doccano labeling on the fly without using the predefined labels set - annotations

Does Doccano supports labeling on the fly without actually defining a predefined set of labels to annotate the documents?
I need to annotate documents and create new labels other than the predefined ones on the fly.

Unfortunately, you cannot Annotate any text without Defining a set of labels/Entities. If you have a set of labels in JSON format, you can upload them, which is a handy feature.
check their documentation for more: Doccano


Is there a good way to set dynamic labels for k8s resources?

I'm attempting to add some recommended labels to several k8s resources, and I can't see a good way to add labels for things that would change frequently, in this case "" and "". Instance seems like a label that should change every time a resource is deployed, and version seems like it should change when a new version is released, by git release or similar. I know that I could write a script to generate these values and interpolate them, but that's a lot of overhead for what seems like a common task. I'm stuck using Kustomize, so I can't just use Helm and have whatever variables I want. Is there a more straightforward way to apply labels like these?
Kustomize's commonLabels transformer is a common way to handle this, sometimes via a component. It really depends on your overall layout.

Can we use agTextColumnFilter and agSetColumnFilter both in one column?

I am using ag-grid in my project and need to use agTextColumnFilter and agSetColumnFilter in one column.
So is this possible?
Or can we both agTextColumnFilter and agSeColumnFilter in a custom filter component?
No, you can't use two filters on the same column, but of course, you can write a custom filter, and do whatever you want.
You can, as long as you have an Enterprise license. Refer to the agMultiColumnFilter documentation. This filter, as stated in the documentation, combines both by default. Otherwise, you will need to create custom filters (as already suggested). That documentation, for custom filters, can be found here.
Edit: agMultiColumnFilter was revamped or added in version 24.0.0. According to documentation, it does not exist before that.

Binding Text Blocks in a Master to Shape Data on the Master

I'm returning to Visio after being a power user in the 2000's. A lot of what I'd do back in the day was create custom masters and associate data with the shape with individual labels etc. on those masters. Sort of a multi-part shape bound to the shape data on a given master, with fine-tuned arrangement.
The shapesheet seems entirely gone in 2016 Pro and now we have the data graphic features, which are nice and interesting, but they don't give you the same degree of fine-tuning and baked-in support that my old approach of building custom masters did.
How would I go about taking a text block on a master and binding it inside that master to the master's shape data for a given property? I'm betting it's a custom expression, but I'm not sure what the syntax would be.
Oh, my overall use case here: I want to have a shape with fine-tuned fields that are always visible, but appear in different compartments on the shape. I want to link external data into the shape and have the text blocks pull the value out of the shape data and render it for the area in question. I may use Data Graphics for ancillary things on a case by case basis, but at a core, I know I want certain features to always be present in a master and styled in certain ways.
to display the property of another shape you need to reference it in the form:
N being the ID of the other shape, in your case the parent.
Store this value in a intermediate field, the use insert/field.
Here's a tool to do this automatically:
To handle input options to custom properties I recommend the following
1) set up a custom property of the page as semi-colon separated list for holding the desired values. eg: prop.myOption = "A;B;C"
2) in the shape needing this option, set up am according field as fixed list. In the format cell write: thePage!prop.options.
That's it. This way you can edit the list in one central place and have all the shapes updated.

Range field for alpaca

I'm trying to get a handle on alpacajs and wanted to see if it would be a good fit for a project i am working one.
I have a few sliders (..) that I need to get on the forms.
Is that possible with Alpaca JS or do I need to customize the data somehow?
How would the range be represented in the schema?

How do I create a validator for a single collection?

I need to build a custom id validator that will apply to a single collection, whose id will always be pre-defined (won't need a generator).
In the docs about id generators, it's written:
Currently the configuration of the custom generator applies to every resources (buckets, groups, collections, records). This tiny limitation can easily be fixed, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!
But there is nothing documented about id validation.
So, how do I:
Implement an id validator, that
Will apply to one collection only?
By default cliquet uses a generator which accepts the following regular expression r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$' (All letters and numbers + underscore and "-").
Before you chose to have a different ID validation mechanism, ensure you really need to.
Now, if that's not enough, you would need to select the proper validator depending on some configuration or already existing values, but this is not implemented in cliquet / kinto. is probably a good place to look at / start with.