Mysql Workbench error 1142 "Error querying security information" on Data Export - mysql-workbench

yesterday I updated my Workbench to the latest version available, the 6.3.6 build 511 CE on Windows 10.
Now I'm trying to make a dump of a remote database via the "Data Export" feature, which has always worked.
But, as soon as I click the "Start Export" button, I get this error:
Unhandled exception: Error querying security information: Error
executing 'SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '[username]' and
Host = '[host]' ORDER BY User, Host'
SELECT command denied to user '[username]'#'[host]' for table 'user'
SQL Error: 1142
I know that I don't have the permissions to read that table, but why is that needed to perform a data export?
I've tried to check the force option (Continue even if we get an sql-error) but it's still not working.
Is this a Workbench bug? Or is there any way to avoid this query?

I had this exact same issue. The solution provided in this thread (same as the_nuts answer) is to uninstall 6.3.6 and install 6.3.4 from the archived versions:

Update as of 13th June 2016
This bug has now been fixed
Download 6.3.7 (or later if available) from here

Found, this is indeed a bug of the version 6.3.6:
MySQL Bugs: #79807: Workbench Data Export: Unhandled exception: Error querying security information

MySQL Workbench has the correct behavior. If you are using a user other than 'root' MySQL Workbench will display that alert. However, if you setup your access to the server and database as root you will not run into problems exporting/importing because you have the right access to do so.


Is there a way to use Flyway on AS400?

I need to implement migration tool like Flyway in order to use Jenkins to deploy DB changes.
I tried to add jt400.jar file and added configuration as follows:
as a driver and it would not connect with this message:
ERROR: No database found to handle jdbc:as400://
I also tried with using IBM DB2 driver and had configuration
this time I am getting this kind of refusal message
Unable to obtain connection from database (jdbc:db2:// for user 'DEVUSER':
[jcc][t4][2043][11550][4.26.14] Exception Error opening socket to server
/ on port 50,000 with message: Connection refused (Connection refused).
With this test migration I am trying to create a simple table by executing this sql
Anyone had this situation and solved it?
I believe that at present there is no support for flyway to work with IBM i (as/400) regardless of whether you use jt400.jar or an IBM jdbc driver.
You can either use a different database-schema versioning tool, or find a fork of flyway that supports i-series (or pay someone to create and support such a fork, it is open source...).
It seems that currently (flyway 7.7.2) does not recognize a URL that starts with "jdbc:as400:" as a Db2 URL, so it throws an exception, which is the reason that the jt400.jar style URL is rejected with exception:
"No database found to handle ..."
The github history tells a story (see:
Looks like the devs did not succeed to get the AS400 support added due to the lack of a suitable available i-series testing/dev environment (and also available to travis ci) . There may have been at least one PR for such support in the past, although it seems to be removed.
If you try to use the IBM db2jcc4.jar driver to connect to i-series (as400) with a url similar to: jdbc:db2://hostname/dbname, and you explicitly use an IBM jre , and have the relevant license file (e.g. db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar on the CLASSPATH), then flyway will connect and then report the exception similar to:
Unsupported Database: AS 7.4
The flyway source code shows that flyway does not recognize this database product-name and version, at current flyway version 7.7.2.
Are you sure DBDEV is the name of your Db2 data base on the IBM i?
Use the Work with RDB Directory Entry (WRKRDBDIRE) from the green screen, and look for the *LOCAL entry.
Or use the Access Client Solutions (ACS) "Schemas" tool to see a list of DB on your system.
The above shows 2 DB's, UT29p63 and Dbtest

Unable to connect to MongoDB server using Talend

I tried connecting to MongoDB using Talend Big data solution.
Under the Metadata section, I used the "NoSql Connection" option to create a new connection, as shown below.
My MongoDb version is 4.2, there's no option for that but the 3.5.X option should work for 3.5 and above it seems.
I added the server IP in the server textbox and even tried adding a specific database name. The Username and password are correct. But still when I click the Check button to test the connection, it fails saying Athentication error -
"Connection failed!
org.talend.repository.nosql.exceptions.NoSQLServerException: Cannot connect to database!
at org.talend.repository.nosql.db.util.mongodb.MongoDBConnectionUtil.checkConnection(
at org.talend.repository.nosql.db.provider.mongodb.MongoDBMetadataProvider.checkConnection(
Caused by: org.talend.repository.nosql.exceptions.NoSQLServerException: org.talend.repository.nosql.exceptions.NoSQLReflectionException: com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 13 (Unauthorized): 'command listDatabases requires authentication'. The full response is {"ok": 0.0, "errmsg": "command listDatabases requires authentication", "code": 13, "codeName": "Unauthorized"}
at org.talend.repository.nosql.db.util.mongodb.MongoDBConnectionUtil.getDatabaseNames(
at org.talend.repository.nosql.db.util.mongodb.MongoDBConnectionUtil.checkConnection("
I tried connecting to it using the JDBC connection by downloading the cdata Jar file and it shows connected successfully but I don't to use the jar file way, I want to know what I'm doing wrong with the above NoSql connection method.
Thanks in advance for all the help!
Maybe some modules are missing. This was at least my problem and i have to use DB version 3.2.X even if i have a mongo db 4.2 installed.
Look in the modules window (Window -> Show View -> Talend -> Modules) if there is any not installed mongo module and install it.
enter image description here
Actually the credentials did not have the right permissions. I was able to connect in the same way by using the right credentials having the appropriate permissions. Apologies for confusing you all with this question.

Trouble shooting an error message. invalid/password

I opened sqldeveloper and logged in to my the schemas I created, but I received an error message invalid username/password. The credentials are correct so I don't know why this is.
I uninstalled the Oracle 11g from my laptop and deleted the sqldeveloper folder. I re-installed the Oracle 11g and extracted the content of the sqldeveloper, double click on the sqldeveloper.exe file to open the sqldeveloper. I clicked to open a connection, entered password for the corresponding connection, but the problem remains the same.
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
01017. 00000 - "invalid username/password; logon denied"
Vendor code 1017
I expected to be able to log in successfully because I used sqldeveloper 3 days ago and made changes to my computer.
The credentials are correct so I don't know why this is.
They are in fact, NOT correct, else you would be logged in.
The most likely causes of seeing this are:
you think you know the password, but you don't
you aren't logging into the right database
you're trying to log in as SYS w/o the AS SYSDBA clause
For the 2nd, this is more likely in 12c and higher in a Multitenant environment, where there is a CONTAINER and one or more PLUGGABLE databases. Make sure you're connected to the RIGHT instance - use the SERVICE NAME, not the SID in your connection definition.
Which would look like this in SQL Developer:
For the 3rd, if you're using something like SQL Developer, use this

db2fs shows exception TypeError: is undefined

After successfully installing IBM DB2 Express V10.5_01 on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine I tried to follow the next step and start
in an X-Windows session. I am asked to create a profile for firefox and a browser window comes up with an error message dialog showing
exception TypeError: is undefined
When pressing ok for a few times the "create sample database" button disappears and instead a warning appears:
First Steps was unable to connect to the online DB2 Information Center and could not find an instance of a locally installed DB2 Information Center for this version of the product. To access product information, one of the following types of connections to a DB2 Information Center is required:
Internet access to the online DB2 Information Center
A locally installed version of the DB2 Information Center
Access to a remotely configured DB2 Information Center
As a workaround I tried to use
after adding my user to the groups dasadm1 db2iadm1 and db2fadm1 that had been created by the installation procedure.
db2sampl -force
Creating database "SAMPLE"...
Existing "SAMPLE" database found...
Dropping and recreating database "SAMPLE"...
Attempt to drop existing database "SAMPLE" failed.
Attempt to create the database "SAMPLE" failed.
SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "SAMPLE " could not be
found. SQLSTATE=42705
db2 list db directory
Database alias = SAMPLE
Database name = SAMPLE
Local database directory = <path>/db2inst1
Database release level = 10.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Indirect
Catalog database partition number = -1
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =
is not available anymore as an admin tool in V10.5 see DB2 Express V10.1 and db2cc binary and before downloading
IBM Data Studio I'd first like to check the basic integrity of my installation.
e.g. gives the errormessage
/bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -p
In all I have the feeling that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is not a properyly supported platform for IBM DB2 Express V10.5_01.
How feasible is it to get IBM DB2 Express V10.5_01 running in this environment?

Studio + java 6 + Snow Leopard

For stability reasons (OS X stability) I decided to use 10.6.8 with java 6 again. When I try to use studio I get the following
2015-11-17 10:16:34:828 SEVERE Internal server error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConfigurationException: Database 'XXXXX' is not configured on server (home=XXXXX/orientdb-community-2.0.12/databases/) [ONetworkProtocolHttpDb]
2015-11-17 10:16:41:062 SEVERE Internal server error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OConfigurationException: Database 'XXXX' is not configured on server (home=XXXXXX/orientdb-community-2.0.12/databases/) [ONetworkProtocolHttpDb]
And studio asks for the login info endlessly without showing any data.
Any workarounds? This didn't happen with mavericks and java 7
Seems there is no database under that path. Please check the database folder if exists or it's empty.
Ok, after I eliminated the "." from the database dir name the severe error did not appear anymore.
But the endless credentials pop-up did not stop. Even when I managed to issue a "select from e", the query never returned.
BUT if I checked the "store pair in keychain" box everything started to work as always. It should not be mandatory.
Forget about this one