Autocomplete not stopping in my react project - autocomplete

Why { autocomplete="off" } does not working in my react project . Is there any other way to turn those suggestions off?


How to enable Codesandbox auto complete again?

Well, Codesandbox stopped working properly from one day to another, it doesn't auto complete or make any suggestions while writing code and emmet abbreviation doesn't work either. I went to File -> Preferences -> Settings and enabled JavaScript Autoclosing Tags checkbox on but still not working, any suggestions?
You have to turn Emmet back on - for autocompleting tag and component names. Not sure when, or why, this was removed from the default behavior when it's the default behavior of just about every other editor.

Coda 2: How to enable Auto Closing Tag support

I am using CODA 2 for mac and I want the editor to complete my closing Tag!
I am typing:
I want the editor to autocomplete the
I have already checked the plugin store of coda:
but without success.
Any idea?
Simply use a editor as visual studio code or sublime text. Every editor doesn't contain the support for auto closing tags
just type </
Its not a plugin as such but this is how you complete tags in Coda2.

Visual Studio Code disable auto closing tags

I'm trying to prevent auto closing tags, but the following setting doesn't seem to work:
"html.autoClosingTags": false,
What else must be done to make auto-closing tags go away?
Just in case anyone looking at this is finding that HTML tags are still being automatically closed inside JSX files. The setting you need is:
"javascript.autoClosingTags": false,
"typescript.autoClosingTags": false
Open Visual Studio Code, go to Preferences -> Settings
Under the User Settings tab, click Text Editor, and search for the setting Auto Closing Tags. Uncheck HTML: Auto Closing Tags
This search results also allow you to disable auto closing for JavaScript and TypeScript, if desired.
Based on Visual Studio Code 1.64.2 for macOS.
For me, the solution was in an extension. I had the Auto Close Tag extension installed (who knows when I though that was a good idea) that was overriding the built in autoclose. Disabling the extension fixed it.
Take a look through your enabled extensions and see if there's any that might be adding this behavior.
The following worked for me:
Go to File > Preference > Setting (Ctrl + ,)
Extension > HTML
And remove tick from the "Auto Closing Tags".
Hope this helps. Cheers :)
Disabling autoclosing for only TypeScript generics
To eliminate autoclosing on TS <generic> tags, but leave it on otherwise, install the Auto Close Tag VSCode extension and add the following lines to your JSON user settings:
"auto-close-tag.disableOnLanguage": [
Further Reading: TypeScript Generics: Adds closing "Tag" to type specifier #17
You might need to delete the comma after "false" - Visual Studio Code doesn't seem to like commas after the last statement in preferences.
Just ran into this problem and I went to preferences -> settings -> extensions -> HTML -> disable autoclosing of HTML tags. Hope this helps!
I just looked this one up myself and noticed there was no verified answer. Those saying you have to go to the HTML portion are absolutely correct, if you don't uncheck that checkbox under HTML: Auto Closing Tags then you will keep getting the closing tags.

I've moved over to VSC from ST3, but there is no namespace auto finder/user to my knowledge, do you know of a plugin to achieve this?

I've moved over to VSC (visual studio code) from ST3, my only problem is there is no namespace auto finder/use to my knowledge, do you know of a plugin to achieve this?
For example, if I done a method like so in sublime:
public function getJob(User $user)
//nothing just a testmehthod
and I pressed f5 over the User It'd import it, or if I pressed f6 it's include the full namespace... Any plugin for VSC like this?
VS Code does have a 'quick fix'. In C# it will auto add using statements if they are missing for the statement under the cursor. The default keybinding is "ctrl+." according to the vscode documentation keybindings page.
Not sure which language you're using so I cannot test it locally. I don't know which languages it works for or if other plugins are needed to work for more languages.

Eclipse CSS3 Profiler missing autocompletion

I'm using Eclipse Mars on my PHP Project, and I have set the CSS Profiler to be CSS3, but some new attributes are missing from auto completion like 'transition' and 'transform', which I use a lot.
Does anyone have an idea how to add the new CSS3 attributes to Eclipse's Auto completion? If not, can I add or modify a CSS Profiler, so I can manually add them in?