Magento 2 knockout.js:3381 Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "scope: function(){return 'notification_area.notification_area' }" - magento2

After I updated the DB of my local instance using the DB of production, admin menu stopped working except for DASHBOARD and FIND PARTNERS & EXTENSIONS.. Did not see any errors from command line, Did not see any error from var/Log either. The screen shot is from console of my browser.


Mysql Query Browser does not run

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared on the computer, and after that, the error appeared and the Mysql Query Browser did not run with the error. I've already reinstalled it, but it remains the same. What should I do?
Exception EmyxError in module MySQLQueryBrowser.exe at 0010F992 / Error while loaing store connections.Error Nunber 3

Application crashes after "Update DATABASE by heroku-postgresql"

Since yesterday, when heroku-postgresql made an automatic update to the add-on, the application doesn't open anymore. Instead, it crashed with a
"error error: password authentication failed for user "neyzbgqnexgsom"" message that I can see in the Heroku logs tail.
My app was working fine for about 3 months, and it started crashing right after this. How can I make it work back again?
I found out that after that update, the DATABASE_URL config variable has changed. You must populate the Config Vars once again with the new values from the DATABASE_URL.

Cannot connect to Heroku MongoDB

I created an Ionic app with NodeJS backend and Mongo database and deployed it to Heroku (with mLab MongoDB add-on). It worked well for a day. The next day I was unable to connect to the DB. The app went to sleep in the meantime, but when I opened it in the browser it woke up. I know that because I saw the static text that I put on the index page. But a few seconds later, an error page appeared. From the console and network tabs output I could figure out that the app is unable to access the database and to fetch data.
I found a post on the internet where the author said that he had the same issue and that he deleted the db instance on Heroku and created a new one. So I did the same and then I was able to start my app normally again.
Today the same thing happened - I can't connect. When I switch the DB URI in the code to mongodb://localhost/mydbname and run the application locally, it works perfectly, so I concluded that the app code itself is fine, there's only an issue with connecting to the DB. It also wouldn't work locally if I try to target the DB on Heroku.
I thought that I might forgot the credentials, so I went to the Heroku dashboard and changed both the username and the password. Then I tried to connect through the console with mongo ds<number><port>/heroku_<name> -u <username> -p <password>. Here's the output:
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
2018-03-16T16:09:18.215+0100 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to after 5000ms milliseconds, giving up.
2018-03-16T16:09:18.216+0100 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed :
exception: connect failed
Currently I'm using free version of both hosting and DB add-on, because I want only to test the app and to show it to my client (who will then decide if he wants to pay for the Heroku services). If I have nothing to show and if this happens each time, well, that would suck.
And here's the fun part: I wanted to try to open the app one more time so that I could copy and paste the exact error message here. And this time it worked normally! (???) The only thing I did is that I changed the username and pass on the DB dashboard, but I didn't push the updated code and I also didn't change it in the MONGODB_URI config variable.
Does anyone have an idea why does this happen? Is there a way to keep the DB awake and accessible (without paying extra)?
EDIT: It doesn't work again!!! Literally 30 seconds after submitting this post I tried to access the app again and it didn't work! There is an error page which says:
Error: Uncaught (in promise): [object Object]
at c (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:19752)
at c (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:19461)
at http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:20233
at t.invokeTask (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:15660)
at Object.onInvokeTask (http://localhost:8100/build/vendor.js:4973:33)
at t.invokeTask (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:15581)
at r.runTask (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:10834)
at o (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:7894)
at e.invokeTask [as invoke] (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:16823)
at p (http://localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:2:27648)
ONE MORE EDIT: I deleted the DB again, created a new one, changed the connection string in my app and pushed the changes. Now it works normally. I'll check again tomorrow and update this post.
NEW EDIT: One day later, the app doesn't connect to the DB again. And again I get the same error message.
Wtf, Heroku???

OrientDB 2.2.13 getting "Cannot create a connection to remote server address(es)"

I have an embedded database where I start an OServer and trying to connect to it from the console. I've been doing this successfully for many months and upgrading the database as new versions come out. Now, with 2.2.13, the embedded operations seem to work but I can't connect to the server with the 2.2.13 I get the message:
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot create a connection to remote server address(es): []
DB name="master"
The java code running the embedded database gets the following exception:
$ANSI{green {db=db}} Error executing request
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Error on plugin lookup: the server did not start correctly
DB name="db"
at com.orientechnologies.orient.server.OServer.getPlugin(
Seems to be looking for the 'cluster' plugin.
Any idea why this doesn't work anymore? It did work in 2.2.12.
Seems I had automatic backup turned on but the config file was missing. So, the server looked like it started up but actually didn't.
I created the config file and set enabled to false. Still didn't start up because it sees the false and stops the configuration and throws an exception because the 'delay' parameter isn't set.
I think orientdb should start up without backups enabled if the config file is missing or the enabled parameter is set to false.
At least the console is working now.

Mysql Workbench error 1142 "Error querying security information" on Data Export

yesterday I updated my Workbench to the latest version available, the 6.3.6 build 511 CE on Windows 10.
Now I'm trying to make a dump of a remote database via the "Data Export" feature, which has always worked.
But, as soon as I click the "Start Export" button, I get this error:
Unhandled exception: Error querying security information: Error
executing 'SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '[username]' and
Host = '[host]' ORDER BY User, Host'
SELECT command denied to user '[username]'#'[host]' for table 'user'
SQL Error: 1142
I know that I don't have the permissions to read that table, but why is that needed to perform a data export?
I've tried to check the force option (Continue even if we get an sql-error) but it's still not working.
Is this a Workbench bug? Or is there any way to avoid this query?
I had this exact same issue. The solution provided in this thread (same as the_nuts answer) is to uninstall 6.3.6 and install 6.3.4 from the archived versions:
Update as of 13th June 2016
This bug has now been fixed
Download 6.3.7 (or later if available) from here
Found, this is indeed a bug of the version 6.3.6:
MySQL Bugs: #79807: Workbench Data Export: Unhandled exception: Error querying security information
MySQL Workbench has the correct behavior. If you are using a user other than 'root' MySQL Workbench will display that alert. However, if you setup your access to the server and database as root you will not run into problems exporting/importing because you have the right access to do so.