Setting the line width in a smart gwt facetchart - charts

I'm unsing the FacetChart widget to display several graphs at the same time. The default line width while using the ChartType.LINE is quite big. It is hard to differentiate graphs with nearly similar values.
Is there a way to set a smaller line width?

Using FusionCharts, it is possible to set the line width by just setting "lineThickness" attribute. Also, it supports various attributes to configure how your line plot will appear on the chart. It can be shown as dashed lines, lines plots using various colors etc. Give a TRY!!!


Foundry-Workshop - Charts with multiple layers

I would like to know what are the settings capabilities on workshop charts when implementing multiple layers.
Here is an example of a chart with 2 layers (3 objects):
Among the global settings options, I would like to know:
how to have only one legend per group, instead of one per layer?
how to manage colors? Is it possible to change default?
is there any way to display dotted lines for example?
Thanks in advance
how to have only one legend per group, instead of one per layer?
Currently all the legend "flattens" all the series across all the Plot Layers and there isn't any way to change the grouping. If you really wanted to, you could use a couple metric widgets in List or Tag mode and build your own legend alongside the chart, assuming you'd made overrides for all the potential series and series segments (see below).
how to manage colors? Is it possible to change default?
Yes, you can change the color for each series on the chart. If the series has no "Segement By" config, then you can choose the color directly. If you choose to segment by some other property, then you need to add a Segment Display Override for each segment value that you want to change.
is there any way to display dotted lines for example?
You can change the style from solid to dashed in the same place that you can change the color

Draw a line and color it based on direction

Is it possible to draw a line similar to the example below and color it based on the previous value?
So to have the color red when the line is moving down and green when it goes up.
Can this be done with line type? Or does it need to be drawn with markLine or something else?
Any help is much appreciated!
I don't think it is possible with the line chart, as the whole line uses the same color for all points. I suggest you use a scatter type chart where each point can have a different color. By setting symbol size to a small value and drawing values close together you can emulate visual line.
Here is an example based on the regression sample from echarts site:

tableau adjust marks size using number

In Marks, click Size and there pops a slider where I can adjust the size of a shape. But how to accurately control the size, is there some property with numbers to accurately control it? I have two sheets to show something similar and I want to display exactly the same sized shapes.
If you want to ensure 'sizes' are the same across two worksheets, I'd suggest snapping the 'size' setting to the center on both, as this is the easiest option to select. You can then use a measure to set the size, if this is desirable, and then the difference in size will be relative on both worksheets.
There isn't a numerical value override for the size slider.
Ben is correct, there isn't yet a numerical value override for the slider. You can use parameters with Min/Max/Sum etc. and a variable to somewhat change the sizes but they have to have multiple entries per line. It is unfortunate that Tableau still doesn't get that people want both a 'relative' sizing system that uses numbers from the dataset and a 'static' sizing system that allows for shapes to be set to '11px' or something along those lines. Yes, you can control that kind of in the dashboard with a vertical and fill entire box etc; but that doesn't address the very real scenario where you want a user to be able to re-size on the fly. Just my two cents.
I ran into this today. Very annoying. Need to keep shapes the same size across all worksheets and therefore same on dashboard.

How to make chart with two data axis in different sytle

How to apply different styles on characters X1 (bold and center/left position) and show asdasd (rightposition) in Y-axis of a table??
edit in paint :)
You can use a multi-level axis for the category axis.
If Excel does not recognize the multi-levels, then you can fix that in the data source dialog.
There is, however, no way to format the axis labels to have different fonts and font sizes for the different levels. Excel simply does not support that.
Edit: there is also no setting to turn the outer level label around. Excel will determine how to show it and there is nothing the user can do to change that.
Don't shoot the messenger.

No repeat for text-labels on line?

I am using
"symbol-placement": "line",
to add text labels over polygons (countries) using a precalculated line which spans the country bounds. However, the text label automatically repeats itself which does not look good.
Example: Instead of a curved GERMANY, I get a curved unwanted repetition GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY.
I could not find any option for that... Is there a work around?
Bonus question:
Is it possible to have the text span the full line and have the font-size dynamically set accordingly? That would be the perfect solution.
Setting symbol-spacing to a very high number (eg, 5000) should effectively achieve what you want.
Bonus question: Is it possible to have the text span the full line and have the font-size dynamically set accordingly?
No. But you could set the length of the line as a property on the feature, and use data-driven styling to set the font size from that. Data-driven styling for font-sizes is supported in Mapbox-GL-JS as of version 0.35.
You could potentially also use text-letter-spacing. That one doesnt' supoprt data-driven styling, but you could use filters to set some basic classes of letter spacing.