Going back from Calendar to my app - swift

Im my app, I have this code at a given time:
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "calshow://")!)
which takes you to the calendar of the device. How could I get back to the scene where that line is executed?
Thank you.
Pressing home (option+shift+h, since the frame is not shown in my iOS Simulator) takes you to home, not the app, as it should be.

A quote from this:
Unlike other platforms such as Android, iPhone does not create a stack of actions (back stacking on Android). What this means is that if you do decide to launch another application, your application will not resume when the user exits from the application you opened.
If user want to get back to your app, they should press home (option+shift+H) twice, and select the your application from the list.
iOS9 introduced a new "Back-To-App" button at top-left corner, which allow you get back to your application. You should see this button after the calendar is showed from your app.


WatchOS 8 pressing one of the side buttons dismisses modal sheet

The behavior of the crown button on the Apple Watch has always been to close your app and take you to your Home Screen / watch face. Now when I build my watch app with Xcode 13 and WatchOS 8 when I press one of the side buttons it dismisses whatever modal sheet I have in my app.
This is a terrible user experience as my app is a workout app and I want my users to quickly get to other apps such as music while they are working out without closing everything out.
Apple's workout app presents a modal to add a workout but when I hit the side button in their app it takes me to the Home Screen. I have tried to watch all the latest videos and read the documentation but I don't see anywhere that I can disable this new functionality of the side buttons. Anyone know how I can change the physical side button behavior for my app? Thank you for your help!
It is a new feature. Add .interactiveDismissDisabled() to the content on the sheet or fullScreenCover.
This is working as intended, it got changed in WatchOS 8.
Your best bet would be to submit it to Apple feature assistant.

is there any way or package in flutter let me display specific app screen in my device home

say my app is running in foreground and I press my device home button and my app go to the background and there is services running in my app that listening to specific event to occur in order to start new screen ... my question is how can I let that new screen to be displayed in my device home just like coming call screen although my app is running in background ....
I want the screen to lunch like taxi booking app for driver when new request is coming so how to do that by flutter
I'm pretty sure you can't do that in Flutter, anyway not in any cross-platform way as Apple does not allow that.
Your best bet would be to send a notification that the user presses and which in turn will open the app.
If that something you would consider ?

Can I hide Flutter app contents when the app is in Background?

I'm developing an app that works with sensitive information.
One of the requirements is that when a user puts the app in background the content that the app is currently displaying has to be hidden, so if another person navigate through the apps in background he can't see the last screen where the user was.
Any ideas on how to do that?
I tried to show an overlay when the app moves to AppLifecycleState.paused, but it doesn't work for me, the app prints a message if I want but it can't update the UI.
Shameless plug: i did a library for doing just that as I also needed it:
Build is not called after paused, at least on Android.
For Android I used a flutter_windowmanager package (modified to still be able to build on IOS):
When my app need securing I add the flag secure:
And my app is now a black screen in the app switcher.
You should still hide content your way for when the user get back to the app.
Otherwise you can go native:

IPhone app shows previous state when opening

I have very weird problem. My app works cool on simulator but when installed on iphone it shows strange behavior
Suppose i was at settings page then I closed the app using home button. And then I start the app again after quite a while and I will always first get the settings page for one second and then the main loading screen. This happens for every other page even its not the settings ViewController
What is wrong?
Best Regards
Standard behavior, UI restoration. Your iOS apps picks up execution right where you left.
This means: if the app is pushed to background, a screenshot is taken. Coming back to the app, this screenshot will be shown and meanwhile your UI gets prepared.
If you have code in your app in applicationDidBecomeActive: or applicationWillEnterForeground: (see here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIApplicationDelegate_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html) and that will immediately reconfigure the UI, you get the behavior described.
You can turn OFF UI restoration and have your app really quit instead of pushing it to background by changing a key in the info.plist: UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend

iphone ios application home button press/applicationDidEnterBackground crash

hallo, i am newbie in developing iphne/ios application and i have
encountered some problem
generrraly my app (which is iphone camera image processing app) has no
visible errors at today stage except the one
when i press the home button to send my app off screen (putting to the
background), and then press the app icon to 'wake it up' again
it crashes
what would it be...? what the reason of it would be?
what is done to my app (seen from the view of programmer
- i mean internal game state) by this home buton operation?
- what i should take care of before "applicationDidEnterBackground"
thanx for answer
Is this happening when you are running it from Xcode? Xcode does not like it if you hit the home button and start it again from within the device/simulator. Is it crashing if you launch it from the device (or simulator) without Xcode running? If not, then there probably isn't a problem.