Enable OAuth2.0 in Grafana Infinity plugin for Citrix data source - rest

I am trying to collect data from REST API using Grafana plug-ins (Infinity, Simple JSON, JSON), The problem is in order to access the API you should maintain a valid OAuth Token which expires every hour and should be refreshed, and it should be pre-fixed by certain word,
EX: 'Authorization' : 'Bearer AUTHTOKEN'
Any idea how to solve this ?

Your Grafana Infinity plugin wants to access the protected Citrix data source.
Citrix is protected with the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant: that means, Citrix clients must collect a short-lived access token by authenticating themselves with their id and secret and requests to Citrix APIs must include the access token as a bearer token (as the HTTP Authorization header prefixed with Bearer ).
Creating an API client in Citrix gives you your client id, client secret, and additionally, customer id.
Grafana Infinity plugin supports client credentials grant out of the box, meaning once you have Infinity configured with the required parameters (those you got while creating your client in Citrix), it will collect the token and include it as a bearer token for you.
The Infinity plugin documentation doesn't explicitly mention how it handles access token expiration: possibly it requests for a new access token if it detects that the access token has expired (the expiration time is returned as the expires_in value with the access token).

You just need to follow these steps, if you have already logged in through any OAuth mechanism:
Go to Configuration > Data sources.
Add data sources, and select Infinity.
In authentication select Forward OAuth and add some Allowed host. For instance http://:8080/ to allow
any data coming form the quarkus app.
Save and exit, the url will be set in the dashboard.


How can a resource server validate an access token without the authorization server

I'm learning about access tokens and refresh tokens. I understand...
An access token is an artifact that proves the user has been authorized to access a resource and allows a client application to perform specific actions on behalf of the user.
A refresh token is an artifact that lets a client application get new access tokens without having to ask the user to log in again.
I don't understand the following paragraph from this JWT book:
The key aspect of the separation between access and refresh tokens lies in the possibility of making access tokens easy to validate. An access token that carries a signature (such as a signed JWT) may be validated by the resource server on its own. There is no need to contact the authorization server for this purpose. Refresh tokens, on the other hand, require access to the authorization server.
The text is referring to the following image:
What exactly does "validate" mean here? How can the resource server validate the access token on its own? If the authorization server generates the access token, which it does in this case, isn't the authorization server required to validate the access token?
The only thing I can think of is that the resource server has a copy of the key used to sign the access token (see here). If so, doesn't that render the authorization server redundant?
JSON Web Tokens can be validated because, as you guess correctly, the resource server will have beforehand the public key of the private key that was used to sign that token. It means, that if someone in the middle tried to tamper the JWT, the validation will fail and the JWT should not be processed.
Also, the JWT contains fields as the expiration time that can be checked by the resource to understand if the token is still valid or not.

What is the MUST have claims for JWT refresh tokens? Can it be identical to the access token (with a longer exp)?

Im playing around and creating a custom access token system using JWT. I have already created a system for signing and validating JWT access tokens.
However, I find it hard to obtain information about what claims a refresh token should consist of.
Should i create refresh tokens identical to the access token - with a longer expiratiom time so that the same function that validates access tokens can be used to validate the refresh token?
A refresh token is typically an opaque value that is only used by clients to refresh access tokens. The flow works like this:
Web or mobile client implements OpenID Connect to authenticate users and get tokens - prompting the user to consent in some cases
An Authorization Server (AS) issues the tokens and stores details of this 'delegation' in a database - tokens are a pointer to this state
Client sends access tokens to APIs until a 401 expired response is received
Client then tries to refresh the access token by sending the refresh token to the Authorixation Server, which then looks up claim details from the stored state
I would make sure you get these responsibilities right - in particular avoid building your own AS and use a free one provided by experts, such as Curity Community Edition. Many security solutions will then be easier to develop.

Approah on creating clients/realms for separate service (frontend and backend)

I'm new to keycloak and would like to check what is the common design on the said architecture.
I have 1 backend(quarkus) 1 frontend (angular) and 1 flutter.
I would like to see if I could leverage the features of client. My idea is to have a separate client within the realm. For example
REALM = MyAppRealm
Client = backend-client and front-endclient
Is it possible that the token i got from front-endclient can be use to access the api from the backend?
Reason I have this setup is that the front-endclient has a public accesstype while the backend has confidential
to sum up. I would like to see if i can reuse the token i got from front-endclient to my backend-client
Yes of course you can do that.
The purpose of openid is to share authentication and authorization between a diversity of clients without needing to share credentials (no password is known by any of the clients). A trusted third party (here Keycloak) will give back a signed token in exchange for credentials. And this token will be a proof of who the user is and what he is allowed to do in the communications between the frontend and backend.
To sum up :
Your angular frontend authenticates an user using a public client and an implicit flow. When successfully authenticated, the frontend obtains an access token and a refresh token.
When making a REST call to the backend, your frontend needs to set the header Authorization using the access token as a bearer token ('Authorization: Bearer insert access token here'). You can automate this by using an interceptor (example)
Finally, when your backend receive an API request it can check the Authorization header to ensure the request is authenticated and authorized. For how to do that with Quarkus, everything is explained in this documentation page : https://quarkus.io/guides/security-openid-connect

DC/OS - authentication vs. api token

As far as i know, DC/OS has two different types of tokens:
authentication token: retrieved via a login through
https://public-master-ip/login?redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob. This token is used to retrieve api tokens.
api token: retrieved via a post call to https://public-master-ip/acs/api/v1/auth/login with the authentication token in the request body. This token is used to authorize calls against the apis. Such a token expires after 5 days.
My questions are
Are my assumptions correct?
Does a authentication token expire? If so, when and is there a way to refresh it?
Let me first define the goal of the current (1.8) Open DC/OS authentication procedure and then walk through your assumptions. I'll answer your questions after that.
The goal of the current Open DC/OS authentication procedure is to use Auth0 infrastructure for triggering a single sign-on authentication flow against one of three popular identity providers, and have the result reported back to your DC/OS cluster. If the DC/OS cluster is happy with the result, it will emit an authentication token specifically adjusted to that individual cluster.
Comments on your assumptions
authentication token: retrieved via a login through https://public-master-ip/login?redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob. This token is used to retrieve api tokens.
That's roughly true. However, what you call "authentication token" actually is an OpenID Connect ID Token emitted by an OpenID Connect identity provider.
Let us take this one slowly, as it is a little involved.
What happens behind the scenes is an OpenID Connect single sign-on authentication flow.
More precisely, the DC/OS UI displays an iframe that loads a piece of JavaScript hosted by Auth0, which -- when executed in your browser -- performs the so-called implicit flow (which is one of three specified OpenID Connect authentication flow types).
By the end of this flow(*) the JavaScript code executed in your browser receives a so-called OpenID Connect ID Token (from the identity provider, of course, which is Auth0 in this case). This token is a JSON Web Token (JWT, see RFC7519) signed with the private key of the identity provider (in this case it actually is Auth0, which basically proxies other identity providers such as Google Accounts).
The piece of JavaScript that receives the ID token then -- as you say -- POSTs the ID Token to your DC/OS cluster (to https://public-master-ip/acs/api/v1/auth/login). The receiving end is a web application behind DC/OS' Admin Router (the latter is just a pimped nginx). That web application inspects the ID Token's payload (which is JSON) and finds the key/value pair "iss": "https://dcos.auth0.com/". So it knows who (pretends to) have issued that token! Then it goes ahead and fetches https://dcos.auth0.com/.well-known/openid-configuration (wooo, where does it know that URL from? This is magic defined by OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 and RFC5785). That JSON document there defines a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) document (specified via RFC7517), revealing the public key corresponding to the private key that had (supposedly) signed the ID Token. So, that web application goes ahead and fetches the public key directly from the identity provider (through HTTPS). It then uses that public key to verify the cryptographic signature of the ID Token (and it checks the expiration time, too, of course). If ID Token validation passes, the DC/OS web application I talked about rightfully assumes that the user agent that had sent the ID Token is successfully authenticated against Auth0. And, trusting Auth0, we rightfully assume that the user agent is authenticated against e.g. Google Accounts.
Only then it (the small web application in DC/OS I talked about) stores the identity within DC/OS, assigns a unique user ID, and emits the DC/OS authentication token. That token refers to the given identity via the named user ID.
(*)Note that the identity provider only emits the ID Token towards your browser after you have successfully authenticated yourself towards that provider (e.g. Google Accounts) and after you have given consent to share identity details with a third-party service.
api token: retrieved via a post call to https://public-master-ip/acs/api/v1/auth/login with the authentication token in the request body. This token is used to authorize calls against the apis. Such a token expires after 5 days.
In DC/OS terminology, this is the DC/OS authentication token. It is a JWT signed with a random key only known to your DC/OS cluster. The Admin Router in your DC/OS can validate such authentication tokens. Certain HTTP requests against Admin Router are only proxied to back-end services when they contain a valid authentication token in the request (hence, this token mainly serves authentication, but also a very basic coarse-grained authorization, if you want to say so). Otherwise, Admin Router will respond with a 401 (read: "not authenticated").
Answers to your questions
Are my assumptions correct?
I hope to have clarified
that what you call "authentication token" is an OpenID Connect ID Token (a JWT).
that what you call "api token" is what's called "DC/OS authentication token" in the DC/OS ecosystem (and it's technically a JWT, too).
Does a authentication token expire?
I read this question as "Does an OpenID Connect ID Token expire?" Yes, indeed! This is what the spec says about ID Token expiration:
exp -- REQUIRED -- Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The processing of this parameter requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the value. Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway, usually no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value is a JSON number representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in UTC until the date/time. See RFC 3339 [RFC3339] for details regarding date/times in general and UTC in particular.
Note that the spec does not enforce a particular ID Token lifetime -- this is up to identity providers to set. In case of ID Tokens emitted by dcos.auth0.com I have just confirmed that
>>> exp = 1474742063
>>> iat = 1474310063
>>> lifetime_days = (exp - iat) / (60.0 * 60 * 24)
>>> lifetime_days
That is, the ID Token emitted by Auth0 expires after 5 days.
If so, when and is there a way to refresh it?
You can only obtain a new ID Token emitted by Auth0 by going through an OpenID Connect authentication flow involving one of the configured identity providers. That is, the (only) intended way to obtain such a token and pass it along to DC/OS is triggered through the DC/OS UI which starts the Auth0-based flow for you (well, you could technically hack this together yourself...).
Note that Enterprise DC/OS offers an OpenID Connect authentication flow that
directly communicates the ID Token securely between DC/OS and the identity provider (no user agent ever sees that ID Token).
enforces the usage of the optional nonce mechanism of OpenID Connect ID Tokens (described in the spec), introducing more conceptual security on multiple levels (e.g. mitigating replay attacks).
We will probably merge that functionality into Open DC/OS by one of the next releases (no promises at this point!).
I hope that helped, let me know if there are further questions.

Facebook OAuth 2.0 "code" and "token"

Why do you need both a "code" and a "token" in the Facebook OAuth2 authentication flow as described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ ?
If you look at the OAuth dialog reference (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/oauth/), it seems like you only ever use the token to fetch information about the user, and if you specify the response_type parameter as token or code,token, then you get the token on the first time.
Why do you need to get a "code" and then use the code to get a "token" as opposed to getting the token directly?
I guess I'm misunderstanding something basic about how OAuth works, but it seems you avoid the request to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token entirely if you get the token the first time with the dialog.
Let us take a simple example to differentiate authentication code vs access token.
You as a user want to try a new Facebook app called Highjack.
So you click on the application and the Highjack app asks you to log into your Facebook account. When you are done, Facebook generates an authentication code for you.
This code is then passed to the Highjack server which uses its own FB client id, FB secret and your authentication code to get an access token.
In the above example the authentication code is confirming you as a user is a valid FB user. But the second steps says "you as a FB user is giving access to the Highjack app for certain resources".
If the Highjack app wanted implicit grant (i.e direct access token), then the access token would be visible to you also since it is being exchanged with the browser. This means you can now call all Facebook APIs on behalf of Highjack using the access token. (You can only use the access token to get your personal information but Facebook has no way of knowing who is calling their APIs.)
Since we have 2 parties (You and Highjack) authenticating with Facebook we have this 2 fold mechanism.
Borrowed shamelessly from Salesforce Documentation:
Authorization Code
An authorization code is a short-lived token representing the user's access grant, created by the authorization server and passed to the client application via the browser. The client application sends the authorization code to the authorization server to obtain an access token and, optionally, a refresh token.
Access Token
The access token is used by the client to make authenticated requests on behalf of the end user. It has a longer lifetime than the authorization code, typically on the order of minutes or hours. When the access token expires, attempts to use it will fail, and a new access token must be obtained via a refresh token.
From the OAuth 2.0 Spec:
The authorization code provides a few important security benefits
such as the ability to authenticate the client, and the transmission
of the access token directly to the client without passing it through
the resource owner's user-agent, potentially exposing it to others,
including the resource owner.
So, basically - the main reason is to limit the # of actors getting the access token.
"token" response is intended primarily for clients that live in the browser (e.g.: JavaScript client).
Answer) You need/want both the code and token for extra security.
According to Nate Barbettini we want the extra step of exchanging the authentication code for the access token, because the authentication code can be used in the front channel (less secure), and the access token can be used in the back channel (more secure).
Thus, the security benefit is that the access token isn't exposed to the browser, and thus cannot be intercepted/grabbed from a browser. We trust the web server more, which communicates via back channels. The access token, which is secret, can then remain on the web server, and not be exposed to the browser (i.e. front channels).
For more information, watch this fantastic video:
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English)
https://youtu.be/996OiexHze0?t=26m30s (Start 26 mins)
If you look at the flow of Authorization Code OAuth type, yes, there are actuary two steps:
<user_session_id, client_id> => authorization_code
<client_id, redirect_uri, authorization_code, client_secret> => access_token, refresh_token
In step1: the user tells the OAuth Server that "I want to auth this client (client_id) to access my resource. Here is my authentication (user_session_id or what else)"
In step2: the client (client_id) tells the OAuth server that "I've got the user the authorization (authorization_code), please give me an access token for later access. And this is my authentication (client_id & client_secret)"
You see, if we omit step 2, then there is no guarantee for client authentication. Any client can invoke step1 with a different client_id and get an access token for that client_id instead of its own. That's why we need step2.
If you really want to combine step1 and step2, you can do something like this:
<client_id, redirect_uri, client_secret> => access_token, refresh_token
We use this approach in our Open API Platform, and we haven't find any security problem yet.
BTW, there is actually an Implicit Grant type, that is:
<client_id, redirect_uri> => access_token, refresh_token
It is generally applicable to client only application which have no server backend. In that case, the OAuth server must ensure that the redirect URI belongs to that client (same with the register redirect_uri, for example).
The mix-up came because the user on behalf of himself and not the client app authenticate against the authorization server (i.e. facebook).
Its much simple to secure the client app (with https) then the user-agent (browser).
Here is the original formulation from IETF-oauth (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-threatmodel-08#section-3.4):
3.4. Authorization Code
An authorization code represents the intermediate result of a
successful end-user authorization process and is used by the client
to obtain access and refresh token. Authorization codes are sent to
the client's redirection URI instead of tokens for two purposes.
Browser-based flows expose protocol parameters to potential
attackers via URI query parameters (HTTP referrer), the browser
cache, or log file entries and could be replayed. In order to
reduce this threat, short-lived authorization codes are passed
instead of tokens and exchanged for tokens over a more secure
direct connection between client and authorization server.
It is much simpler to authenticate clients during the direct
request between client and authorization server than in the
context of the indirect authorization request. The latter would
require digital signatures.
Access Tokens cannot tell us if the user has authenticated but auth code does.
Auth code should not be used to gain access to an API but access token should be.
If you have a single page application or mobile application with no or minimum backend, your application may want to access user's FB data directly at frontend. Hence the access token is provided.
In another case, you may want a user to register/login to your app using some external auth service provider like Facebook, Google etc. In this case, your frontend will send the auth code to the backend that can be used to get access token from Facebook at serverside. Now your server becomes enabled to access user's FB data from the server.
Basically, as an extension of Lix's answer, the access code route allows a Resource Owner (i.e. the Facebook User) to revoke authorization for their User Agent (i.e. their browser), e.g. by logging off, without revoking authorization for an offline Client (i.e. Your Application).
If this is not important, then there is no need to use the access code route.
Furthermore, the access code is provided to ensure that the Token provided to a server is actually registered to the Resource Owner (i.e. the Facebook User), and not the User Agent (or a Man-in-the-Middle).
This seems similar to the question of either choosing the implicit vs authorization code grant flow. In fact, here is what looks like an opposite view point?!.
Also, as Drew mentioned,
When the access token expires, attempts to use it will fail, and a new access token must be obtained via a refresh token.
another piece is the refresh token, but I don't see that being explained too well in the FB Docs. If I'm correct, the implicit grant (the direct token) should be really short lived, but that is to-be-enforced and FB.js seems to hide a lot of that (this one I have not looked as deep into).
If I'm correct, the code%20token is an optimization allowing both the User Agent to have a token and allowing for the server to initiate the token exchange process in a single request (as anything over Network IO is considered expensive, especially to a User Agent).
In OAuth 2.0 with facebook, the overall concept is simple as follows.
Step 1. Obtain "Authorization Code" by a GET request
request URI: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth
client_id={add your "App id" got by registering app}
redirect_uri={add redirect uri defined at the registration of app}
scope={add the scope needed in your app}
Headers: None
Step 2. Obtain the "Access Token" by sending the authorization code as a POST request
URI: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token
client_id=<add your "App id" got by registering app>
redirect_uri=<add redirect uri defined at the registration of app>
code=<obtained authorization code from previous step>
Authorization:Basic encode <App Id:App Secret> with base64
Step 3. Use the access token got from above step and retrieve user resources
It’s because the access token is given to an AUTHENTICATED client (third-party app) using a shared secret that only FB and the client knows. The only way that the user could directly request the access token is by knowing the shared secret, which would make the secret public and could lead to a man-in-the-middle attack. Further, while FB can guarantee a secure connection to the user, FB can’t guarantee the handoff of the token to the client is secure. However, FB (and OAuth2) does require a secure connection between the client and FB. The access token is tied to the client public ID (usually hashed), which means only the original client application can use it to request the token because the secret is sent along with the authorization code to get the access token.
You recieve a token when the user logs in. But you might want to change the token when you are performing other actions. EG posting as your app/page or posting as a user with offline_access.