Environment-based host in Ember CLI app - ember-cli

I'm trying to configure the adapter in my Ember CLI app to use a different host based on the environment. In dev, I want it to be the default current host (letting me customize it via the --proxy option, but in production I know it will be http://some.url.
I tried importing my ENV into my application adapter:
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
import ENV from "../../config/environment";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
host: ENV.host
but I'm getting an error that tmp/tree_merger../config/environment.js doesn't exist.

You are pretty close. You should only going up one step in the directory tree (when you are in a route, controller, etc you need to go up two).
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
import ENV from "../config/environment";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
host: ENV.host
The documentation is here.
Note you probably shouldn't be defining your own variables directly on ENV. Use ENV.APP in config/environment.js
var ENV = {
APP: {
// Here you can pass flags/options to your application instance
// when it is created
host: 'some_host'
And access it the same way
import ENV from '../config/environment';
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
host: ENV.APP.host

This seems to work
// adapters/application.js
import DS from "ember-data";
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
host: window.MyAppENV.host
though I'm not sure if it's the best method.


Creating grafana dashboards using terraform/cdktf

I can create influxdb datasources and alerts using cdktf for grafana.
The only thing missing are the actual dashboards.
So far I have been using grafonnet, which appears to be deprecated.
Is it possible to create dashboards and panels using cdktf yet, if so, how?
You can use the grafana_dashboard resource from the grafana provider. For this you have to add the provider if you haven't already, e.g. by running cdktf provider add grafana.
Your code could look like this
import { Dashboard } from "./.gen/providers/grafana/lib/dashboard";
import { TerraformAsset } from "cdktf";
import * as path from "path";
// in your stack
new Dashboard(this, "metrics", {
config: Fn.file(
// Copies the file so that it can be used in the context of the
// Stack deployment
new TerraformAsset(this, "metrics-file", {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "config.json")

How to change what port SolidJS server runs on in your local enviornment

After initally setting up Solid and starting it with npm start it runs on http://localhost:3000/.
How do you change what port it runs on?
vite is the package that is used to run the local server environment.
You can change it's settings in a file called vite.config.ts.
By default the setting isn't in there, but you can set it like so:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import solidPlugin from 'vite-plugin-solid';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [solidPlugin()],
server: { port: 3001 }, // <-- add this line
build: {
target: 'esnext',
polyfillDynamicImport: false,
Documentation about this and other settings can be found in the vite documentation

How can I know the base url used in a running test in protractor?

I'm trying to do navigation test in protractor and don't see any consitency with the baseUrl in the config and the url used in the test.
exports.config = {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/'
import { NavbarPage } from './navbar.po';
import * as protractor from './../protractor.conf.js';
describe('navbar', () => {
let navbar: NavbarPage;
const baseUrl = protractor.config.baseUrl;
beforeEach(() => {
navbar = new NavbarPage();
it(`should see showcase nav item, be able to (click) it,
and expect to be navigated to showcase page`, () => {
const anchorShowcase = navbar.anchorShowcase;
expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(baseUrl + '/showcase');
Although when I run the e2e test it uses a different port:
** NG Live Development Server is listening on localhost:49154, open your browser on http://localhost:49154/ **
Why is the test url set to port 49154. This apparently seems to be the default if you start a new angular-cli project: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli
How can I get control over the baseUrl / Or is http://localhost:49154/ safe to use for all my angular cli projects?
By default when you do ng e2e the command take --serve value as true. It means it will build and serve at that in a particular URL. Not the baseUrl you passed in protractor.conf.js
that is why, you are getting a random URL served when testing you app like http://localhost:49154/
Now as you don't want build during test and want to test existing build (URL) like http://localhost:4200/ you need to pass --no-serve in your command line and it will pick baseUrl from the protractor.conf.js
you can also pass baseUrl in the command line like below. note that this not baseUrl but --base-href=
ng e2e --no-serve --base-href=https://someurl.com:8080
When running Angular CLI's ng e2e command, it states in the wiki that the default port will be random, as seen here:
Under the serve submenu.
The e2e command can take in all the same arguments as serve so to keep the port the same just pass in --port my-port-number to the ng e2e command.
As far as that port being safe to use, I wouldn't use it, it is just a random port after all. I would stick to the default unless you have a use-case for changing it. The port is mainly relevant for the dev server, not so much for where ever the production code runs.
Aniruddha Das's solution doesn't work anymore as this option isn't there from Angular CLI 6.x version, you can try following -
ng e2e --dev-server-target=
please see following reference

Configuring Spring Cloud Vault Config to pull from a location other than /secret

I am currently integrating Spring Cloud Vault Config into a Spring Boot application. From the home page:
Spring Cloud Vault Config reads config properties from Vaults using the application name and active profiles:
I would like to instead provide my own location from which to pull properties from Vault which does not start with /secret (e.g. /deployments/prod). I've been looking through the reference documentation but I haven't found anyway to specify this -- is it possible?
I was able to use the Generic Backend properties to massage the paths into what I was looking for. Something like:
enabled: true
backend: deployments
profile-separator: '/'
default-context: prod
application-name: my-app
This will also unfortunately pickup Vault locations like deployments/my-app and deployments/prod/activeProfile so be careful not to have any properties in these locations that you don't want to be picked up.
It looks like there is a desire (and an implementation) to allow for these paths to be specified more programmatically.
It should be done this way.
Have a Configuration class
public class VaultConfiguration {
public VaultConfigurer configurer() {
return new VaultConfigurer() {
public void addSecretBackends(SecretBackendConfigurer configurer) {
This way you can scan your secrets placed in custom path
I solved the same problem in my Kotlin project. But it works in Java too.
I wanted to specify vault paths in yaml config, so i ended up with the following solution, that allows you to specify paths directly in bootstrap.yml using clear syntax, as:
paths: "secret/your-app"
Create VaultConfig class in your project, with the following content:
package com.your.app.configuration
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnProperty
import org.springframework.cloud.vault.config.VaultConfigurer
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
prefix = "spring.cloud.vault", value = ["paths"],
matchIfMissing = false
class VaultConfig {
private lateinit var paths: List<String>
fun configurer(): VaultConfigurer {
return VaultConfigurer { configurer ->
paths.forEach {
Create spring.factories file in src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories with a content:
Don't forget to specify valid reference to your config instead of
spring.factories allows your VaultConfig
happen in the bootstrap context, as documentation says.
Now you can specify desired paths in your bootstrap.yml, as follows:
- "secret/application"
- "secret/your-app"
And it should work.

How to set up an external server root for ember-cli server

I am phasing ember into a project that has its content linking from the server root (as it is in prod).
E.g I have a html files with links like this:
<img src="/content/foo.svg">
How can I set up ember cli so that when I run ember server these URL's will work, without having to move the ember-cli project to the directory in my file system containing /content. I could get round this by moving content into the ember folder but don't want to do this at present..
my folder structure:
/etc etc..
but when I run it I get this error:
[Report Only] Refused to connect to 'ws://' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' ws://localhost:35729 ws://".
livereload.js?ext=Chrome&extver=2.0.9:193__connector.Connector.Connector.connect livereload.js?ext=Chrome&extver=2.0.9:193Connector livereload.js?ext=Chrome&extver=2.0.9:176LiveReload livereload.js?ext=Chrome&extver=2.0.9:862(anonymous function) livereload.js?ext=Chrome&extver=2.0.9:1074(anonymous function)
I think the issue is this: baseURL: '../../' how can I get round this? For other non ember sites I just point apaches httpdconfig to the location of the parent of content, but I don't want to stick the whole ember cli project in there.
my environment.js:
/* jshint node: true */
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
modulePrefix: 'ember-app',
environment: environment,
baseURL: '../../',
locationType: 'auto',
EmberENV: {
// Here you can enable experimental features on an ember canary build
// e.g. 'with-controller': true
APP: {
// Here you can pass flags/options to your application instance
// when it is created
if (environment === 'production') {
return ENV;