND you need to go through the project setup in AppEngine. Something must be broken in the API that creates the AppEngine part of the process while uploading. So doing it through the web interface creates the project for you... and then uploading will essentially fill it in.
It never used to be this way, so maybe something changed.
I have the same problem. This is what I did to solve it.
Log in to your google cloud account.
Select your project from the blue header bar.
Click the menu button(the 3 bars) on the top left of blue header bar.
Select IAM - you should permission for App Engine Service account. If not, you have to set it up.
To do that:
Click the menu button (the 3 bars) again
Click the App Engine
If you have not set it up, you will be prompt to do a tutorial.
Cancel the tutorial.
Go back to IAM.
Now you should see that the App Engine Service account added to the permission
Go ahead to upload. Should work now.
Make sure you are logged in with the correct Gmail account. At the bottom right corner of Eclipse you will see which account you have authorized, or you will see "Sign in to Google" - click on it to authorize Eclipse.