Can you replace a navigationItem.titleView using UIHostingController - swift

I have a UINavigationController where I'd like to customise the navigationBar but I UIKit knowledge is limited to what I want. I do know SwiftUI so I thought I'd add a childView (a SwiftUI View)
import SwiftUI
struct NavView: View {
// I believe the content is not important to show here
I want to use that NavView inside the UINavigation:
import UIKit
class MyNavigationController: UINavigationController, UITabBarDelegate {
// SwiftUI View
var childView = UIHostingController(rootView: NavView())
// Inside viewDidLoad
let size = navigationBar.bounds.size
let bounds = navigationBar.bounds
childView.view.frame = .init(x: 6, y: 0, width: size.width - 12, height: bounds.height) // My requirements
// Not sure I need this
I can see my SwiftUI View but the title is above the view. I do not need the titleView. Could I remove it? Things tried:
self.navigationItem.titleView = ""
self.navigationItem.titleView = UIView()
Whatever I do, this "hidden" view pushes my childView down; it's not centered.


Exist way notify when custom UIView will be presented or removeFromSuperview()?

I am create custom UIView using this code:
lazy var temporary: UIView = {
let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
view.backgroundColor = .white
return view
Exist way use NotificationCenter notify when this view will be presented and removed from VC if I am use:
I'm not totally sure what you are asking. I think you're asking for a way to tell when your custom view is added as a subview of another view.
The easiest way to do that is to make your view a custom subclass of UIView, and implement didMoveToSuperview() or willMove(toSuperview:). Those methods get called when your view is added as a child view of another view.
If you really want to use the notification center you could have your custom view class broadcast a notification when it gets added to a superview.

Custom View in Status Bar is Not Appearing Disabled on Secondary Screen

I have an app that uses a custom view in the menu bar of macOS. macOS has a feature that items in the menu bar will appear disabled on a secondary screen (I think an alpha value will be added to the view).
When I remove the custom view from the Button, everything works fine. But when I use my custom view, the view always looks the same, no matter if it is the primary or the secondary monitor.
Even setting the property "appearsDisabled" does not change the look of the view.
This is the code that I am using:
private let statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
private var view: HostView?
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification)
fileprivate func createMenuBarView()
// Remove all sub views from the view and create new ones.
var width: CGFloat = 0
for device in self.controller.model.devices
if let newView = self.createView(for: device.value, x: width)
width += newView.width
self.view?.frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: MenuBar.height)
self.statusItem.image = nil
self.statusItem.length = width
if let view = self.view
// Do I have to set some properties here?
fileprivate func createMainView()
let view = HostView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32.0, height: MenuBar.height)) =
self.view = view
The problem seems to be that I am adding a NSView to the button of the NSStatusItem as a subview.
When I set my custom view to the view-Property of the NSStatusItem, the view is grayed out on a secondary screen (note that this is deprecated since macOS 10.14).

How to create view controller that covers half the screen programmatically SWIFT

I am trying to create a view similar to Facebook so that when you click a button, a view controller covers half the sceeen like this:
And then if you swipe up it covers the whole view like this:
How would I go about doing this?
you should use an container view , and set frame of container view half of the screen height
. but you can just use container view in object library xcode.
container view is look like view use in your view controller class bellow the class name add this code :
class YourViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: Properties
let containerView = UIView()
in your viewDidLayoutSubviews() function you should set frame of container view like this :
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
containerView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.view.frame.midY, width: self.view.frame.width, height: self.view.frame.height / 2)
let yourSecondViewController = YourSecondViewController()
now you have a container view that cover half of the screen,
then you should add your second view controller to your container view ,
so you should create a second view controller class programmatically , or you should create a view controller in your xcode storyboard and set storyboard id for that.
for add and remove a child view controller in an container view you can use this functions:
private func addContentContainerView(_ childViewController: UIViewController) {
childViewController.willMove(toParentViewController: self)
childViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
private func removeContentContainerView(_ childViewController: UIViewController) {
childViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: nil)
then you should add your second view controller to your container view with private func addContentContainerView(_ childViewController: UIViewController)
if you make the second programmatically and set you should use this code for use add that in your container in your viewWillLayoutSubviews method like this:
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
containerView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.view.frame.midY, width: self.view.frame.width, height: self.view.frame.height / 2)
let yourSecondViewController = YourSecondViewController()
but if you make your second view controller in storyboard you should set id for that , select view controller then select identity inspector below identity set Storyboard ID : SecondViewController
then instead last viewWillLayoutSubwies , your viewWillLayoutSubviews should like this:
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
containerView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.view.frame.midY, width: self.view.frame.width, height: self.view.frame.height / 2)
let mainStoryBoard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let yourSecondViewController = mainStoryBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SecondViewController")
and for scroll that you should add a UIScrollView and set height of that to self.view.frame.height * 1.5

Global View in AppDelegate

I am trying to create a "global view" in the AppDelegate. So the view always shows no matter what controller you are on in the app. I built a cocoapod for this and here is very basic code that I have so far.
import UIKit
open class BetaBug: NSObject {
public var myView = UIView()
public override init() {
open func show() {
if let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow {
myView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
myView.backgroundColor =
And in the AppDelegate of my project I have in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
let a = BetaBug()
Am I on the right track here? Is this possible?
I think you can make seperate viewcontroller and add transparent image in background also set clear color of top view in vc. Then u can add that vc's view with addsubview of rootviewcontrller. To dismiss u can use nsnotificationcenter. I am doing exactly the same.

Add view over tableview (UITableViewController)

Situation: I've got a UITableViewController loading some data asynchronously from a service. During this time I would like to place a full screen (except navigation bar) view over the table view showing my custom indicator and text.
Problem: The problem I'm facing is that when my custom view (it has a red background) is placed over the UITableView the lines of the table view are shown trough my custom view (see image below).
What I tried:
I tried to use insertBelow and above, didn't work. I also tried to do: tableview.Hidden = true, but this also hides the custom view for some reason as seen on image 2.
Image1: For some reason I can see the lines threw my view.
Image 2: Tableview + custom view gone when hidden = true used.
My code:
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
UIView view = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, this.TableView.Frame.Width, this.TableView.Frame.Height));
view.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
this.TableView.AddSubview (view);
TableView.Source = new SessionTableViewSource ();
You can use self.navigationController.view as view for adding subview.
The issue is that the View of a UITableViewController is a UITableView, so you cannot add subviews to the controller on top of the table.
I'd recommend switching from a UITableViewController to a simple UIViewController that contains a UITableView. This way the controller main view is a plain UIView that contains a table, and you can add subviews to the main UIView and they will be placed on top of the table view.
You can try to add the view to the window instead of nesting it in the table view like this:
UIWindow* mainWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
[mainWindow addSubview: overlayview];
UIWindow* window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate.window;
[window addSubview: your-overlayview];
Swift / Storyboard Solution
Note: The code below assumes one has a custom view (ratingView in my case) that is to be presented over a UITableView.
I've read many answers to this and similar questions on SO. The other answers from these sources worked to varying degrees for me (e.g.,view loaded but not shown or not accessible,...). I am using Swift 2.0+ and I am sharing the complete solution for doing this using a UITableViewController.
Create an outlet to the Navigation Bar and the view, which you want to bring over the tableview.
#IBOutlet weak var navBar:UINavigationBar!
#IBOutlet var ratingView: MNGStarRating!
In my case I also wanted to animate the view over the tableview so I used a class variable to hold a reference to the inflection point and a point above the scene (off-screen).
var centerYInflection:NSLayoutConstraint!
var aPointAboveScene = -(max(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width,UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height) * 2.0)
Then in viewDidLoad I called a function (configureRatingViewAutoLayout) which configures and adds the constraints for the new view to be animated over the tableview.
func configureRatingViewAutoLayout() {
var newConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint] = []
newConstraints.append(self.ratingView.leadingAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.view.leadingAnchor,constant: 10))
newConstraints.append(self.ratingView.trailingAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.view.trailingAnchor,constant: 10))
//hides the rating view above the scene
self.centerYInflection = self.ratingView.centerYAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.view.centerYAnchor, constant: self.aPointAboveScene)
//the priority must be set below 1000 if you intend to change it after it has been added to a view
self.centerYInflection.priority = 750
//constraints must be added to the container view of the two items
Nota Bene - On a UITableViewController; the self.view is the
self.tableView. They point to the same thing so I guess one could also
use the self.tableView reference above.
Sometime later... In response to a UIControl event I call this method.
#IBAction func toggleRatingView (sender:AnyObject?){
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.37, initialSpringVelocity: 0.99, options: [.CurveEaseOut], animations: { () -> Void in
if CGRectContainsRect(self.view.frame, self.ratingView.frame) {
//in frame ~ animate away
//I play a sound to alert the user something is happening
self.centerYInflection.constant = self.aPointAboveScene
self.centerYInflection.priority = UILayoutPriority(950)
//I disable portions of the UI
} else {
//out of frame ~ animate in
//I play a different sound here
self.centerYInflection.constant = 0
self.centerYInflection.priority = UILayoutPriority(950)
//I enable the UI fully
}) { (success) -> Void in
//do something else
These helper methods can be configured to control access to elements in your scene during the presentation of the view.
func disableUIElements(sender:AnyObject?) {
func enableUIElements(sender:AnyObject?) {
My view is a custom view in the Storyboard (sitting outside of the
tableview but connected to the TableView Controller). The view has a
required user runtime attribute defined layer.zPosition with a Number value set to 2 (this ensures that it presents in front of the
One could also try playing around with bringSubviewToFront:
and sendSubviewToBack: methods if you don't want to set the zPosition
(I think zPosition is simpler to use)
Try this to hook a button at bottom of the UITableViewController
declare button as a variable:
var submitButton: UIButton!
and in viewDidLoad:
submitButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 5, y: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height - 50, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width - 10, height: 50))
submitButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.init(red: 180/255, green: 40/255, blue: 56/255, alpha: 1.0)
submitButton.setTitle("Submit", for: .normal)
submitButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "Arial", size: 15)
submitButton.titleLabel?.textColor = .white
submitButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(submit), for: .touchUpInside)
submitButton.layer.cornerRadius = 5
and implement this method:
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
submitButton.frame = CGRect.init(x: submitButton.frame.origin.x, y: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height + scrollView.contentOffset.y - 50, width: submitButton.frame.width, height: submitButton.frame.height)
This works for me:
if let myTopView = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("MyTopView", owner: self, options: nil)?.first as? MyTopView {
if let view = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow{
myTopView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
myTopView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor ).isActive = true
myTopView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor).isActive = true
myTopView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor).isActive = true
myTopView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor).isActive = true