Unity & PhotonEngine. After scene reaload Joining to Lobby, CreateRoom and JoinRandom functions called repeatedly - unity3d

I ran into a problem in the last step of a test project using Photon Network. When you first connect and join the room, everything goes without errors. However, after completing the match, exiting the room, and using LoadScene(), errors appear:
JoinLobby operation (229) not called because client is not connected or not yet ready, client state: JoiningLob <- in OnConnectedToMaster()
Through experience, I realized that the ConnectUsingSettings() methods and other Photon methods are called multiple times. But the connection to the lobby happens and I can create a room, but I immediately encounter MissingReferenceException errors.
I've seen a solution from guys who ran into this very same problem. The problems arose because of the events. Wherever this could happen, I unsubscribed from the events, but that doesn't help. What else can cause such problems, because I obviously missed something that prevents me from completely closing the scene during the transition?
Sorry for my language, used Google Translate
private void StartConnect()
PhotonNetwork.NickName = master.GameSettings.NickName;
PhotonNetwork.GameVersion = master.GameSettings.NickName;
PhotonNetwork.AutomaticallySyncScene = true;
public override void OnConnectedToMaster()
Debug.Log("Connected to server");
if(!PhotonNetwork.InLobby) PhotonNetwork.JoinLobby();
public override void OnJoinedLobby()
onConnected.Invoke();//This use for show UIElements on Canvas
JoinRandomRoom class
public void OnClick_JoinRandomRoom()
if (!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) return;
if (GameModeGlobalData.SelectedGameMode != null)
PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom(expectedRoomProperties, GameModeGlobalData.SelectedGameMode.MaxPlayers);
public override void OnJoinRandomFailed(short returnCode, string message)
Debug.Log("Join random failed: " + message + ". Room will be created...");
public void SetRoomOptions()
expectedRoomProperties[RoomData.GAME_MODE] = GameModeGlobalData.SelectedGameMode.GameModeName;
private void OnDisable()
And CreateRoom.cs
private ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable _roomCustomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
public void CreateAndJoinRoom()
if (!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) return;
if (GameModeGlobalData.SelectedGameMode != null)
RoomOptions roomOptions = GetCustomRoomOptions();
roomOptions.CleanupCacheOnLeave = true;
PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(randomRoomName, roomOptions);
public RoomOptions GetCustomRoomOptions()
RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions();
options.MaxPlayers = _maxPlayer;
options.IsOpen = true;
options.IsVisible = true;
string[] roomProperties = new string[]{ RoomData.GAME_MODE };
_roomCustomProperties[RoomData.GAME_MODE] = GameModeGlobalData.SelectedGameMode.GameModeName;
options.CustomRoomPropertiesForLobby = roomProperties;
options.CustomRoomProperties = _roomCustomProperties;
return options;
The project has grown, and I blame myself for not testing it at the very beginning. Didn't think there would be problems at this stage

Sorry for this post. Its resolved. For those who may encounter this in the future, in addition to unsubscribing from events, check all classes that inherit from MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks for overridden OnDisable() methods.
Like this:
public override void OnDisable()
This in turn will call the
Also, from the documentation:
Do not add new MonoBehaviour.OnEnable or MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Instead, you should override those and call base.OnEnable and base.OnDisable.
I forgot about it and used MonoBehaviour.OnDisable.


Why delegate event show NullReferenceException?

I follow the tutorial write the code ,but still show this error,the script already attach to the game object
This issue caused by the Execution Order of Event Functions.
When I checked logs, OnEnable of GameUI was called before Awake of GameController.
So, GameController.instance is null when you access GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged in void OnEnable() in GameUI.cs.
In Unity Manual for Execution Order of Event Functions, it says Awake is before OnEnable, I guess it doesn't guarantee always.
So, I think you'd better to modify GameUI.cs like below.
public class GameUI : MonoBehaviour
public Text timeLabel;
private bool isInitialized = false;
void Start()
isInitialized = true;
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged += this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnEnable()
if (isInitialized)
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged += this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnDisable()
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged -= this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnGameInfoChanged(GameType type)

Photon, PlayFab, & Unity3D - Players not appearing to one another after joining Photon Room

I am working on a multiplayer game in Unity which is using Playfab and the Authentication and Photon which is hosting the multiplayer. I can successfully get players into the same room and I can load the scene after players 'join' the room, however, when 2 players are in the same room, they can not see each other.
This is my authentication service:
public class LoginWithCustomID : MonoBehaviour
private string _playFabPlayerIdCache;
private bool _isNewAccount;
private string _playerName;
// Use this to auth normally for PlayFab
void Awake()
PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = false;
PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = true;
private void authenticateWithPlayfab()
var request = new LoginWithCustomIDRequest
CustomId = "CustomId123",
CreateAccount = true,
InfoRequestParameters = new GetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams()
GetUserAccountInfo = true,
ProfileConstraints = new PlayerProfileViewConstraints()
{ ShowDisplayName = true }
PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID(request, requestPhotonToken, OnLoginFailure);
private void requestPhotonToken(LoginResult result)
PlayerAccountService.loginResult = result;
_playFabPlayerIdCache = result.PlayFabId;
_playerName = result.InfoResultPayload.AccountInfo.TitleInfo.DisplayName;
if (result.NewlyCreated)
_isNewAccount = true;
PlayFabClientAPI.GetPhotonAuthenticationToken(new GetPhotonAuthenticationTokenRequest()
PhotonApplicationId = "photonId123"
}, AuthenticateWithPhoton, OnLoginFailure);
private void setupNewPlayer(LoginResult result)
new UpdateUserDataRequest()
Data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "Level", "1" },
{ "xp", "0" }
}, success =>
Debug.Log("Set User Data");
}, failure =>
Debug.Log("Failed to set User Data..");
private void AuthenticateWithPhoton(GetPhotonAuthenticationTokenResult result)
Debug.Log("Photon token acquired: " + result.PhotonCustomAuthenticationToken);
var customAuth = new AuthenticationValues { AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom };
customAuth.AddAuthParameter("username", _playFabPlayerIdCache);
customAuth.AddAuthParameter("token", result.PhotonCustomAuthenticationToken);
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = customAuth;
private void setNextScene()
if(_isNewAccount || _playerName == null)
SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("CreatePlayerName", LoadSceneMode.Single);
SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("LandingScene", LoadSceneMode.Single);
private void OnLoginFailure(PlayFabError error)
Debug.LogWarning("something went wrong in auth login");
Debug.LogError("Here's some debug info:");
This all works and a player is logged into PlayFab, as well as Photon I would assume if I got the Photon auth token. This brings me to my landing scene, which is essentially a place for an authenticated user to click a button to join a random room via Photon:
public static GameManager instance;
public static GameObject localPlayer;
private void Awake()
if (instance != null)
instance = this;
PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
public void JoinGame()
RoomOptions ro = new RoomOptions();
ro.MaxPlayers = 4;
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("Test Room 2", ro, null);
public override void OnJoinedRoom()
Debug.Log("Joined Room!");
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
private void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level)
if (!PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
localPlayer = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(
new Vector3(0, 1f, 0),
public void LeaveRoom()
SceneManager.LoadScene("LandingScene", LoadSceneMode.Single);
This loads the scene that I named "Test_scene1" successfully and I show within my scene, the room name and number of active players in the room. When I do a run and build, I get a user's playerPrefab to load into the room. When I run the game through unity, I can get a second player to log into the room. The problem is, the players do not see eachother and I can not figure out why that is. I am following the PLayerfab/Photon tutorials on their respective sites, but I can't find anything that I did wrong in either one.
From what I read, it looks like my instantiate method might be wrong but I'm not sure why. Below is my player Prefab showing the components attached to it:
I apologize for this huge question, I just wanted to provide as much information as I could.
This question was answered by the OP on PlayFab forums here.

UDP Client - how to close after BeginReceive

I need to receive small UDP packets from within my ERP system (Dynamics Nav). I created a class with some code from the internet (first time I use code for UDP), added a COM interface and use the resulting DLL within Nav. It worked right away, but I realized that the udp.Close() function did not really close the thing, and I couldn´t instantiate the class a second time.
After looking at many topics about udp.BeginReceive() at stackoverflow and on other sites, I understand the reason for that. There needs to be a final udp.EndReceive call before closing the upd object.
Since the class is running in the background its using a callback function defined by udp.BeginReceive. The callback function then gets the data by calling udp.EndReceive and finally stores it to a string. Nav can retrieve that string whenever it wants that data trough a simple property.
public string GetMessage { get { return(message); } }
public void Start()
udp = new UdpClient(PORT_NUMBER);
public void Stop()
private void StartListening()
ar_ = udp.BeginReceive(Receive, new object());
private void Receive(IAsyncResult ar)
IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, PORT_NUMBER);
byte[] bytes = udp.EndReceive(ar, ref ip);
message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
Everthing is fine, except ...
Nav calls Start() which issues StartListening(), which defines the callback function. After receiving the data through udp.EndReceive it calls StartListening() again - this part is working fine.
As soon, as Nav calls the Stop() function however, the trouble starts, and I understand that this is, bacause there is no final call to EndReceive and thus an open session.
One may say, why don´t do an EndReceive() within the Stop() function before udp.Close()? Well, because I couldn´t find the correct parameters for that call.
Actually I do have a working class. I don´t try to close the session within the Stop() function but instead set a bool variable. The next time the callback function is issued, depending on that bool it doesn´t do a StartListening() but a upd.CLose() instead. And finally, to make sure there will be data to issue the callback function, I call my Send() function sending some single character.
While the following code is working perfectly, I know it´s kind of crazy:
public string GetMessage { get { return(message); } }
public void Start()
active = true;
udp = new UdpClient(PORT_NUMBER);
public void Stop()
active = false; // force callback function to close session
Send("x"); // issue callback function ... crazy
private void StartListening()
ar_ = udp.BeginReceive(Receive, new object());
private void Receive(IAsyncResult ar)
IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, PORT_NUMBER);
byte[] bytes = udp.EndReceive(ar, ref ip);
message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
if (active) StartListening(); else udp.Close();
Does anyone have a hint how to issue EndReceive() within my Stop() function before calling udp.Close()?
Thanks in advance
I recently found a solution just by using a Thread() instead of the async receive - works perfectly so far:
public class Bos_UDP
private UdpClient udp;
const int PORT_NUMBER = 15000;
private String message = "";
public Thread receiveThread;
public string GetMessage { get { return(message); } }
public void Start()
udp = new UdpClient(PORT_NUMBER);
receiveThread = new Thread(ThreadReceive);
public void Stop()
receiveThread.Abort(new object());
public void ThreadReceive()
IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, PORT_NUMBER);
while (true)
var data = udp.Receive(ref ip);
message = Encoding.Default.GetString(data);
public void Send(string message)
UdpClient client = new UdpClient();
IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), PORT_NUMBER);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
client.Send(bytes, bytes.Length, ip);

checking paragraph property loses the selection

in my vsto addin i have some simple code on a timer
private void MainTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (!dialogopen & Application.Documents.Count > 0)
var doc = Application.ActiveDocument;
Word.InlineShapes shps;
Word.Paragraphs pars;
pars = doc.Paragraphs;
catch (Exception)
var pars2 = pars.Cast<Word.Paragraph>().ToList();
foreach (var obj in pars2)
if (obj.OutlineLevel == Word.WdOutlineLevel.wdOutlineLevelBodyText )//PROBLEM HERE
as soon as it reaches the line that checks the outlinelevel, even if i dont do a thing, the selection in the activedocument gets lost
of course the user cant use a plugin which keeps on canceling his selection...
googling didnt give me a thing
I tried making a static function for checking the styles, but it did not help. Here's the code
static public class Helpers
static public Word.Paragraph checkPars(List<Word.Paragraph> pars)
return pars.FirstOrDefault();//(x) => x.OutlineLevel == Word.WdOutlineLevel.wdOutlineLevelBodyText);
As you can see, I had to remove the actual check, since it was causing the cursor to blink and lose selection
please advise
We use the Application.ScreenUpdating = true; and this keep the selection for all properties in Paragraph except for the Range property.
Then, we tried to access the range via Reflection and this was the solution.
Range rng = (Range)typeof(Paragraph).GetProperty("Range").GetValue(comObj);
We tried to eliminate querying ActiveDocument thinking that that might have had side-effects that were causing the problem but that was not the case.
Then, we confirmed that the selection was not "lost" and screen-updating is the only problem, so we tried restoring the UI with Application.ScreenRefresh and while it did work, it causes the screen to flicker every time the timer fires and this is not good enough.
Finally, knowing that it's only a UI problem, I tried simply switching off Application.ScreenUpdating...
in ThisAddin
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Timer timer = new Timer(2000);
timer.Elapsed += (s, t) =>
var scrnUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating;
Application.ScreenUpdating = false;
MainTimer.onElapsed(Application, t);
if (scrnUpdating)
Application.ScreenUpdating = true;
In another class library (note that it's static, I still think this is the best way)...
public static class MainTimer
public static void onElapsed (Word.Application state, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (state.Documents.Count > 0)
var doc = state.ActiveDocument;
Word.InlineShapes shps;
Word.Paragraphs pars;
pars = doc.Paragraphs;
catch (Exception)
var pars2 = pars.Cast<Word.Paragraph>()
.Where(p => p.OutlineLevel == Word.WdOutlineLevel.wdOutlineLevelBodyText)
.Select(p => p) // do stuff with the selected parragraphs...
And this works for me.
The selection remains and is displayed in the UI without flicker.
I also eliminated some premature enumeration from your code: you don't meed the .ToList() before the foreach.

Authority with UNET client

I need to modify a non-player object. I am able to do it but for some reasons, I get warning:
Trying to send command for object without authority.
UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkBehaviour:SendCommandInternal(NetworkWriter, Int32, String)
ModelControl:Update() (at Assets/Scripts/ModelControl.cs:21)
I have gone through the unity docs and the various answers but the weird part is that it does work but I wish to prevent the warning.
First there is a Manager object that creates the neutral object. This happens on the host.
public class ObjectControl : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject cube;
public override void OnStartServer()
if (GameObject.Find("Cube") != null) { return; }
GameObject cubeInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(this.cube,
new Vector3(0f, 0f, 5f), Quaternion.identity);
cubeInstance.name = "Cube";
Then each player has the following:
private void CmdSetCube()
GameObject cube = GameObject.Find("Cube"); // This is the neutral object
if (cube != null)
NetworkIdentity ni =cube.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
RpcPaint(cube, new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f)));
void RpcPaint(GameObject obj, Color col)
obj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = col;
The host does not trigger the warning. Only the remote clients gets the warning. When I have many clients, I can see in the editor console that it will print as many times as there are clients.
But again, it does actually work, I can see the new data being propagated to all sessions but I am expecting something to go down later on.
So the issue came from the Update method:
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
The problem here being that all instances of that script will run the code while only one is really getting authority.
void Update()
if (this.isLocalPlayer == false) { return; }
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
Add the line to make sure this is the local player calling.