It is possible to display a base64 gif? - swift

Hello I try to display a GIF that I get from a base64 file in a UIImageView but it only shows as an image does not play, I opted to use a WKWebView I managed to show it in emulators is displayed well but in iphone is not shown I appreciate your time and your opinion thanks. I share my code.
the image is displayed but does not move with an image view and with a WKWebView it is not displayed on a physical device but on emulators.
enter image description here

iOS has no native provision for playing an animated GIF. There are third-party libraries to help, but that would be outside the proper scope of Stack Overflow.


Corona SDK. Save an image that is bigger than the screen

When saving a photo in Corona SDK. Regardless of the method used it seems no to be possible to capture any offscreen contents. For instance a 500x500 image displayed on a 320x480 device would be cropped at 320x480 when saved with
Is there a workaround for this? Is it possible to.
Save offscreen content?
Save or use an image directly from the device photo library?
Thanks for your help.
I don't think there is a way to capture offscreen content using Corona. Maybe there is a workaround to your whole problem if you give us more details.
Have you looked at the function. With this you can load images from the photo library or the camera. It has option to either show the image directly on the screen or just save it to the sandbox.

How to capture entire webpage in iPhone safari?

Like in Firefox (Desktop version) I can take using Fireshot
and in Android mobile I can take using Dolphin Screen Cut
I already know that we take screendump using wake+home it doesn't take screencapture of whole webpage including the area under the scroll and it would be difficult to take multiple screenshots by pressing wake+home and scrolling in between but with this there will be small overlap between shots and thee combine screenshot will not be precise
Barry — Webpage screenshot does the trick. You can capture full length webpage screenshots and save them to Camera Roll or Copy to clipboard for pasting into any app that supports pasting in images.
After-all I found the solution
This app worked for me perfectly
Website Screenshot (iPhone app)
You wouldn't be able to do this in Mobile Safari.
If you're developing an application (and since this is stackoverflow I'll assume that's what you're talking about) and using a UIWebView you could do this - you would need to:
Calculate the total height of the webpage you want to capture
Use a UIWebView with the height obtained above to display your webpage at actual size
Render that UIWebView as an image in an off-screen buffer.
Webpage Capture for iPhone | iPad :

How to embed a small camera preview, and then save the whole screenshot image in iphone

I want to put a background image first, and then put a small camera preview view on the top of it.
When user clicked the ok button, a screenshot of the whole merged picture could be reproduced. I remember that some apps in appstore did this, just want to know how to achieve this in code.
Place your background image.. Over that place your imagepicker controller..
take screenshot using UIGetScreenImage

image scrolling on touches in iphone

iam developing an app in which, images are to be scrolled on touchesmove i.e, swipping left /right.
I also have to display previous and next images beside present image in protrait mode.
I have seen the covertFlow sample, which is very close to my app, but i want it in horizontal mode. Please suggest me how can i acheive it , links related to it can also be helpful for me..
thanks in advance.
Well how about taking the open source CoverFlow implementation and modify it to work in portrait mode?
You can get sample code in this tapku Library
I solved my query and it is working without using any libraries.
I used the concept of lazyloading to download images, and i placed the images in scrollview which helps to scroll the images.
The following link used to load images asynchronously.

Flickr Iphone app Background image zoom and fading animation

Hello all would anyone know how flickr manage to make this type of effect on their app where on the main screen you see a background image moving to the side and zooming in and fading to another image its really cool. your link sources for code or tutorials are always appreciated
PS im trying to implement this to one of my apps in iphone
See the Ken Burns Effect.