Is there a way to query an AuthAccount’s storage? For example, to see all of the resources stored under the /storage/... domain.
I’m fairly new to Flow, but from what I have gathered there is no real way to query or check all of the saved paths in an Account’s storage directly from within Cadence. In the Flow Playground, there is a pane that shows an accounts storage, but it seems to me like this is just being saved in the browser.
If not, is there a reason for not allowing this? Seems like it would be pretty useful to have this functionality.
No, there is currently no way to iterate over an account’s paths. This is not intentionally missing, just technically complex to implement, but it is in the works
Is it possible to change the application data from a extension?
I was creating a visual extension(table) in which if I change the value of a cell I should be able to change the value in the application level (not in database level),How can I achieve this?
Changing the value in Qhypercube.[].qDataPages.qDataPages... is only changing the value in Extension level.
I think the problem here is data persistence, since Qlik Sense itself is not a data warehouse or a true "data store" in the traditional sense. When you load data from a database into an app and it goes through the app's load script, it's then cached to the underlying QVF file for the app. Updating the data would need to happen at either the source level (the database in this case), an intermediary store like a QVD, or "on the fly" via variables and chart scripting. Those first two options are persistent and that third one is not.
That's why if you look at other similar Qlik extensions that enable users to input data, they are "writeback" solutions, as they update the underlying database that the app is pulling from. You can find a few examples of those here, here, and here.
A few existing ones also take the approach of outputting to QVDs, which could be your best bet if you want to avoid updating a database. See this one as an example, as well as their implementation docs here.
You could probably achieve all of this with a combination of:
Getting the hypercube of your (updated) table (more info)
Create a session app (more info)
Write to a new or existing QVD (more info)
(Partial) reload the current app (more info)
This would all depend on the Update rights of the users of the app, though.
I am looking for a way to fetch data to my flutter app which can be adjusted and modified dynamically after deploying the app. As an example, if I want to change the images of the carousel depending on promotions or launch new books to the digital library. I need an economic option to host the data in cloud storage and fetch it from there.
I have considered firebase as well as google drive, but have yet to find a good guide. being a beginner and having concerns about security I want some expert advice if possible.
Seeing many a tutorial I assume there is no better way than linking file URLs from the
Cloud Storage. So to dynamically change those is it possible to refer the URLs to some excel sheet fields to obtain URLs. Those fields can certainly be adjusted then without any hard coding. but the question is how to refer to such a sheet file? *
I also want to segregate the users into paid and free users, I have successfully proceeded with the authentication with firebase but still don't understand(I do have some concepts but don't know where to do that) how to put them in groups and impose limitations on them about accessing the data. any guidance, links and helpful advice will be cordially appreciated.
According to what you are looking for, I highly recommend you to use Firebase Remote Config, which is a cloud tool that allows you to modify your app's functionality and appearance without forcing users to download an update. You define in-app default values that control the functionality and appearance of your app when you use Remote Config. Then, for all app users or for subsets of your user base, you may utilize the Firebase console or the Remote Config backend APIs to modify in-app default values.
Your program can control when updates are applied, and it can check for updates regularly and apply them with minimal performance impact.
Remote Config comes with a client library that takes care of essential functions like fetching parameter values and caching them while still allowing you to manage when new values are active and how they affect the user experience in your app.
Here is a tutorial that uses Flutter and Firebase Remote Config that could also help you.
This question already has an answer here:
Sharing data in between apps in IOS
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've been doing research on how to share data between applications securely. I'd like to get some info on the correct way to handle this before I do a deep dive on implementation using the wrong method. Just cause you can do something does not necessarily mean you should.
User Case: I am working on a suite of language learning apps that have a shared audio file base of several hundred audio files and json files containing important data corresponding to a language. I'd prefer to allow the user to not have to re-download the language bundle when they use another app in our suite.
1. App Extensions - Document Provider Non-UI Variant
According to the documentation:
The File Provider extension grants access to files outside the host app’s sandbox with the open and move actions. This extension (sometimes shortened here to file provider) also allows the host app to download files without presenting a document picker view controller. This feature lets the host app access previously opened documents using secure URL bookmarks, even if those files are no longer stored on the device.
On the surface this seems like a really solid solution. My main concern stems from the last couple lines where it state that the application can download the files no longer stored on the device. I want the files to be stored locally on the device to prevent constant downloading. If the Document Provider does store the files locally and allow the various applications in the group to access the files, then I think this could work.
2. Shared Keychain Access
Allows you to securely store data to a shared keychain that other applications that are part of a suite of applications can access. All applications that share keychain access must use the same app ID prefix. For an example of shared keychain access in action.
I've looked a little into the documentation of this one, and I think this might be the best fit. My major concern with this solution is whether or not there is a size limit to the data uploaded and if mp3/ogg/json file types are allowed. Most the examples/uses I have found with this solution point to sharing strings and small data, I am not sure if it will handle large data like json or audio files.
I also found this repo that apparently makes dealing with Keychain easier:
3. Custom Pasteboards
The custom pasteboard is best for the purpose of semi-privately sharing custom data between two applications. Custom pasteboards are identified using unique names. They can persist data beyond the application that creates them, allowing a pasteboard to hold onto data after the application is terminated or even after rebooting the device.
When writing or reading data to and from a pasteboard, you must specify a pasteboard type. Pasteboard types typically use a uniform type identifier (UTI) to identify the type of data going into and being retrieved from the pasteboard. See Apple’s UIPasteboard Class Reference documentation for additional information.
Above documentation pulled from this post
My main concern with this solution is that perhaps it is a bit of a hack. Logically a pasteboard seems like something that temporarily holds data and allows sharing between apps, whereas the solution I am looking for needs to be more of a permanent solution.
I'd appreciate any info on best practices towards sharing these types of files between apps. I assume there are plenty of other solutions I've omitted here, so if there is a better alternative I'd love some info on it. If it happens one of the listed solutions I have placed here is a good way to solve this problem I'd love to have some more info on your experience with working with them and if my concerns with them are valid, or nothing to worry about.
Thx in advance. As always, well written answers get up-votes ;)
I believe the best approach would be to enable data sharing by setting up an app group. This is Apple's recommended solution for sharing data between applications and extensions, and I believe for sharing data between apps in general.
See the section "Sharing Data with Your Containing App"
Also see "Adding an App to an App Group":
I am writing a server that allows user to upload images. It appears that most people tend to store those files on the filesystem directly.
My question would be if that really is the way how to do it. I'm not familiar with the capacities of a server but what I'm curious about is e.g. how to make sure that the server does not run out of (hard drive) memory?
I would also like to know how one would organize those files for many different users. Is it enough to just store it like war/images/<user-database-id>/<uuid-for-image>.(jpeg|png) by just using the user ID inside the database or are there a lot more things to consider when it comes to storing images?
I think your best bet would be to use a cloud storage system such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace, or MS Azure.
Using a path like the one you suggested ought to be possible but you could also omit the user-database-id if that database already gives you a list of objects owned by that user.
So I'm in the middle of planning a little web app that will require quite large amounts of data stored on a user level, in one case, the system would take a large object from a system level and make a "user specific" version, a user can have multiple ones of these. Simplest would be to compare it to a form stored in a google spreadsheet, where the user is expected to use the template spreadsheet, then change not only the answers but also the question.
Security wise I am quite OK
In the second case there is requirement to store multiple objects, size about 250k to maybe 3mb, once again on a user specific level, with a potential to move it to a system level so additional users can access it. As an example, say the user can upload pictures, but may not want to share all of them. However, a user may choose to "publish" a small number of them because they are happy with those specific pictures.
What design patterns should I consider using specifically around web apps where the user have decent amounts of data? For example, would it make most sense to use a single large database and have a table that keeps track of resources or create separate tables per user?
I have considered putting it all in a mongo database.
Your approach may be wrong.
If you want to store user based binary data and make it accessible for the user itself or the community, you would need a hierarchic structure like so:
You could then grant read permissions to "community" for all users, and permission for each user to its own directory.
Usually there is nothing wrong using a database to store binary files if you consider partitioning, role permissions and an applicable interface to access the data.
My suggestion is to use a binary repository like Artifactory.
It provides hierarchic structures, simple search queries using HTTP requests and has caching abilities for frequently queried objects.
I also think that http requests are a lot easier to use and also there is an abstraction layer to the data which is more secure.
Artifactory is free.