Azure function plugin for visual studio code not working (mac) - Function Section Missing - visual-studio-code

All tutorials available (including the official microsoft ones), show that when you have the prerequisites installed, and you click on the "Azure" icon on the left, you should see options to "create new project" and view functions and view app instances.
I dont get any of these.
This is what I get:
This is what the tutorials get:
All of these options are missing, the whole functions tab is missing.
I have .net 6 installed, Azure Functions Core Tools version 4, c# extensions for visual code, and latest azure funcion extension for VS code.
I have restarted computer and vs code several times.
i have also connected to my pay as you go Azure subscription in VS code, and I can browse our subscriptions in vscode.
Any ideas?
VS Code Version: 1.67.2 (Universal)
MacOS 12.4
Architecture M1 Pro Max
Here is the Azure Functions plugin I have installed:

This is the new update in VS Code environment. Now you can create functions by navigating to workspace >> Add >> Create function.


Problems with save operation in Visual Studio VSIX custom editor and .Net 6.0 Web application projects

We have built a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX). It is a custom editor for editing a special file that contains definitions for the datamodel in our CMS.
We are porting our CMS to .Net 6.0 from .Net 4.8 ( framework -> core ), however we are struggling getting the editor to work in .Net 6.0 projects. It works fine in web applications written in .Net 4.8, but not in .Net 6.0 web application projects.
Whenever we click the save button in Visual Studio, we get a very general and non specific error message that says: "The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error"
We run the extension with source code in debug mode using the Visual Studio SDK, and there is no exception that is picked up by Visual Studio. ( We use one Visual Studio instance to start another instance of Visual Studio in debug mode, as normal with VSIX projects). Breakpoints etc. work, and we have activated all exceptions in the debugger. When we click save in Visual Studio projects, we get the error message before any method is called in our code. We do not even enter the "IVsPersistDocData2.SaveDocData" method of the "WindowPane" class. The plugin is written in C#. Apart from save, everything works fine. The editor loads fine and function as normal in both types of projects.
There must be some difference in the way the extension integrates with Visual Studio that differ between .Net4.8 projects and .Net6.0 projects. Of course, there are differences in file paths etc in these projects, but I do not see how this is the root of the problem as we do not even get to the stage where any method is called in our editor source code.
As a test I created a very simple extension with only the bare minimum to enable a WindowPane extension, and I get the same error message when saving in 6.0 projects
We created the first version of the plugin back in 2013, using templates from Microsoft and have been updating it for every new version of Visual Studio. There have been some changes in the documentation and projects templates for VSIX, but unfortunately, there is no longer any C# template for custom editors, only C++. ( Pherhaps someone knows any workings examples of custom editors written in c#?
So, we are a little stuck, the error message does not give us any clue to what is wrong. I have not found any documentation that could explain differences in Net 4.8 and Net 6.0 web projects that could cause this.
Anyone had a similar problem? Or perhaps a clue to what is causing this.
(BTW, we are using the latest version of Visual Studio 2022 Community and Windows 11)
After opening a support incident with Microsoft, further investigation and live debugging pointed to problems with VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.VS.Implementation.Package.ProjectNode.SaveItem and a possible internal bug in Visual Studio.
A temporary workaround suggested by Microsoft support, was to add the definition of IPersistFileFormat to the WindowPane implementation. ( None of the methods needed to be implemented. )
This solved the problem for us. The definition of our working WindowPane is now:
public sealed class OntologyDesignerEditorPane : WindowPane, IVsPersistDocData2, IPersistFileFormat, IVsFileChangeEvents

Apply the bitdojo_window package

I want to apply the bitdojo_window package to my program. Here, in the tutorial video provided by the publisher, I found that he and I had a different project directory. Where is my Windows directory? The web directory doesn't seem to replace it.
Seems like you don't have windows enabled as platform. To do this you should follow the official guide on the flutter website.
But here a quick summary:
Install Visual Studio:
Visual Studio 2019 (not to be confused with Visual Studio Code). For
Win32 you need the “Desktop development with C++” workload installed,
including all of its default components. For UWP you need the
“Universal Windows Platform development” workload installed, with the
optional UWP C++ tools.
run command in the terminal:
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
now if you create a project it will automatically create this folder.
create Windows folder for existing project:
In case you want to get windows as platform in an existing project just run:
flutter create .
in the root directory of your project.

Export/Import VS extensions list?

Is there an easy way to backup the installed extensions list in VS (2017), so that when I install the machine anew I can easily install my regular extensions at once?
Note: I've found this question that asks an identical question to my own, except it targets VS Code, whereas my question is about Visual Studio for Windows.
Roaming Extension Manager is built in Visual Studio 2017:
The Roaming Extension Manager helps you keep track of all your
favorite extensions across all of your development environments.
Roaming your extensions keeps track of the extensions you have
installed by creating a synchronized list in the cloud.
See also
Re-visiting this for Visual Studio 2019, you can use this extension to import/export your extensions:

Running Odoo Enterprise Studio from code (Eclipse)

Where is the Odoo Studio code? Is it part of the Odoo Enterprise code on Github (which I have access to)?
Is there something I need to enable or add to the project so I see the Studio?
Currently when I run the Odoo Community code, (with the addons path in odoo.conf set correctly first to the enterprise directory) I see no Studio option in the header.
So two questions:
Where is the Studio code and how do I access it?
What do I need to do so I see it, when running the Odoo code from Eclipse?
1) Studio code is the one of the module inside the Odoo Enterprise addons with named "web_studio". For that you need the access of the Enterprise addons.
2) After installing the module web_studio you can get the one icon on top right corner before logged in user name like tools with tool tip "Customization". By clicking on that you can start the Studio for manage any changes inside the current screen.
I hope you are getting both of the answer correct fully.

OrientDB Studio - Can OrientDB Studio 1.7.8 be used to drop a database?

The Studio documentation page on the site states that databases can be dropped using Studio:
Select a database from the databases list and click the trash icon. Studio will open a confirmation popup where you have to insert [credentials.]
The studio zip file that ships with 1.7.10 is I've gone through Studio with a number of databases and I haven't seen any Trash icons anywhere. Am I missing something?
The Studio documentation page states that:
This is the new Studio 2.0 Homepage.
I thought I saw an Issue stating that database drop capability was added in late August. Is it supported in studio 1.7.8?
I suppose I could try unpacking the studio zip file from the 2.0 M3 distribution. Has anyone tried that?
Studio 1.7.x does not have such feature.
You can try to take the studio of 2.0 M3 distribution. Not all feature will work
like downloading databases from the cloud and other. But the basic features like dropping db should work.
Never tried that