Approah on creating clients/realms for separate service (frontend and backend) - keycloak

I'm new to keycloak and would like to check what is the common design on the said architecture.
I have 1 backend(quarkus) 1 frontend (angular) and 1 flutter.
I would like to see if I could leverage the features of client. My idea is to have a separate client within the realm. For example
REALM = MyAppRealm
Client = backend-client and front-endclient
Is it possible that the token i got from front-endclient can be use to access the api from the backend?
Reason I have this setup is that the front-endclient has a public accesstype while the backend has confidential
to sum up. I would like to see if i can reuse the token i got from front-endclient to my backend-client

Yes of course you can do that.
The purpose of openid is to share authentication and authorization between a diversity of clients without needing to share credentials (no password is known by any of the clients). A trusted third party (here Keycloak) will give back a signed token in exchange for credentials. And this token will be a proof of who the user is and what he is allowed to do in the communications between the frontend and backend.
To sum up :
Your angular frontend authenticates an user using a public client and an implicit flow. When successfully authenticated, the frontend obtains an access token and a refresh token.
When making a REST call to the backend, your frontend needs to set the header Authorization using the access token as a bearer token ('Authorization: Bearer insert access token here'). You can automate this by using an interceptor (example)
Finally, when your backend receive an API request it can check the Authorization header to ensure the request is authenticated and authorized. For how to do that with Quarkus, everything is explained in this documentation page :


Sign-up/Sign-in between SPA and a REST API with OpenID Connect

An SPA or a statically generated JAMStack website (written in Vue/Nuxt).
A REST API (Node + Express) running in the cloud.
The website is being served through a CDN.
We are required to add a Social Sign-On functionality for user convenience. The API already authenticates users with a credential based JWT (access/refresh) token flow. Social sign-on will be in addition to that.
We have selected the Authorization Code Flow as the mechanism for this implementation (instead of PKCE, because we want the SPA to use the API's access tokens instead of the authorization provider's).
Our flow is as follows:
The user clicks on a button and is directed to the Identity Provider's (in our case, Google) website to prove its identity. We provide a randomly generated state token as a request parameter to prevent CSRF attacks.
On the IdP's authentication page, the user submits their credentials and if successful, the user is redirected back to our website (the SPA) with the state token and a code as url parameters.
We then match the state value with the one that we generated on our app to defeat CSRF attacks.
We send the code value to our API in an AJAX request.
The API takes this code and our client secret and exchanges them for an identity taken with the identity provider (disregarding the access tokens as we only require proof of identity).
If the user identity is verified, the API generate a pair of access and refresh token and sends them to the SPA. (If the user does not exist in our database, it is added and similarly returned tokens for our API).
NOTE: We do not store the identity token received from the IdP on the server at all.
One receiving the response, the SPA stores the access token in localStorage, (the refresh token is stored in an HTTP only cookie by the API).
All further requests to our API from the SPA are made with the access token issued by our API, once both the refresh token and access tokens expire (through logout or timeout), the user has to re-initiate the authentication flow from step 1.
I have two questions:
Assuming that all communication between the IdP and SPA, the SPA and the API, and the API and the IdP is happening over TLS, are there any security vulnerabilities present in our process?
This one perplexes me more, how do you persist the state token that we generate during the initial request to the authentication server between page redirects? (from when we leave our SPA to authenticate on IdP's webpage to when the IdP redirects us back to our SPA). Is localStorage a secure enough option? If not, would sessionStorage suffice?
For a new project I would consider using the BFF pattern to avoid dealing with tokens at all in the SPA/browser. Because there is no secure way to deal/store tokens in the browser.
Do check out these resources for more details about why this pattern is recommended for new projects:
alert‘OAuth 2 0’; // The impact of XSS on OAuth 2 0 in SPAs
Using the BFF pattern to secure SPA and #Blazor Applications
The BFF Pattern (Backend for Frontend): An Introduction

Extract roles from REST API in Keycloak

At my company, we need to extract the roles of the logged in user from the REST API that Keycloak provides. We have looked through the Keycloak documentation but can't find the answers we are looking for. Let me explain the flow we want to implement: A user logs in to a client defined in Keycloak and receives a JWT which is stored in the applications web client. The user is not an admin in Keycloak. When the web client makes a request to the backend server, the backend server queries Keycloak for the user's roles. And, this is the point where we have trouble. We can't figure out the correct URL for the REST API or which token to add to the authentication header.
To summarize: we need help with the URL which is needed to query for user roles and what token to send to authorize against the API. I'm aware that the roles can be retrieved from the JWT, but we are afraid that the payload will become to big over time. A user may have multiple roles in different departments.
The roles should be in the JWT payload, this should be configured in the keycloak service. The flow should be something like this:
User is authenticated by the front end and the JWT token returned by keycloak is stored
The front end hits the back end including the token in the request header
The back end takes the token, validates it using the public key (the public key is provided by keycloak), if the token is valid, the roles are taken from the token payload and the authorization process is executed

registering a rest API with OAuth

I have written a web application which makes REST API calls to a message broker. The message broker contains already written REST APIs to which can be used to get message broker data. The message broker is written in a way in which each REST API call sends the user name and password which is encoded with base64. I need to make a login to my web app and authenticate it with OAuth.Does anyone know how to do this? How to authenticate the REST APIs with OAuth?
Step 1: Add OAuth 2.0 to your web server. This is very standard with lots of libraries available. You did not specify the Identity Provider that you will use (Google, Facebook, Auth0, Okta, etc), but each vendor has documents and libraries for you to use in your desired language.
Step 2: Add an Authorization Header to your API calls. The standard method is to add the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer access_token when making an API call.
Step 3: Add OAuth token verification to your API. When your API receives a request, it extracts the Authorization header and verifies the Bearer token. How this is done depends on the Identity Provider. For example, some vendors provide a Signed JWT (which you verify with the vendors public certificate), others provide an opaque access token (which you verify by calling the vendor's token endpoint). Add internal caching of tokens so that you don't need to verify on every API call.
If you understand OAuth 2.0 the above steps are straightforward to implement. If you don't Oracle has a set of videos which are excellent for getting started understanding OAuth.
Oracle Cloud Primers
If your desired OAuth implementation does not require users logging in and is a server to server service that you control on both ends, then you can use just part of OAuth which is Signed JWT (JWS). You create a Json data structure with your desired content and sign it with a private key. This creates a token that you can use in the above steps. You would then validate the token using your public key. You can use self-generated keypairs generated by OpenSSL or similar products for your signing and verification.

How to provide OAuth through services?

I have 3 services (in the real much more):
Authorization service (uses OAuth 2.0)
Frontend service
Resource service
and client (web-browser).
I store session_id, access_token and refersh_token in cookies of the user's web-browser. The user goes to Auth service, signs in and gets these tokens. After his web-browser is redirected to Frontend.
Frontend and Resource services can't validate tokens because they know a nothing about it, so they must make a request to Auth service.
The current scenarios:
The user (web-browser) sends a request to Frontend service, the Frontend sends a request to Auth service to validate access_token. If it's invalid the Frontend sends a request to refresh token using refresh_token.
If the Frontend needs an access to Resource service to process a request then the Frontend sends its client_id and access_token to Resource service. The Resource service sends a request to the Auth service to validate an access_token too.
Are my thoughts right? Or it has simpler schema?
P.S. All services use RESTful architecture.
OAuth talks about how the tokens be exchanged. What you have mentioned it seem liek you are talking about using implicit grant, which is little less secure and you may think of opting for authorisation flow.
Other than that, in microservices when you have many services and one user request pass through many downstream services, verifying the token with auth provider at each and every step might become a bottleneck.
There are ways out there by which you can skip this call to auth server and still validate the sanctity of the token without making an explicit call.
One way is to make use of JWT. These tokens are signed by the Auth provider and your services have keys which can help you validate if the token is modified on it way, and token itself has all the information you need to ensure validity of it, like expiry time, intended audience, clients, roles etc.
On login you get AT and RT. AT could be passed along to downstream for authentication and authorization and RT could be used when AT is expired.
You only need to talk to auth provider at the time of login and when you need to refresh the token.
You can read more about the JWT OAuth2.0 with JWT and OIDC to get more information around it

How to communicate frontend with microservice architecture?

I'm struggling with setting up reliable and performant solution to communicate frontend with different microservices. I do not really now how to maintain (maybe not need) CSRF between my frontend and end services
Solutions stack: PHP, Laravel Passport, JWT, oAuth 2.0, Axios
Current approach:
Actually I've started up with approach from Laravel's passport
Using oAuth 2.0 to authorize user from website A to service B.
JWT token is returned for further communication.
Token is saved in cookie within website A
Once user is authorized website A uses JWT token to manage requests without additional to oAuth server, by sending JWT token as cookie using HTTP headers (withCredentials) to authorize user.
For each website A's request there was CSRF token created from service B since user is authorized and cookie could be applied by another unauthorized website to access service B. That was killing my performance since it has to retrieve CSRF for each request made. (that what I actually assume from laravel passport approach and need to create CSRF with JWT token - maybe that was mistake)
My concerns:
Regarding to of James Ward post:
The easiest way to do authentication without risking CSRF
vulnerabilities is to simply avoid using cookies to identify the user.
Cookies themselves are not the cause of CSRF vulnerabilities. It’s
using the cookies on the server to validate a user that is the cause
of CSRF. Just putting an authentication token into a cookie doesn’t
mean it must be used as the mechanism to identify the user.
From my understanding setting JWT with website A's cookie with its domain set could not be accessed via any other site from outside. Since that there is no possible way to make request to service B without accessing JWT.
So do we really need CSRF then to secure potential attack to service B while using JWT?
If so, how could I achieve the best (in term of performant) way to generate CSRF through different services to be sure that communication would not be vulnerable for attack from different sites?
Any advice will be appreciated!