upgrading celery 4.x.x to 5.x.x in Django app - execute_from_commandline() replacement - celery

the usage in 4.x.x was as following:
from tenant_schemas_celery.app import CeleryApp
class TenantCeleryApp(CeleryApp):
def create_task_cls(self):
return self.subclass_with_self('...', abstract=True, name='...', attribute='_app')
tenant_celery = TenantCeleryApp()
base = celery.CeleryCommand(app=tenant_celery)
Now when updating celery lib to 5.x.x the following error show:
base = celery.CeleryCommand(app=tenant_celery)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'app'
from the documentation, the new CeleryCommand use click.Command class, how do I change my code to fit - what is the replacement usage for execute_from_commandline()?
after some tries hard the following code works:
'-A', f'{__name__}:tenant_celery',
'worker', '-c', '1', '-Q', 'c1,c2,c3,c4'])

You can do a few things here.
The typical way to invoke / start a worker from within python is discussed at this answer:
worker = tenant_celery.Worker(
In this case, you would be responsible for making the worker exit when you are done.
To execute the CeleryCommand / click.Command, you pass in the arguments to the main function
base = CeleryCommand()
base.main(args=['worker', '-A', f'{__name__}:tenant_celery'])
You would still be responsible for controlling how celery exits in this case, too. You may choose a verb other than worker such as multi for whatever celery subcommand you were expecting to call.
You may also want to explicitly specify the name of the celery module for the -A parameter as discussed here.


Karate- Gatling: Not able to run scenarios based on tags

I am trying to run performance test on scenario tagged as perf from the below feature file-
#tag1 #tag2 #tag3
user login
#tag4 #perf
Below is my .scala file setup-
class PerfTest extends Simulation {
val protocol = karateProtocol()
val getTags = scenario("Name goes here").exec(karateFeature("classpath:filepath"))
I have tried passing the tags from command line and as well as passing the tag as argument in exec method in scala setup.
Terminal command-
mvn clean test-compile gatling:test "-Dkarate.env={env}" "-Dkarate.options= --tags #perf"
.scala update:- I have also tried passing the tag as an argument in the karate execute.
val getTags = scenario("Name goes here").exec(karateFeature("classpath:filepath", "#perf"))
Both scenarios are being executed with either approach. Any pointers how i can force only the test with tag perf to run?
I wanted to share the finding here. I realized it is working fine when i am passing the tag info in .scala file.
My scenario with perf tag was a combination of GET and POST call as i needed some data from GET call to pass in POST call. That's why i was seeing both calls when running performance test.
I did not find any reference in karate gatling documentation for passing tags in terminal execution command. So i am assuming that might not be a valid case.

SCP command not working in karate project - it throws command error:cannot run program scp.exe: CreateProcess error=2 [duplicate]

I'm trying to execute bash script using karate. I'm able to execute the script from karate-config.js and also from .feature file. I'm also able to pass the arguments to the script.
The problem is, that if the script fails (exits with something else than 0) the test execution continues and finishes as succesfull.
I found out that when the script echo-es something then i can access it as a result of the script so I could possibly echo the exit value and do assertion on it (in some re-usable feature), but this seems like a workaround rather than a valid clean solution. Is there some clean way of accessing the exit code without echo-ing it? Am I missing on something?
#possible solution
#echo 3
exit 3;
var result = karate.exec('script.sh arg1')
feture file
def result = karate.exec('script.sh arg1')
Great timing. We very recently did some work for CLI testing which I am sure you can use effectively. Here is a thread on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maxandersen/status/1276431309276151814
And we have just released version 0.9.6.RC4 and new we have a new karate.fork() option that returns an instance of Command on which you can call exitCode
Here's an example:
* def proc = karate.fork('script.sh arg1')
* proc.waitSync()
* match proc.exitCode == 0
You can get more ideas here: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/1191#issuecomment-650087023
Note that the argument to karate.fork() can take multiple forms. If you are using karate.exec() (which will block until the process completes) the same arguments work.
string - full command line as seen above
string array - e.g. ['script.sh', 'arg1']
json where the keys can be
line - string (OR)
args - string array
env - optional environment properties (as JSON)
redirectErrorStream - boolean, true by default which means Sys.err appears in Sys.out
workingDir - working directory
useShell - default false, auto-prepend cmd /c or sh -c depending on OS
And since karate.fork() is async, you need to call waitSync() if needed as in the example above.
Do provide feedback and we can tweak further if needed.
EDIT: here's a very advanced example that shows how to listen to the process output / log, collect the log, and conditionally exit: fork-listener.feature
Another answer which can be a useful reference: Conditional match based on OS
And here's how to use cURL for advanced HTTP tests ! https://stackoverflow.com/a/73230200/143475
In case you need to do a lot of local file manipulation, you can use the karate.toJavaFile() utility so you can convert a relative path or a "prefixed" path to an absolute path.
* def file = karate.toJavaFile('classpath:some/file.txt')
* def path = file.getPath()

What is considered defaults for celery's app.conf.humanize(with_defaults=False)?

I'm trying to printout celery's configuration using app.conf.humanize(with_defaults=False) following the example in the user guide. But I always get an empty string when using with_defaults=False, I know that the configuration changes are in effects because I can see the changes using .humanize(with_defaults=True) instead.
I'm guessing that adding configuration with app.conf.config_from_object('myconfig') is loading the configuration settings as "defaults", so is there a way to load the config at module myconfig in a way that is not a default?
This is my source code:
imports = ('tasks',)
from celery import Celery
app = Celery()
print "config: %s" % app.conf.humanize(with_defaults=False)
def debug(*args, **kwargs):
print "debug task args : %r" % (args,)
print "debug task kwargs: %r" % (kwargs,)
I start celery using env PYTHONPATH=. celery worker --loglevel=INFO and it prints config: (if I change to with_defaults=True I get the expected full output).
The configuration loaded with config_from_object() or config_from_envvar() is not considered defaults.
The behaviour observed was due a bug fixed by this commit in response to my bug report so future versions of celery will work as expected.
from celery import Celery
app = Celery
app.conf.humanize() # returns only settings directly set by 'myconfig' omitting defaults
where myconfig is a python module in the PYTHONPATH:

how to pass custom parameters to a locust test class?

I'm currently passing custom parameters to my load test using environment variables. For example, my test class looks like this:
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task
import os
class UserBehavior(TaskSet):
def login(self):
test_dir = os.environ['BASE_DIR']
auth=tuple(open(test_dir + '/PASSWORD').read().rstrip().split(':'))
class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserBehavior
Then I'm running my test with:
locust -H https://myserver --no-web --clients=500 --hatch-rate=500 --num-request=15000 --print-stats --only-summary
Is there a more locust way that I can pass custom parameters to the locust command line application?
You could use like env <parameter>=<value> locust <options> and use <parameter> inside the locust script to use its value
env IP_ADDRESS= locust -f locust-file.py --no-web --clients=5 --hatch-rate=1 --num-request=500 and use IP_ADDRESS inside the locust script to access its value which is in this case.
Nowadays it is possible to add custom parameters to Locust (it wasnt possible when this question was originally asked, at which time using env vars was probably the best option).
Since version 2.2, custom parameters are even forwarded to the workers in a distributed run.
from locust import HttpUser, task, events
def _(parser):
parser.add_argument("--my-argument", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_MY_ARGUMENT", default="", help="It's working")
# Set `include_in_web_ui` to False if you want to hide from the web UI
parser.add_argument("--my-ui-invisible-argument", include_in_web_ui=False, default="I am invisible")
def _(environment, **kw):
print("Custom argument supplied: %s" % environment.parsed_options.my_argument)
class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
def my_task(self):
It is not recommended to run locust in command line if you want to test in high concurrency. As in --no-web mode, you can only use one CPU core, so that you can not make full use of your test machine.
Back to your question, there is not another way to pass custom parameters to locust in command line.

Using __END__ and DATA in Chef recipes (to run legacy shell scripts)

I'm migrating some shell scripts to Chef recipes. Some of these scripts are fairly involved, so just to make life easier in the short term and to avoid introducing bugs in rewriting everything in Chef/Ruby, I'd like to just run some of them as-is. They're all well-written and idempotent, so honestly there's no rush, but of course, the eventual goal is to rewrite them.
One cool feature of Ruby is its __END__ keyword/method: Lines below __END__ will not be executed. Those lines will be available via the special filehandle DATA.
It would be cool to ship the shell scripts as-is inside the the recipe after __END__, maybe something like the following, which I placed in chef-repo/cookbooks/ruby-data-test/recipes/default.rb:
file = Tempfile.new(File.basename(__FILE__))
file << DATA.read
bash file.path
echo "Hello, world"
However when I run this (with chef-solo -c solo.rb --override-runlist 'recipe[ruby-data-test]'), I get the following error:
[2014-10-03T17:14:56+00:00] ERROR: uninitialized constant Chef::Recipe::DATA
I'm pretty new to Chef, but I'm guessing the above is something about Chef wrapping my recipe in a class, and there's something simple preventing me from accessing DATA. Since it's "global" (?) I tried putting a dollar sign ($DATA) in front of it but that failed with:
undefined method `read' for nil:NilClass
So the question is: How do I access DATA in my Chef recipe? Thanks!
It appears you don't have access to DATA, but you can fake it by reading in the current file yourself and splitting on __END__, like Sinatra does.
I ended up making a Chef LWRP for reuse. I don't know if I'll actually end up using this, but I wanted to figure it out. Like I said, I'm a Chef/Ruby noob, so any better ideas or suggestions welcome!
ruby_data_test_execute_ruby_data __FILE__
set -o errexit
echo "Hello, world"
actions :execute_ruby_data
default_action :execute_ruby_data
attribute :source, :name_attribute => true, :required => true
attribute :args, :kind_of => Array
attribute :ignore_errors, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => false
def whyrun_supported?
action :execute_ruby_data do
converge_by("Executing #{#new_resource}") do
Chef::Log.info("Executing #{#new_resource}")
file_who_called_me = #new_resource.source
io = ::IO.respond_to?(:binread) ? ::IO.binread(file_who_called_me) : ::IO.read(file_who_called_me)
app, data = io.gsub("\r\n", "\n").split(/^__END__$/, 2)
file = Tempfile.new('execute_ruby_data')
file << data
exit_status = ::Open3.popen2e(file.path, *#new_resource.args) do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr|
stdout_and_stderr.each { |line| puts line }
wait_thr.value # exit status
if exit_status != 0 && !#new_resource.ignore_errors
throw RuntimeError
Here's the output:
$ chef-solo -c solo.rb --override-runlist 'recipe[ruby_data_test]'
Starting Chef Client, version 11.12.4
[2014-10-03T21:50:29+00:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2014-10-03T21:50:29+00:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2014-10-03T21:50:29+00:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[ruby_data_test]]
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 1 resources
Recipe: ruby_data_test::default
* ruby_data_test_execute_ruby_data[/root/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/ruby_data_test/recipes/default.rb] action execute_ruby_dataFri Oct 3 21:50:29 UTC 2014
Hello, world
- Executing ruby_data_test_execute_ruby_data[/root/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/ruby_data_test/recipes/default.rb]
Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 1/1 resources updated in 1.387608 seconds