setting os.environ in selenium4 - selenium4

I am a beginner in programming, and in selenium as well. Therefore, I am seeking for your help in fixing the code to set os.environ in selenium4 as below.
service = ChromeService(executable_path="D:\\port\\driver\\chromedriver")
os.environ[""] = service
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

You will not need to use an environment variable for this.
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
browser = webdriver.Chrome(service=s)
however if you need to set ot read environment variables using python below is an example
import os
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
# Setting an environment variable
os.environ["CHROME_DRIVER_PATH"] = "D:\\port\\driver\\chromedriver"
# Reading an environment variable
browser = webdriver.Chrome(service=s)


VS code showing Error: Session cannot generate requests after every use of catboost with gpu

I have been trying to use my Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 GPU for training catboost regressor.
It worked well but after finish training, it kills the kernel and needs to restart the vs code
Here is the code:-
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
from catboost import CatBoostRegressor
cat = CatBoostRegressor(iterations=2000,learning_rate=0.061582,task_type='GPU')'loss',axis = 1),df.loss)
This run fine but every time I try to run the next cell it shows this error:
Error: Session cannot generate requests
Error: Session cannot generate requests
at w.executeCodeCell (c:\Users\singh\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.8.1236758218\out\client\extension.js:90:327199)
at w.execute (c:\Users\singh\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.8.1236758218\out\client\extension.js:90:326520)
at w.start (c:\Users\singh\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.8.1236758218\out\client\extension.js:90:322336)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
at async t.CellExecutionQueue.executeQueuedCells (c:\Users\singh\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.8.1236758218\out\client\extension.js:90:336863)
at async t.CellExecutionQueue.start (c:\Users\singh\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.8.1236758218\out\client\extension.js:90:336403)
I have updated all my packages using pip-review, updated jupyter extension, and xgboost with tree_method = 'gpu_hist' is working fine.
Operating System - Windows
Cuda version - 11.2
Nvidia Driver - 462
I had the same issue, I restarted the kernel and VS code and it seems to have fixed the issue.
In my experience, in only means that somewhere in my code there is an 'infinite loop'. The way I solved this was to restart VS Code and checked my code for said "infinite loop" before I rerun it again. I hope this helped...

How to use flask babel gettext in celery?

I have a flask-celery setup with flask babel translating my texts. I can't translate in celery tasks. I believe this is because it doesn't know the current language (I'm not it could even if it did) and this is because celery doesn't have access to the request context (from what i understood)...
What would be the solution to be able to translate?
You rightly pointed out that issue that is celery doesn't have access to request context, which means flask_babelex.get_locale returns None. You can use force_locale context manager available in Flask-Babel which provides dummy request context.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from flask import current_app
from babel import Locale
def force_locale(locale=None):
if not locale:
env = {
'wsgi.url_scheme': PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME,
with current_app.request_context(env) as ctx:
ctx.babel_locale = Locale.parse(locale)
Sample Celery Task
def some_task(user_id):
user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
with force_locale(user.locale):

how to detect if your code is running under pyspark

For staging and production, my code will be running on PySpark. However, in my local development environment, I will not be running my code on PySpark.
This presents a problem from the standpoint of logging. Because one uses the Java library Log4J via Py4J when using PySpark, one will not be using Log4J for the local development.
Thankfully, the API for Log4J and the core Python logging module are the same: once you get a logger object, with either module you simply debug() or info() etc.
Thus, I wish to detect whether or not my code is being imported/run in PySpark or a non-PySpark environment: similar to:
class App:
def our_logger(self):
if self.running_under_spark():
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
log4jLogger =
log = log4jLogger.LogManager.getLogger(__name__)
log.warn("Hello World!")
return log
from loguru import logger
return logger
How might I implement running_under_spark()
Simply trying to import pyspark and seeing if it works is not a fail-proof way of doing this because I have pyspark in my dev environment to kill warnings about non-imported modules in the code from my IDE.
Maybe you can set some environment variable in your spark environment that you check for at runtime ( in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
export SPARKY=spark
Then you check if SPARKY exists to determine if you're in your spark environment.
from os import environ
class App:
def our_logger(self):
if environ.get('SPARKY') is not None:
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
log4jLogger =
log = log4jLogger.LogManager.getLogger(__name__)
log.warn("Hello World!")
return log
from loguru import logger
return logger

MongoEngine connects to incorrect database during testing

I'm creating Flask app connected to mongodb using MongoEngine via flask-mongoengine extension. I create my app using application factory pattern as specified in configuration instructions.
While running test(s), I specified testing database named datazilla_test which is passed to mongo instance via mongo.init_app(app). Even though my app.config['MONGODB_DB'] and['MONGODB_DB'] instance has correct value (datazilla_test), this value is not reflected in mongo instance. Thus, when I run assertion assert mongo.get_db().name ==['MONGODB_DB'] this error is triggered AssertionError: assert 'datazzilla' == 'datazzilla_test'
What am I doing wrong? Why database connection persist with default database datazzilla rather, than datazilla_test? How to fix it?
Source Code
from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine
mongo = MongoEngine()
def create_app(config=None):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MONGODB_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MONGODB_PORT'] = '27017'
app.config['MONGODB_DB'] = 'datazzilla'
# override default config
if config is not None:
return app
import pytest
from app import mongo
from app import create_app
def app():
app = create_app({
'MONGODB_DB': 'datazzilla_test',
assert mongo.get_db().name ==['MONGODB_DB']
# AssertionError: assert 'datazzilla' == 'datazzilla_test'
return app
Mongoengine is already connected when your fixture is called, when you call app = create_app from your fixture, it tries to re-establish the connection but fails silently (as it sees that there is an existing default connection established).
This got reworked in the development version of mongoengine (see but wasn't released yet (As of 04-JUN-2019). When that version gets out, you'll be able to disconnect any existing mongoengine connection by calling disconnect_all
In the meantime, you can either:
- check where the existing connection is created and prevent it
- try to disconnect the existing connection by using the following:
from mongoengine.connection import disconnect, _connection_settings
def app():
del _connection_settings['default']
app = create_app(...)
But it may have other side effects
Coincidentally, I figure-out fix for this problem. #bagerard answer is correct! It works for MongoClient where client's connect is set to True -this is/should be default value.
MongoClient(host=['mongo:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=False, read_preference=Primary())
If that is the case, then you have to disconnect database and delete connection settings as #bagerard explains.
However, if you change MongoClient connection to False, then you don't have to disconnect database and delete connection settings. At the end solution that worked for me was this solution.
def create_app(config=None):
app.config['MONGODB_CONNECT'] = False
As I wrote earlier. I found this solution coincidentally, I was trying to solve this problem MongoClient opened before fork. Create MongoClient only after forking. It turned out that it fixes both problems :)
P.S If there are any side effects I'm not aware of them at this point! If you find some then please share them in comments section.

Environment-based host in Ember CLI app

I'm trying to configure the adapter in my Ember CLI app to use a different host based on the environment. In dev, I want it to be the default current host (letting me customize it via the --proxy option, but in production I know it will be http://some.url.
I tried importing my ENV into my application adapter:
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
import ENV from "../../config/environment";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
but I'm getting an error that tmp/tree_merger../config/environment.js doesn't exist.
You are pretty close. You should only going up one step in the directory tree (when you are in a route, controller, etc you need to go up two).
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
import ENV from "../config/environment";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
The documentation is here.
Note you probably shouldn't be defining your own variables directly on ENV. Use ENV.APP in config/environment.js
var ENV = {
APP: {
// Here you can pass flags/options to your application instance
// when it is created
host: 'some_host'
And access it the same way
import ENV from '../config/environment';
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
This seems to work
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
though I'm not sure if it's the best method.