GTK (GTK#) TreeView, make gridlines more visible? - gtk

I enabled gridlines like below.
tree.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.Both;
But the problem is the lines are barely visible like below (if you think there are no gridlines, zoom the image, and look really hard). Gtk.TreeView had GridLineWidth, but it was read-only. How can I make them more visible?
I have tried to find C# equivalent of the answer's C code and the following worked. Making the gridlines thicker worked but the problem was that in Ubuntu, the colour of the gridline is too light that it was not really visible even it it were thicker. So, I changed the colour instead.
var p = new CssProvider();

You could use a CSS provider and set the grid line width to a larger value than one pixel. Again, the following code snippets are written in "C"; however, it should be easy enough to interpret the code to use equivalent C# statements.
First, off one would create a GTK CSS provider.
GtkCssProvider *provider;
provider = gtk_css_provider_new();
Then, the customized CSS style information would be defined for the CSS provider widget and the CSS provider widget would be associated with your tree view.
gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(provider, "*{-GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 4;}", -1, NULL);
gtk_style_context_add_provider(gtk_widget_get_style_context(view), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
Note that GTK defines a specific set of attributes for grid elements as opposed to using a standard element such as "border-width". The attribute needing customization in this scenario is "-GtkTreeView-grid-line-width".
Having set the grid width to an exaggerated width of four pixels, the following sample illustrates the effect of the custom CSS style enhancement.
I hope that points you in the correct direction.


How to create vertical container, with 3d filling effect

I am trying to create something like this in flutter:
Image 1 -
Image 2
The two main aspects are:
the filled part of the vertical container has this elipse with darker color on the top, which gives the 3d depth effect
on Image 2 there is that % indicator, moving accordingly
What I have tried is:
tried to modify different progress_indicator packages, so that to achieve the 2 things above. However, I was never able to do that 3d depth effect.
tried to implement it as 2 expanded containers, where the flex of the bottom one represents the persentage. However again I was not able to do the elipse on the top.
From my searches online, it looks like I need to use the CustomPaint class, but it look very complicated.
If you have any better suggestions, or ever code pieces that can help, I would be extremely thankful !

Trying to reduce the size of boxes on screen

I am trying to setup a style based on bootstrap3.
Basically I want to try and reduce the size of the input elements which I have done, getting a decent proportion of 'box' vs 'text'.
However if I use the same font-size in a select box with the same size then I get a situation where the text is masked along the bottom edge...
I think there is a tiny bit more margin at the top of the select box, but for the life of me I cant find where that is set in BootStrap to change it (if at all).
I think all I need to do is move the text in the 'select' element up by a couple of pixels and it will align with those bits of text in standard text boxes....
Can anyone point me in the right direct please?
Found the associated CSS in the bootstrap, with a bit of trial and error....
Mainly in the 'form-control' section.
but now also using Bootstrap 4, with a couple of additional styles.

How to flip x-y axis on click using d3

I am using d3 chart to plot some charts.
I am looking for something by which I can flip my axis on a click of a button. Having said that I mean, I am looking for the functionality which seamlessly works for all type of charts like bar, line, stack etc.
Has anyone done some awesome work like this? Please help
Here is the sample
If you arrange your chart carefully, you should be able to achieve the flip with SVG Transforms to rotate your image, translate it if necessary to new margins, and then reverse-rotate any text that you still want to be horizontal.
As a quick-and-dirty example, I've adapted your fiddle so that when the button is clicked, a class gets toggled on the SVG as a whole, which triggers a CSS rotate transform on the entire image.
Javascript:"div#chart > svg") ///select the svg
.classed("rotate", function(){
return !"rotate");
//check whether it is currently rotated
//and set it to the opposite
/* rotate the entire image */
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
transform: rotate(-90deg);
However, note that CSS transforms (which apply to html objects, such as the entire SVG when embedded in a webpage) are not directly equivalent to SVG transforms, so I wasn't able to get the "reverse-rotate" on text elements working. To use SVG transforms, you'll need to wrap your entire chart in a <g> element to which you can apply the rotation. You'll also need to figure out the appropriate "center of rotation" coordinate, otherwise things will be rotated around your (0,0) origin point.
But this should give you an idea of where to start.
P.S. I also adapted the fiddle to make proper use of JSFiddle formatting and the external resources option for loading D3 -- use this format in the future.
You could also draw two versions of your chart (vertical & horizontal bar versions), and achieve a similar affect by having the "Flip Axis" button toggle visibility between the two.

Word Styles to get two elements to share same background/border

Within MS Word 2013 I am trying to create a text element plus a list underneath it, all wrapped inside a coloured border with background shading (see image). The attached image shows the text in plain form.
I would like to place a blue border around both the title and the list. I can achieve this by placing both objects within a 1x1 table and applying colouring rules to the cell, but semantically this seems bad (I'm from an HTML development background where it is very wrong!)
When I edit a Style rule to create the border/background, it works well until I create the list, then it goes badly wrong. Is it possible to achieve the output of the table cell approach by only using a style rule and no table?
After a day of experimentation, the closest I can get is by doing the following:
Create a style rule called Tips Heading based on Normal, then set it to be Bold with a blue background.
Create another style rule called Tips List based on List Paragraph, and set it to have a blue background.
Unfortunately the List cannot be indented because the background colour also indents. The border is also affected in this manner, so I ignored the border and indentation. It works really well and is semantically well structured.

Setting the line width in a smart gwt facetchart

I'm unsing the FacetChart widget to display several graphs at the same time. The default line width while using the ChartType.LINE is quite big. It is hard to differentiate graphs with nearly similar values.
Is there a way to set a smaller line width?
Using FusionCharts, it is possible to set the line width by just setting "lineThickness" attribute. Also, it supports various attributes to configure how your line plot will appear on the chart. It can be shown as dashed lines, lines plots using various colors etc. Give a TRY!!!