daisy UI custom theme not working after importing - daisyui

I had imported daisy UI plugins. But still converts itself to dark mode how to fix that problem? I wanted my theme in light mode without using data-theme light in the html attribute

In tailwind.config.js set themes to false. Example:
module.exports = { plugins: [require('daisyui')], daisyui: { themes: false } };

Put this code to tailwind.config.js, the light theme will be applied. If you want to use different themes then you can visit here
/** #type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: ["./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [require("daisyui")],
daisyui: {
themes: ["light"],


Is it possible to override component's severity colors by using createTheme?

I would like to modify MUI Chip color and background color "globally" but using different colors than the ones defined in the same theme for severity.
This is what actually looks like (only by using theme defined severity colors):
This is how I want it to look:
It's actually possible to achieve that by using createTheme module or I need to take a different approach?
This is my attempt:
export const defaultTheme = createTheme(
palette: {
// Palette definitions
components: {
MuiChip: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
severity: {
success: {
color: colors.success.main,
backgroundColor: colors.success.light,
// And so on with the remaining severity levels
If you want to modify the background color in the theme, you can add a name to the theme, I provide you with an example and let you try.
export const yourTheme = createTheme({
palette: {
successChip: {
contrastText: '#5ccc09',
main: '#eaf9e0',
rejectChip: {
contrastText: '#ff595d',
main: '#ffe9ea',
<Chip label="Professional" color="successChip"/>
<Chip label="Rejected" color="rejectChip"/>
And then you will get what you want it to look like.

Add "focusVisibleClassName" globally in Material UI

I want to disable the ripple effect since I don't want the effect when clicking on elements. Now this works but when doing this the :focus-visible state will also be disabled which is a bummer. Would be really nice to split this prop up into something like disableClickRipple, disableFocusRipple and so on...
Anyway, according to the docs I have to add focusVisibleClassName in order to style my own focus state but how would I do this to all elements that is affected by the disabled ripple effect? As I understand it I have to do this manually on each and every component? Can this be done globally? To me this would need to be a global setting?
I don't know if this is how MUI intended it to be, but this works:
import { createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
props: {
MuiButtonBase: {
// Disable ripple globally.
disableRipple: true,
// The class will be added (as is, ie `focus-visible`)
// To the ButtonBase root whenever the button gets focus via keyboard.
focusVisibleClassName: 'focus-visible',
overrides: {
MuiButtonBase: {
// And this is how we select it.
root: {
'&.focus-visible': {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)', // theme.pallate.action.focus
export default theme;
PS. Spent an hour trying to solve this to no avail. Then I landed your question and "in order to style my own focus state" gave me the idea above.

Ionic themes change dynamically

In my themes/variables.scss I have two color themes (dark and light):
========================================= */
/*$colors: (
primary: #ffffff,
secondary: #fafafa,
danger: #f53d3d,
light: #1b1e28,
sliderColor: #fff,
colorIcon: #CCCBDA,
colorIconText: #7F7E96,
category: #fff,
listBackgroundColor: #ffffff,
backgroundColor: #fafafa,
toobarBackground: #ffffff,
toobarButton: #AAB2B7,
toobarText: #FFFFFF
========================================= */
$colors: (
primary: #282C39,
secondary: #1b1e28,
danger: #f53d3d,
sliderColor: #fff,
light: #fff,
colorIcon: #7F7E96,
colorIconText: #7F7E96,
category: #fff,
listBackgroundColor: #1B1E28,
backgroundColor: #282C39,
toobarBackground: #1B1E28,
toobarButton: #D8D8D8,
toobarText: #FFFFFF
Right now I can only put one theme in my app. If I want to change the theme, I have to comment the one variable out and the other I have to remove the comments.
How can I using these two themes, change the theme dynamically in the app in typescript?
In every tutorial I see these --ion-color-primary but I do not have these --ion-color prepending
You can do this in a couple of ways. The main idea is that define your colors class. you can have for example -
// light theme
:root {
// define your light colors here
// dark theme
:root body.dark {
// define you dark colors here
So by default, the light theme will be applied, as the <body> of you application does not hold any class. Now to apply dark theme you just simply add class dark to the <body> of you application. For example, you can have a service for that which simply selects the body and adds the class to it. And remove it to go back to light theme.
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
providedIn: 'root'
export class ThemeService {
constructor() { }
applyDark() {
removeDark() {
By the way, I see you are using you own color variable. I've just given the example using the default ionic variables (from src/theme/variables.scss)

Material UI apply dark theme

I have been searching the web for a while, but I could not understand how to apply the default dark theme that is shown in the site of Material-ui, where you can toggle between the light and dark theme.
They say those are default ones, but how do I use them?
You can use them by creating a Theme like this:
import { MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
const THEME = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
type: 'dark',
class YourComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
<MuiThemeProvider theme={THEME}>
... your other components
export default YourComponent;
The toggle can be done with a button like this example.

Current plugins for padding in TinyMCE

I've been looking for hours to find a plugin that would add somthing like "padding: 5px" to an image. Does everyone do this through plain html? Our customer need a way to add this simply with the use of a button or right click context menu. Any suggestions/solutions or do I have to develop this myself?
Suggestions concerning other products than TinyMCE is not necessary.
The easiest to use is to add a custom stylesheet which only need to be set as a parameter (content_css). Example code snippet for the tinymce configuration:
theme: 'advanced',
content_css: "http://my_server/my_css/my_custom_css_file.css",
This css should contain something like the following
img {
padding-left: 5px;
The code for the tinymce button is a bit more complex (but if wised i can post it as well) and the css gets set using the following
UPDATE: Button code:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, evt) {
ed.addButton ('wrap_div', {
'title' : 'my title',
'image' : 'my_image.png',
'onclick' : function () {