IOS15 has the function of live Text, you can long press to identify local text and copy, if you want to develop an app with this function, how to develop it
Chrome has a feature to capture a screenshot of a DOM element, this feature is called Capture Node Screenshot:
And unlike the browser's Print function, it produces a WYSIWYG png image. How can I trigger this function from an Electron app?
I know for sure that my Electron app is capable to taking such screenshots since I can manually do so, but I need to do the same programmatically.
Flutter masters!
I am designing an app that has sensitive information in it. I want to prevent a screen overlay attack - i.e. another app that mimics my app and instead of in my TextField to enter text into the bad app's TextField.
Is there a way to detect that another app is running on top of my app?
Also - how can I forbid taking screenshots and recording screen video when using the app?
I'm just trying to develop first-screen contents application which acts like...
If you unlock your smartphone, this application show up and show its contents like today's whether, a sentence of bible, etc.. before smartphone's own contents. And then if you touch the screen one more time, you can use your smartphone.
So it seems like.. a splash screen of smartphone, instead an application.
Because I'm not good at English, I don't know how to call this technique by English.
So what I want to know is anything. The name of this technique.. helpful flutter widget.. or any reference about this written by flutter.
Thank you.
For Android:
You can't listen to phone unlock event after Android 8.0, see
For iOS:
I'm not very familiar with iOS restrictions, but as far as I know, apps on iOS has no way to know the phone is unlocked. Also, ios apps can't open without user tapping on it.
Im my app, I have this code at a given time:
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "calshow://")!)
which takes you to the calendar of the device. How could I get back to the scene where that line is executed?
Thank you.
Pressing home (option+shift+h, since the frame is not shown in my iOS Simulator) takes you to home, not the app, as it should be.
A quote from this:
Unlike other platforms such as Android, iPhone does not create a stack of actions (back stacking on Android). What this means is that if you do decide to launch another application, your application will not resume when the user exits from the application you opened.
If user want to get back to your app, they should press home (option+shift+H) twice, and select the your application from the list.
iOS9 introduced a new "Back-To-App" button at top-left corner, which allow you get back to your application. You should see this button after the calendar is showed from your app.
I'm making an app using unity and vuforia extension. When app will recognize an image it should show a button above it and, when the user presses it, I want to display a photo gallery. Is there a way to make this button trigger showing another UIView? Or show another app?
Yes, you can definitely do this. There are resources out there that will teach you how to create a plugin where you can launch an external UIView. For example:
Also, you can open another app using Apple's URL scheme, described here: