Why delegate event show NullReferenceException? - unity3d

I follow the tutorial write the code ,but still show this error,the script already attach to the game object

This issue caused by the Execution Order of Event Functions.
When I checked logs, OnEnable of GameUI was called before Awake of GameController.
So, GameController.instance is null when you access GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged in void OnEnable() in GameUI.cs.
In Unity Manual for Execution Order of Event Functions, it says Awake is before OnEnable, I guess it doesn't guarantee always.
So, I think you'd better to modify GameUI.cs like below.
public class GameUI : MonoBehaviour
public Text timeLabel;
private bool isInitialized = false;
void Start()
isInitialized = true;
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged += this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnEnable()
if (isInitialized)
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged += this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnDisable()
GameController.instance.OnGameInfoChanged -= this.OnGameInfoChanged;
void OnGameInfoChanged(GameType type)


Unity Mirror, client doesn't execute server cmd

When player press key if he touched other player he try markPlayer
When client touched host-player, log only "CmdServer" and stop, but on host-player, its full complete all methods and change color on another character;
Client code
private void TriggerEntered(PlayerContext playerContext)
Debug.Log($"Collided with {playerContext.name}");
public void CmdServer(PlayerContext playerContext)
// PlayerContext.cs
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnPlayerGetDamage))]
private bool wasDamaged;
public void MarkPlayer()
Debug.Log("On Server");
wasDamaged = true;
private void OnPlayerGetDamage(bool oldState, bool newState)
Debug.Log("On Get Damage");
cashedMaterial.color = Color.red;
I think I solved the problem, although I'm not sure that the problem was specifically in this, but still, I didn't use the Monobehaviour class and hoped that the command would compile correctly, because usually mirror throws errors if something is wrong. I just moved the cmd method to a separate class from networkbehaviour

Cursor not visible first time escape is pressed but all subsequent times it is

I am new to learning C# so I'm trying to figure out little bits at a time. Today's task is to have my cursor appear and disappear as I open a panel. I know that unity is weird and you have to build your project to see the cursor changes. However, on said build, when I press escape my panel appears but my cursor doesn't. If I close and reopen the panel the cursor will show up and then everything works as it should.
Something in my code that is causing this or is it just a unity bug?
Also, since I am new to this, any advice is appreciated. Thank you for your time!
public class MenuManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject pauseMenu;
public bool gamePause = false;
bool cursorHide = true;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
cursorHide = !cursorHide;
private void PauseMenuOpen()
if (!gamePause)
gamePause = true;
gamePause = false;
private void UpdateCursor()
Cursor.visible = !cursorHide;
public void QuitGame()
Use this code. it'll work
private bool isCursorHide;
private void Update(){
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
private void CursorToggler(){
isCursorHide =!isCursorHide;
Cursor.visible = isCursorHide;
isCursorHide =!isCursorHide;
Cursor.visible = isCursorHide;

How to network a VR button with PUN in Unity?

I've been working on a solution for weeks now and I think it's time to reach out. I'm trying to make a button that plays a sound when pressed by a controller, everyone will hear that sound. Using VRTK and PlayoVR, I'm able to make a non-networked version where the player can put their hand through a cube, click the trigger from the controller, and it makes a sound.
This is the code for that cube:
namespace VRTK.Examples {
using UnityEngine;
public class Whirlygig : VRTK_InteractableObject
public GameObject AudioSource;
public AudioSource LeftSpeaker;
public override void StartUsing(VRTK_InteractUse currentUsingObject =
Where I get lost is how to network it with Photon Unity Networking. This is what I have:
namespace PlayoVR
using UnityEngine;
using VRTK;
using UnityEngine.Video;
using NetBase;
public class PlaySync : Photon.MonoBehaviour
public AudioSource LeftSpeaker;
public GameObject Whirlgig;
private bool StartUsing;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
GetComponent<VRTK_InteractableObject>().InteractableObjectUsed +=
new InteractableObjectEventHandler(DoPlay);
void DoPlay(object sender, InteractableObjectEventArgs e)
StartUsing = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
// Handle firing
if (StartUsing)
StartUsing = false;
void CmdPlay()
photonView.RPC("NetPlay", PhotonTargets.All);
void NetPlay()
As you can probably see, I'm a beginner. With this code, when I put my hand in the cube and press the trigger, nothing happens. If anyone can provide any help or even an alternative, I'd be very grateful.
Kind regards,

Multiplayer [SyncEvent] problem with non-player objects

I'm developing a multiplayer game based on turns.
So I have an script named gameController which is the one who has the global timer to alter the turns and also choose which players are attacking and which players are defending in the current turn.
This script is a singleton attached to a gameObject with a network identity on it (This network identity has no checkboxes marked to be controller by the server). I tried to have this game object spawned to all the clients when the server connects and also to have the game object already in the scene (booth cases aren't working).
Well, the main problem is that in the gameController script I have a checker in the update function to check if any new player is connected. In case is connected, it should call a syncEvent named EventOnNewPlayerAddedDelegate (I tried to call it directly, also using [command] and using [ ClientRpc]) to let the players know that they have to call their function named "OnRegisterPlayer", which is a function in their own player script that calls a function on gameController script, passing the player object (I tried via command and rpc also), something like this: GameController.instance.RegisterPlayer(this);
So anyone knows how can I trigger this SyncEvent to register the player to a non-player object controlled by the server?
Thank you very much.
I attach here a brief of booth scripts to make it easier to understand:
public class GameController : NetworkBehaviour
public delegate void OnNewPlayerAddedDelegate();
public event OnNewPlayerAddedDelegate EventOnNewPlayerAddedDelegate;
List<GamePlayerManager> players = new List<GamePlayerManager>();
public static GameController instance { get; private set; }
float timePerTorn = 30f;
bool isCountdown = false;
public float countdownTime;
int roundNumber = 0;
int NumberOfPlayers;
int NumberOfPlayersChanged;
void Awake()
Debug.Log("Awaking ");
if (instance != null)
Debug.Log("Destoring ");
instance = this;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
if (!isServer)
players = new List<GamePlayerManager>();
void Update()
if (isServer)
if (isCountdown)
countdownTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (countdownTime <= 0)
NumberOfPlayers = NetworkManager.singleton.numPlayers;
if (NumberOfPlayersChanged != NumberOfPlayers)
Debug.Log("num of players changed ---> " + NumberOfPlayers);
NumberOfPlayersChanged = NumberOfPlayers;
void RpcNewPlayerAdded()
Debug.Log("---------------- RpcNewPlayerAdded ------------");
void CmdNewPlayerAdded()
Debug.Log("---------------- CmdNewPlayerAdded ------------");
public void RegisterPlayer(GamePlayerManager player)
Debug.Log("player ---> " + player.name);
if (players.Contains(player))
Debug.Log("players ---> " + players);
public class GamePlayerManager : NetworkBehaviour
public bool isPlayingOnTorn = true;
void Awake()
GameController.instance.EventOnNewPlayerAddedDelegate += OnRegisterPlayer;
private void Start()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
public override void OnStartServer()
GameObject gc = (GameObject)Instantiate(NetworkManager.singleton.spawnPrefabs[2], transform.position, transform.rotation);
void OnRegisterPlayer(){
if (isLocalPlayer)
void CmdRegisterPlayer(){
Debug.Log("-------------Command Register player -------------");
void RpcRegisterPlayer()
Debug.Log("------------- RPC REgister Player -------------");
I think I already saw the problem here.
The problem is that GameController is spawned by the playerScript(just if the player is also the host) in the function OnStartServer(). So the first problem is that the GameController doesn't detect the host player because it is not a new connections. And the second problem is when a second client is connected, the GameController detect the client connection and send the event signal faster than the client wakeup, so when the client is already working the signal is gone.
I solved the problem deleting this signal and checking directly in the playerScript if the GameController exists then check if the player is already registered.
My question now is that if there is anyway to instance and awake the server objects before the player(Host), which I understand that the answer is "no" because as the player is the host it needs to be running to have the server.
And the second question is if there is anyway or any signal to know that a new player is connected, and wait until it is awaked.
Thank you very much.
You can check the hole thread at Unity forums: https://forum.unity.com/threads/multiplayer-syncevent-problem-with-non-player-objects.589309/

Duplicated objects are not working 'per instance' when I intended them to do [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to detect click/touch events on UI and GameObjects
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
using UnityEngine;
public class LinkEnd : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject linkTarget;
private PointEffector2D effector;
private CircleCollider2D contact;
private AimSystem aimer;
private float distFromLink = .2f;
public bool connected;
private void Start()
aimer = GetComponent<AimSystem>();
private void Update()
public void ConnectLinkEnd(Rigidbody2D endRB)
HingeJoint2D joint = GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>();
if (GetComponent<HingeJoint2D>() == null)
joint = gameObject.AddComponent<HingeJoint2D>();
joint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
joint.connectedBody = endRB;
joint.anchor = Vector2.zero;
joint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(0f, -distFromLink);
private void SyncPosition()
if (linkTarget != null)
if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, contact.transform.position) <= 0.1f)
connected = true;
effector.enabled = false;
contact.usedByEffector = false;
if (connected)
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().isKinematic = true;
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().position = linkTarget.transform.position;
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().isKinematic = false;
private void ReactToInput()
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1))
connected = false;
public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.GetComponent<PointEffector2D>() != null)
connected = true;
linkTarget = collision.gameObject;
effector = linkTarget.GetComponent<PointEffector2D>();
contact = linkTarget.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>();
public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
connected = false;
contact.usedByEffector = true;
effector.enabled = true;
This is an object that pins its position to another mobile object on collision, and it's supposed to stay that way until it's 'detached' by player action.
It's working almost fine, but it's not working 'per instance.'
Whether this object is a prefab or not, ReactToInput() is affecting all instances of it unlike how I wanted.
I'm missing some per instance specification here and I'm not seeing where.
Any suggestion will help and be appreciated!
++ The method ReactToInput() is triggered by key inputs. I wanted this method to be called when Player's attack 'method' happens which are bound to those key inputs, but I did what I've done only because I couldn't find an elegant way to execute it otherwise, and am really hoping there's a better way rather than using tags or GetComponent to specific object since it's supossed to affect other objects as well.
These methods are what you are looking for.
/// <summary>
/// OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while
/// over the GUIElement or Collider.
/// </summary>
void OnMouseDown()
/// <summary>
/// OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button.
/// </summary>
void OnMouseUp()
MonoBehaviour provides many event callbacks other than Update(), and these two are some of them. The full list of event callbacks you can use for MonoBehaviour is explained in the official Monobehaviour page.
There are two methods for OnMouseUp():
OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button.
OnMouseUpAsButton is only called when the mouse is released over the
same GUIElement or Collider as it was pressed.
The GameObject your script is attached to is requires to have GUIElement or Collider as described in the manual page to use these functions.
If you do not want to use these methods, you could alternatively write your own custom InputModule, raycast to the mouse position on the screen to find which object is clicked, and send MouseButtonDown() event to a clicked GameObject.
I had to implement a custom input module to do this plus a couple of other stuff and I assure you writing custom InputModules is a headache.
If many different classes need to be notified when something happens, and who listens to such cases is unknown, event is a good option.
If you are using events, each event listener class such as LinkEnd is responsible to register and remove itself to such event.
Below is an example of how you could achieve this behaviour:
class Player
public delegate void OnSkillAFiredListener(object obj, SkillAFiredEventArgs args);
public static event OnSkillAFiredListener SkillAPressed = delegate { };
// ...
class LinkEnd
void OnEnable()
Player.SkillAPressed += WhatToDoWhenSkillAFired;
void OnDisable()
Player.SkillAPressed -= WhatToDoWhenSkillAFired;
void OnDestroy()
Player.SkillAPressed -= WhatToDoWhenSkillAFired;
public void WhatToDoWhenSkillAFired(object obj, SkillAFiredEventArgs args)
// get info from args
float someInfo = args.someInfo
// do something..
// ...
It's necessary to deregister from the event in both OnDisable() and OnDestory() to avoid memory leaks (some claim such memory leaks are very minor).
Look for Observer and Publisher/Subscriber pattern to learn more about these approaches. It may not be very related to your case, but the Mediator Pattern is something that's often compared with the Observer Pattern so you might be interested to check it as well.