How to remove checkboxes from parent rows in Lightning:treeGrid in Aura component and keep them on children rows only - salesforce-lightning

How can I remove the checkboxes on the first column of the TreeGrid for the parent rows and only keep the checkboxes for the children rows?
I've read countless articles and the only thing I found so far is setting hide-checkbox-column the attribute to true in the lightning-tree-grid component, but this removes all the checkboxes.
Any help is much appreciated!


Join filter panels as one

Need to add Filter panels as a vizualation and combine it as one
Just drag and drop fields together. Remember that auto suggester can set chart in such a scenario just change to Table. In table you can make selections of all fields together,

AG-Grid: Add and remove columns in column groups while maintaining the state of other columns

I have a table built with AG Grid which needs to display different columns depending on the type of data we give it. This is proving slightly difficult, as I can't find a proper interface in AG Grid which allows you setup new columns in existing column groups, and without blowing up user-driven changes (hidden columns, resizing, pinning, etc).
The biggest issue is that I can't figure out how to access column group definitions.
This function from aggrid does not directly provide column groups, just the child columns. Looping through the columns via this function, they have a parent property, but that does not include the coldef for the column group, which means there isn't even really a way to reconstruct the coldef based on the data you get from it (also, the parent property is private in typescript).
Here is a rough plunker, modified from one of the ag grid documentation examples which illustrates it
I did try having all the columns present in the table at all times, and hiding them programmatically based on the incoming data, however that creates several issues with the default column show/hide functionality (you can manually show the invalid columns). Using the initial coldefs won't work too well either, since that will discard any modifications the user has made to the columns.
Is there anyone out there who can point me in the right direction?

sap.m.Table removeColumn does not delete the corresponding items

If I remove one Column using a sap.m.Table from a standard view the corresponding items are still available. The problem here is that the ordering is wrong after I delete a column here.
Lets say I want to delete the "Historie"-Column, the corresponding items are still available. How can I delete one column with the items of one column here?
The problem here looks like that:
As you can see in the picture below I have deleted some columns and also the "Historie"-Column. The corresponding items are still available.
How to solve this and delete the matching items here using sap.m.Table?
I tried to remove the Columns by removeColumn(oCol) from the API: sap.m.Table
I think this is a bug with sap.m.Table.
For your problem, you can use the visible property of column to hide the column from view. Though it will not remove the column from the table.
var oTable = this.byId('idTable');
var oDeleteColumn = oTable.getColumns()[0]; //fetch the column you want to hide
removeColumn() removes the column only from the table's <column> aggregation, but not from the data.
If it is an option for you, than use Table Personalization:
Table personalization can be used to modify the display and settings
of a table.
It is a UI pattern that is used to change one or more of the following
Visibility of columns
Order of columns

What ExtJS 4.2 standard function gets executed for grid selection when using Ext.selection.RowModel (default) selModel?

There is a bug with the way the Ext.grid.Panel rowexpander plugin works when a nested grid is set to renderTo to the rowexpander div id.
When this is implemented, it's difficult to see what is actually being selected. The reason for this is because the config "disableSelection" and "trackMouseOver" are to be both considered for highlighting. I have to set "trackMouseOver: false" so that hovering over grid rows doesn't interfere with reproducing this behavior. Then "disableSelection: false" must be set so that this selection issue does actually occur.
The issue is that when you select index 1 of the nested grid of parent grid index 0 row, index 1 row of parent grid is selected as well. If you select index 2 of the nested grid of parent grid index 0 row, index 2 of parent grid is selected as well.
When 935424 is selected, 815138 is selected since they are both index 0.
When 1056257 is selected, 1013525 is selected since they are both index 1.
When 1200191 is selected, 1261631 is selected since they are both index 2.
I'm suspecting that the selection model instance might be getting shared with the grid and nested grids since I'm using the same definition. They are of course different instances of the same definition, but I'm not sure how the framework handles additional grids using Ext.create?
I'd like to ask how to fix it or get me close, I'll be up-voting you (often). But if you can at least give me a clue as to where this selection function is being called in the framework, that will get me on the right track and can debug and discover a fix for it. I've read that events can bubble, and maybe that's what's happening here. It seems to have a handle on the row as well, because when I double click the nested grid row, it not only tries to expand that row, but also the row from the parent grid row (that matches the row index).
After any recursive nested grid is created, I had to call this line so the click and dblclick (and others) events don't bubble/propagate to the parent grid.
grid[cnt].getEl().swallowEvent(['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'click', 'dblclick', 'onRowFocus']);
How did you load the selection model ?
selModel: 'rowselection',
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.RowModel'),
If you use the first syntax, you should get an independent selection model for each grid. If you use the second syntax, you get only one selection model that is shared among all grid instances.

A treeview INSIDE OF a treeview? or how to show a list inside of a treeview

I have a treeview that lists the properties of an object. One of those properties is a list of Tags (strings) that can be a list of zero to whatever number of items. So you could tag a song with "Jazz" and "Favourite" and "Chillout" or whatever. At the moment I have these implemented as just a single string with commas separating each tag but I'd like a more intuitive user interface. All of the other properties are shown in a 2 column treeview where the first column is the property name and the second column is the property value.
It thought one way to do this would be to place another treeview inside the second column in the tags row where users can click a row to edit/delete it or there's be a "Add new tag..." row that lets them add new tags.
How could I possibly do this? Alternatively, any different GUI suggestions?
You cannot put widgets (GtkWidget) inside a column of a treeview. But you can pack several cells (GtkCellRendenderer) into a single column. A cell renderer is kind of like a lightweight widget. It can of course be subclassed so you can write your own if nothing else fits your needs.