If Condition followed by a for loop not executing in Xquery - soap

In one of the SOAP responses, I was trying to use the following Xquery code to check a condition followed by for loop. I was trying to get a count of some element and then use the if condition and based on that if condition, it should execute the for loop. However there is an exception that shows up .
Here is my Xquery bit in the SOAP UI.
declare variable $datesList := ("2013-01-01-00.30.00","2013-01-01-01.00.00","2013-01-01-01.30.00","2013-01-01-02.00.00","2013-01-01-02.30.00","2013-01-01-03.00.00","2013-01-01-03.30.00","2013-01-01-04.00.00");
let $mcId1 :=count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/mL)
let $mcId2 :=count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[2]/mL)
for $mlList in //ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/intervals/mL
return(if($mcId1 > $mcId2)
then <text>true</text>
else <text>false</text>)
Here is the exception that appears during run time.
So I want to seek advice from the seniors and gurus, if the piece of Xquery code is correct?
Thanks much in advance.

There are multiple syntax errors in your query:
let clauses have to be part of a FLWOR expression, which always ends with a return clause.
if cannot be used without then and else and does not use curly braces.
The opening tag <res> needs a matching closing tag </res> at the end of the query.
The corrected query looks like this:
declare variable $datesList := (
"2013-01-01-00.30.00", "2013-01-01-01.00.00",
"2013-01-01-01.30.00", "2013-01-01-02.00.00",
"2013-01-01-02.30.00", "2013-01-01-03.00.00",
"2013-01-01-03.30.00", "2013-01-01-04.00.00"
let $mcId1 := count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/mL)
let $mcId2 := count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[2]/mL)
return if($mcId1 = 8) then (
for $mlList in //ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/intervals/mL
return if($mcId1 > $mcId2)
then <text>true</text>
else <text>false</text>
) else ()


Call a PostgreSQL function and get result back with no loop

I have a simple rust program that interacts with a PostgreSQL database.
The actual code is:
for row in &db_client.query("select magic_value from priv.magic_value();", &[]).unwrap()
magic_value = row.get("magic_value");
println!("Magic value is = {}", magic_value);
And.. it works. But I don't like it: I know this function will return one and only one value.
From the example I found, for example here: https://docs.rs/postgres/latest/postgres/index.html
and here: https://tms-dev-blog.com/postgresql-database-with-rust-how-to/
You always have a recordset to loop on.
Which is the clean way to call a function without looping?
query returns a Result<Vec<Row>, _>. You are already unwrapping the Vec, so you can just use it directly instead of looping. By turning the Vec into an owning iterator yourself, you can even easily obtain a Row instead of a &Row.
magic_value = db_client.query("select magic_value from priv.magic_value();", &[])
.unwrap() // -> Vec<Row>
.into_iter() // -> impl Iterator<Item=Row>
.next() // -> Option<Row>
.unwrap() // -> Row

how to prevent logging warning in a .get(true , false) statement to appear even though it is true and not false

I am making an application which rarely uses the terminal for output. So, I found that the logging library was a great way to help debug faulty code as supposed to the print statement.
But, for this code, specifically the .get() statement at the bottom...
def process_variables(self, argument):
data = pd.read_excel(self.url, sheet_name=self.sheet)
data = pd.concat([data.iloc[2:102], data.iloc[107:157]]).reset_index()
fb = data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index()
nfb = data.loc[100:155, :].reset_index()
return {'fb': data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index(),
'nfb': data.loc[100:155, :].reset_index(),
'bi': data.loc[np.where(data['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'uni': data.loc[np.where(data['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
'fb_bi': fb.loc[np.where(fb['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'fb_uni': fb.loc[np.where(fb['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
'nfb_bi': nfb.loc[np.where(nfb['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'nfb_uni': nfb.loc[np.where(nfb['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
}.get(argument, f"{logging.warning(f'{argument} not found in specified variables')}")
...returns this...
The output returns the default argument even though the switch-case argument was successful, given that it did return the pandas Data frame.
So how can I make it so it only appears when it wasn't found, as it should if it were just a string and not a logging-string method.
Thank you for your help in advance :)
Python evaluates the arguments for the arguments to a function before it calls the function. That's why your logging function will get called regardless of the result of get(). Another thing is your f-string is probably going to evaluate to "None" every time since logging.warning() doesn't return anything, which doesn't seem like what you intended. You should just handle this with a regular if statement like
variables = {
'fb': data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index(),
if argument in variables:
return variables[argument]
logging.warning(f'{argument} not found in specified variables')

Can i have 2 conditions in protractor expect function? Also give me expect statement to verify whether the getText() has the expected value?

Here i want to combine the below 2 expectations into one.
expect(button.getText()).toEqual('Process Successful');
expect(button.getText().indexOf('- code 3001')).toBeGreaterThan(0);
Also whether the below statement is correct or not. I am trying to verify in the getText() whether expected value is present in the text.
expect(button.getText().indexOf('- code 3001')).toBeGreaterThan(0);
You can use expect().toContain() to verify text contained in string.
expect(button.getText()).toContain('Process Successful');
expect(button.getText()).toContain('- code 3001');
You can also do it in another way,
var buttonContainsText = button.getText().then(function(text){
return (text.indexOf('Process Successful') > -1) && (text.indexOf('- code 3001') > -1)

how to compare expected value to be in the list [duplicate]

One of my test expects an error message text to be one of multiple values. Since getText() returns a promise I cannot use toContain() jasmine matcher. The following would not work since protractor (jasminewd under-the-hood) would not resolve a promise in the second part of the matcher, toContain() in this case:
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(page.errorMessage.getText());
Question: Is there a way to check if an element is in an array with jasmine+protractor where an element is a promise?
In other words, I'm looking for inverse of toContain() so that the expect() would implicitly resolve the promise passed in.
As a workaround, I can explicitly resolve the promise with then():
page.errorMessage.getText().then(function (text) {
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(text);
I'm not sure if this is the best option. I would also be okay with a solution based on third-parties like jasmine-matchers.
As an example, this kind of assertion exists in Python:
self.assertIn(1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
Looks like you need a custom matcher. Depending on the version of Jasmine you are using:
With Jasmine 1:
toBeIn: function(expected) {
var possibilities = Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected];
return possibilities.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
With Jasmine 2:
toBeIn: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
var possibilities = Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected];
var passed = possibilities.indexOf(actual) > -1;
return {
pass: passed,
message: 'Expected [' + possibilities.join(', ') + ']' + (passed ? ' not' : '') + ' to contain ' + actual
You'll have to execute this in the beforeEach section on each of your describe blocks it's going to be used in.
Your expect would look like:
expect(page.errorMessage.getText()).toBeIn(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]);
The alternative solution is to use .toMatch() matcher with Regular Expressions and specifically a special character | (called "or"), which allows to match only one entry to succeed:
expect(page.errorMessage.getText()).toMatch(/Unknown Error|Connection Error/);
To me, the work-around that you identified is the best solution. However, we should not forget that this is an asynchronous execution and you might want to consider Jasmine's asynchronous support.
Then, your test will look like the following one:
it('should check item is in array', function(done){ //Note the argument for callback
// do your stuff/prerequisites for the spec here
page.errorMessage.getText().then(function (text) {
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(text);
done(); // Spec is done!
Note: If you don't pass this done argument to the spec callback, it is going to run to completion without failures, but no assertions are going to be reported in the execution results for that spec (in other words, that spec will have 0 assertions) and it might lead to confusions.

What's wrong with my Meteor publication?

I have a publication, essentially what's below:
Meteor.publish('entity-filings', function publishFunction(cik, queryArray, limit) {
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
var limit = 40;
var entityFilingsSelector = {};
if (filingsArray.indexOf('all-entity-filings') > -1)
entityFilingsSelector = {ct: 'filing',cik: cik};
entityFilingsSelector = {ct:'filing', cik: cik, formNumber: { $in: filingsArray} };
return SB.Content.find(entityFilingsSelector, {
limit: limit
I'm having trouble with the filingsArray part. filingsArray is an array of regexes for the Mongo $in query. I can hardcode filingsArray in the publication as [/8-K/], and that returns the correct results. But I can't get the query to work properly when I pass the array from the router. See the debugged contents of the array in the image below. The second and third images are the client/server debug contents indicating same content on both client and server, and also identical to when I hardcode the array in the query.
My question is: what am I missing? Why won't my query work, or what are some likely reasons it isn't working?
In that first screenshot, that's a string that looks like a regex literal, not an actual RegExp object. So {$in: ["/8-K/"]} will only match literally "/8-K/", which is not the same as {$in: [/8-K/]}.
Regexes are not EJSON-able objects, so you won't be able to send them over the wire as publish function arguments or method arguments or method return values. I'd recommend sending a string, then inside the publish function, use new RegExp(...) to construct a regex object.
If you're comfortable adding new methods on the RegExp prototype, you could try making RegExp an EJSON-able type, by putting this in your server and client code:
RegExp.prototype.toJSONValue = function () {
return this.source;
RegExp.prototype.typeName = function () {
return "regex";
EJSON.addType("regex", function (str) {
return new RegExp(str);
After doing this, you should be able to use regexes as publish function arguments, method arguments and method return values. See this meteorpad.
/8-K/.. that's a weird regex. Try /8\-K/.
A minus (-) sign is a range indicator and usually used inside square brackets. The reason why it's weird because how could you even calculate a range between 8 and K? If you do not escape that, it probably wouldn't be used to match anything (thus your query would not work). Sometimes, it does work though. Better safe than never.
/8\-K/ matches the string "8-K" anywhere once.. which I assume you are trying to do.
Also it would help if you would ensure your publication would always return something.. here's a good area where you could fail:
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
If those parameters aren't filled, console.log is probably not the best way to handle it. A better way:
if (!cik || !filingsArray) {
throw "entity-filings: Publication problem.";
return false;
} else {
// .. the rest of your publication
This makes sure that the client does not wait unnecessarily long for publications statuses as you have successfully ensured that in any (input) case you returned either false or a Cursor and nothing in between (like surprise undefineds, unfilled Cursors, other garbage data.