We are develop a site with header, sidebar and body and our migration strategy is based on co-living both versions. Please give me your opinion about we use for example for sidebar and header v4 and to body and footer v5.
am having a requirement to use a common content in all the pages. So I decided to use the reference component in AEM. I have created a new page and authored the content. How can this content can be used in the templates, so that it will appear in all pages without re-authoring.
As you are using AEM 6 version, you can utilize the concept of design dialogs in components in static templates. You create a component, add design dialog and choose the fields in the design dialog, which once is authored will reflect in all pages created with that template.
The only activity you have to do while authoring is, you need to add and author the component in a page created with specific template.
If you are using the AEM 6.3 or more, Experience Fragments can be used, you can configure the experience fragment in the template and can be seen across all the pages.
You can use the experience fragment in individual pages as well.
I've confused about vue-ionic. I've decided to make mobile app with Ionic. That's okey. Then I couldn't use Angular. I installed vuejs for frontend. (vue-ionic).After that I decide to use Vuetify for material design. Now which template should I use ? or Vuetify template tags ? When I use vuetify tags, would it cause problems on the mobile device?
I have been creating a website and vuetify has a section on there website where it tells how to adapt your website to the size of the device using tags like:
xs sm or md and you can also make some things only apear on small devices
i recomend you take a look at this serie from academind that shows a litle of what you can do with vuetify:
Am using Alloy UI data table and i have client side pagination. Alloy ui data table has inbuilt pagination and am using it. is there any way to customize its style and things. for example, if we enable pagination, it will provide "page Sizes" and "first, previous, next, last" links and provision to go to pages which i doesn't want.I have uploaded the default data table pagination image and the one i need .
How to achieve this?
ike you said, we had a similar requirement. Preferred using AUI DataTable along with Jquery pagination plugin.
Here I attached the Link for JQuery opensource plugin for pagination. Its easy to use.
It is not clear to me how to "build" a UI with Appgyver Steroids. It looks like it uses only the CSS side of Ionic to render views, and not the javascript side.
This way is not possible to design UI with Ionic angular directives.
Am I wrong?
So my question is: which is the right way to design views in a Steroids app? Just by HTML and Ionic CSS classes? Is there a guide, maybe with example?
Is it possible to simply include Ionic javascript and use its directives? Some drawbacks?
Merituuli from AppGyver here.
We don't use the angular directives of Ionic because Steroids has methods to use native tabs and drawer elements, thus making the solution Ionic made unnecessary.
If you however want to include the Ionic angular directives you can do that by downloading the files you want to use from http://code.ionicframework.com/#, adding them to the /vendor folder and including them in your application.html.
If you need guides, tutorials and examples of using Steroids tabs, modals etc: https://academy.appgyver.com/categories/3-user-interface-and-design/contents
Hope this helps!
I'm using google tv jquery ui library to build app. I want to build multi page in one html file. I follow example : http://gtv-resources.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/templates/html-01/index.html, but it using 2 html files to switch between app. Please show me example code to manage multi page in one html file, thanks
If you'd like to do multi page web using single html, you could use layers. You should look at examples BuildPhotoPages or BuildVideoPages here: