Create a dictionary looking page on wiki.js - wiki.js

I am trying to create a page on wiki.js that looks very much like a dictionary. More specifically,
There are multiple terms with definition ranked alphabetically
There is a search bar to search within those terms
There is a way for users to add a new term+definition if the term is not present.
Is anything like this possible?


MongoDB default items with user overwrite

So the problem seems very simple but every way I approach the solution it seems to be a poor implementation approach with either duplicated content or messy data.
The Problem
I want to provide an option for “overwrites” per user on “default” items. Basically I have a mongodb database with a collection containing items with the following information:
There is a set of 20-30 items in this collection, which each user using the app views.
Most users will be happy to see the default but if a user wishes to say change the icon for an item or the name then how do I handle this “overwrite” on the ”default” item for just that single user.
Possible solutions
My thoughts are to implement one of the following options but all just seem a little wrong (I have provided my thoughts on this):
for each “overwriten” item add a duplicated item to the collection with the changes and a user_id field to link the user - this seems like a little bit of duplicated content as the user might only change the icon and not the name/description. Also if the name is changed int eh future on the default item how do you handle this and also how do you understand that this item must replace one of the “defaults” for just that user. I worry it will be a little bit of a performance issue too when looking up the items and then replacing the changed item
having all the items duplicated per user in the same collection - very much duplication of content but might be the best performing option but could cause issues in the future if new “default” items need to be added or default options need changing
collection per user - same as the previous. This options seems all kinds of wrong but maybe I’m just new to this and it is actually the best option.
collection containing overwrites - this seems like a good idea but equally a bad one due to looking up and comparing. If everything is changed then why not just have all new items rather than effectively a find a replace.
Reason for wanting to get this right
Maybe I’m over thinking this but it seems like I will face this issue a lot and I think I need to get it right to remove future issues with performance, data management and updates to default items.

Is there a way to search for elements that don't have a particular tagged value in Enterprise Architect?

The model search feature is an excellent tool for finding elements throughout a given project. Is there the ability to search for elements that do not have a particular tagged value. For example I want to find all elements that don't have the tagged value property Name.
There's no built-in search for it, and the Search Builder does not allow you to create such a filter. But you could write an SQL search for it.

Displaying results of perform find in a portal

I have some global variables $$A, $$B, $$C and what to search within a table for these terms in fieldA, fieldB and fieldC (using Perform Find). How can I use the result of this Perform Find to display the results in a portal.
The implementation by my predecessor replaces a field fieldSEARCHwith 1 if it is in the Perform Find results and 0 otherwise, and then uses a portal filtered by this field. This seems a very dodgey way of doing it, not least becuase it means that multiple users will not be able to search at the same time!
Can you enhance the portal filter to filter against the variables themselves? Or you can perform the find, grab IDs of the found set, put them into a global field, and then use the field to construct the relationship. Global fields are multi-user safe.
The best way is not to do this at all, but use list views to perform searches. List views are naturally searchable and much more flexible than portals (you can easily sort them, omit arbitrary records, and so on). It's possible to repeat this functionality in portals, but it's way more complex. I mean, if there's some serious gain from using a portal, then it's doable, but if not, then the native way is obviously better.
List views are easier to search, as FileMaker still hasn't transitioned to the 21st century and insists on this model... Most users however want a Master-Detail view, like a mail app, and understandably so as it's more intuitive (i.e. produce a list view on one side, but clicking on it updates detail/fields in the middle).
If this is what you want, you may want to cast an eye at Modular FM, where someone has already done the hard work for you:

Static sidebar in a list view

Is it possible to create a static sidebar on the left-hand-side of a list view in Filemaker?
I was hoping to have editable search criteria on the left and a list on the right.
No, not in list view, although you can achieve that UI with a portal. There are a lot of ways to populate the portal based on the search criteria - you can build a complex self-join relationship, use portal filtering (which is the easiest way, but will be slow for large numbers of records), or do either a scripted find in another window (slower but easy to program) or an SQL query (faster but requires a plugin and harder to program) and populate a global field with the IDs of the matching records and do a join based on that.

word suggestion based on input algorithm?

I am thinking of creating a web site, which lets people to rate restaurants. Since I don't have a database containing all the restaurants, this web site relies on user's inputs.
But there is a problem of this method, because people may use different word (name) to describe a same restaurant, but I don't want to create different entries inside the database, as they refer to the same restaurant.
For example, when describing KFC, somebody use the name "KFC", others may use "Kentucky Fried Chicken"
How can I make the system to automatically detect this? and give the user a list of existing items of the database.
This should quite similar to stackoverflow, which tells you "questions with similar title". But I don't know how to implement this.
You can't ... you have to create a list of the restaurant names and their "synonyms" and other possible spellings.
How can I make the system to automatically detect this?
The system doesn't know that "KFC" means "Kentucky Fried Chicken".
Make a map of synonyms, to let it know.
This should quite similar to stackoverflow, which tells you "questions with similar title"
It generally matches word-for-word. It may have an internal list of synonyms to deal with common cases.