How can i track the time user spend in a specific app using flutter? - flutter

I m developing an app that tells the users to install other apps from google play store and use them for 1 min, then they will win something in the app.
is there a way that I can check if the user uses the app for 1 min or not?
or how to track the time spend by user in a specific app?

You can try the stopwatch class to check the time when the users click your download link


Avoid using apps to send automated clicks

I have a click game(Flutter) on play store and some of the users are using auto click apps to win all the games inside the app.
The problem is because of that users, my Admob account restricted. Because they are also clicking to the ads while they are playing. Google restricted my ads.
I blocked the emulators inside the app, with checking is it physical device or not.
Is there any way to block this click apps?
How can I prevent my apps from those clicks?
Make it impossible to win if users click more than a certain amount in a one minute period? Cobra (a really old atari game) did this for people who pirate their game. It works

How to know that user has rated the app on appstore or not

I have downloaded the irate from this link and its
running fine in my app. Can I come to know whether user actually rated the app in App Store
or not, or just opened the link? because I want to perform an action if user rate the app.
Thanks in Advance.
Once the user is outside of your app - I don't think there is much you can do to track their actions. Unless you had control over the rating systems, which you don't.

How To Check iPhone App User Rated Or Reviewed The App Or Not

My iPhone App is now on App store from last week with 300+ downloads but only 3 user rate and review the app and now i am planning for Update So is there any way to check the user who is using the app is rate/review on App store or not ?
So if user is not yet review i can give an alert for review/rate.
and if yes than not issue.
I recommend you look into Appirater, it's a free GIT project that displays a UIAlertView automatically every 10 launches or every 8 days (numbers you are able to change) prompting the user to rate your app. It includes "review/rate, not now, and don't ask me again" buttons and it works very well, here's the link:
There is currently no way to find out if a specific user in your app gives your app a rating/review. Even after prompting a user to do so and they hit rate, there is no way to confirm that they have indeed left feedback of any kind.
I realize you want this information so that you can avoid prompting users that have already left a rating for your app, but in all honesty I would recommend you prompt them again. Considering it is an update, it is a different version of your application and the ratings for the latest version is segregated from the previous ones. Additionally, these users may have something new to say, so I think you are better off just prompting all users of any given version of your app at least once.

Facebook developer want application to be visible in Application and Games

I have made a facebook App. It is a streamed music player.
When I from my facebook go to Applications and Games to search for my app under new applications it doesnt turn up. Do anyone know if I have to register a new application in any way or have any other tips on how to make my application visible?
You need 10 Monthly Active Users (MAU) and then wait a week or two to get indexed for search.

iphone:how to implement rate the app popup for iphone app every 5th time user opens up app?

I need to implement the rate tha app popup when user every 5th time open the app
user can also give review
and then i need to redirect him to page of iTunes
Since iOS 10.3+ the right way to request app reviews is through SKStoreReviewController, which is Apple's official way of requesting App Store ratings and reviews from users.
Simply call:
[SKStoreReviewController requestReview];
More details on the class: SKStoreReviewController
Have a look at the excellent Appirater library. The APPIRATER_USES_UNTIL_PROMPT constant in Appirater.h defines often the prompt appears. The prompt reappears in new versions of your app!