Export/Import VS extensions list? - import

Is there an easy way to backup the installed extensions list in VS (2017), so that when I install the machine anew I can easily install my regular extensions at once?
Note: I've found this question that asks an identical question to my own, except it targets VS Code, whereas my question is about Visual Studio for Windows.

Roaming Extension Manager is built in Visual Studio 2017:
The Roaming Extension Manager helps you keep track of all your
favorite extensions across all of your development environments.
Roaming your extensions keeps track of the extensions you have
installed by creating a synchronized list in the cloud.
See also https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/roaming-extension-manager-control-and-consistency-down-to-the-last-extension/

Re-visiting this for Visual Studio 2019, you can use this extension to import/export your extensions: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.ExtensionManager2019


How can I install Visual Studio Code Extension under linux for all users

We have a linux-based system that does not have internet access.
To install any Visual Studio Code extension we need to download it elsewhere and copy it across to the server.
Is there a way we can do this so all users can access it?
Tried looking at options under 'code'.

Visual Studio Code 'Setting Sync from Microsoft' vs. 'Setting Sync from Shan Khan'

I tried to sync my visual studio code settings / extensions. Many sync steps I did manual.
I found then these both tools
The first is from Microsoft and integrated (out of the box) in VScode. The second one is a high rated extension.
When I want to start a sync where should I start? Is there a recommended way? I cannot see many differences for the both tools.
My environment Win 10 with VScode and additional two times WSL2 Alpine and Ubuntu each with vscode.
Summary: Use VS Code's built-in Setting Sync for most cases. Use Khan's Setting Sync extension if you require multiple profiles (ie multiple settings) or you are running open source version of VS Code (such as VSCodium).
Before the official VS Code's version was released, the most popular way to sync VS Code settings across computers (and across platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux) was possible with Shan Khan's Settings Sync - Visual Studio Marketplace. This extension works really well, but it requires the users to set up their Github as it saves the settings to their private Gist.
VS Code had recently released its own Settings Sync, which unfortunately uses the same name as the extension, causing some confusion amongst the users. The built-in sync requires account in MS or Github. According to the VS Code documentation, it is completely different from Khan's Settings Sync extension. Now that the VS Code has introduced the feature of syncing, the writing might be on the wall for the extension. However, the extension has other features that is not available in the VS Code, so I think it will continue to be used and updated.
Khan's Settings Sync extension might be preferrable over the VS Code's built-in sync for some cases. Khan's Setting Sync can have multiple profile. Also OSS version of VS Code such as VSCodium doesn't include this feature, so the extension might be the only way to have this feature. Also, it is sometimes useful to be able to see different versions of your settings in Github Gist, as it maintains versioning. Finally, Khan's Settings Sync is also available for Azure Data Studio, which is based on VSCode.
the newest vscode update has the additional settings in which you can turn on the settings sync. Just go to file -> preferences -> settings sync. I used to use the extensions for my settings sync but now i don't use it anymore

Visual Studio Code offline installation

Is there a possibility to instal "Visual Studio Code" offline ? (with no Internet connection)
Best Regards
You can easily download the official installer from
https://code.visualstudio.com/download# (I took the System Installer version)
Therefore download the binaries on another machine.
Extensions can be installed from visx file.
extension name can bee looked up in VSCode itself:
VS Code extension identifier
Then install the extension.
where to find the button
That should be IMHO enough.
You surely already managed to install VS Code. For people who google a solution this could be helpful.

Using VSCode Extensions in Visual Studio

Today I found a VSCode extension that I would very much love to use in Visual Studio 2017 (Pro or Enterprise). I'm not at all familiar with VSCode. Are the platforms entirely different, or is there some hope that I could somehow modify the extension and "port it over"?
Are the platforms entirely different [...]
Yes, they are - VSCode extensions run in a JavaScript engine (and are usually written with TypeScript), while Visual Studio extensions seem to run on .NET (usually C#). They also have different extension APIs:
Visual Studio 2017 SDK
Visual Studio Code Extension API
That doesn't mean that extension couldn't be ported over of course, provided Visual Studio has equivalents for all the required APIs, but it would essentially be a rewrite.
Now, there's an exception to this with language servers, using Microsoft's Language Server Protocol. It is designed to be IDE-independent and servers can be written in basically whatever language you prefer. There's LSP clients implementations for both VSCode (built-in) and Visual Studio. The extension you linked doesn't fall under that though.

What does "Visual Studio Code" setup uses?

I recently installed Microsoft new "Visual Studio Code" on Windows. The entire setup was quick and nice. What technology is that? Is it clickonce? It was smooth and quick
It's using Squirrel to create a self extracting zip archive containing a nuget package. Squirrel only supports per-user installation and because of that it doesn't impress me.
Enterprises want per-machine installations with auto-update disabled so that change can be centrally managed. Technologies like Click Once and Squirrel just ignore this and do limited things in the per-user context with auto updates enabled. Two different animals.