Add "focusVisibleClassName" globally in Material UI - material-ui

I want to disable the ripple effect since I don't want the effect when clicking on elements. Now this works but when doing this the :focus-visible state will also be disabled which is a bummer. Would be really nice to split this prop up into something like disableClickRipple, disableFocusRipple and so on...
Anyway, according to the docs I have to add focusVisibleClassName in order to style my own focus state but how would I do this to all elements that is affected by the disabled ripple effect? As I understand it I have to do this manually on each and every component? Can this be done globally? To me this would need to be a global setting?

I don't know if this is how MUI intended it to be, but this works:
import { createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
props: {
MuiButtonBase: {
// Disable ripple globally.
disableRipple: true,
// The class will be added (as is, ie `focus-visible`)
// To the ButtonBase root whenever the button gets focus via keyboard.
focusVisibleClassName: 'focus-visible',
overrides: {
MuiButtonBase: {
// And this is how we select it.
root: {
'&.focus-visible': {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)', // theme.pallate.action.focus
export default theme;
PS. Spent an hour trying to solve this to no avail. Then I landed your question and "in order to style my own focus state" gave me the idea above.


How to change MUI Chip's background color when filled?

I want to change Chip's background color when it's variants value is 'filled' because the default light gray doesn't feel satisfactory.
I read MUI docs and Chip API but it's too complicated for me..
You could make use of Chip's exported CSS classes
import Chip, { chipClasses } from "#mui/material/Chip";
import { styled } from "#mui/material/styles";
// ..
const CustomChip = styled(Chip)({
[`&.${chipClasses.filled}`]: {
backgroundColor: "red"
Codesandbox demo

Material UI how to apply style for Select component with given variant

I wanted to apply style for Icon in Select component with "filled" variant and opened state. I'm using createMuiTheme. As I understand, I need to overwrite style, when Icon has two classes at once:
MuiSelect-iconFilled-32 MuiSelect-iconOpen-31.
I got:
MuiSelect: {
iconFilled: {
borderLeft: `1px solid ${colors.lightGray}`,
'&.MuiSelect-iconOpen': {
borderLeft: 'none',
&.MuiSelect-iconOpen doesn't work...
Here is a html representation of Select:

Highchart Gantt chart Navigator color

I am rendering a Gantt chart with different series color. The colors are somehow not reflected on the navigator at the bottom. How can I display the same colors in both series and navigator?
Fiddle link : Fiddle
Note: These colors are going to be dynamic which will be based on different cases. So I want them to reflect in the navigator too, dynamically.
I am changing color of the series like so :
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
Highcharts.each(this.series[0].points, function(p) {
p.color = 'grey'
As you can see series color is grey but in the navigator below, I see different colors.
As per highcharts-gantt documentation:
Update the series with a new set of options. For a clean and precise handling of new options, all methods and elements from the series are removed, and it is initialized from scratch.
On event, you should then go through given serie points and change its options (in your case 'color').
The changes will be applied in the timeline below - example code changes the color after 1,5sec.
//Updating the color
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < chart.series[0].points.length; i++) {
color: "grey"
}, 1500);
Working example
In your code it would be:
events: {
load: function() {
Highcharts.each(this.series[0].points, function(p) {
p.update({color: "grey"});
To avoid shrink of timeline - launch setExtremes() after chart update.
Fires when the minimum and maximum is set for the axis, either by calling the .setExtremes() method or by selecting an area in the chart.
//Fully selected timeline
Working example - timeline selection
You can also set options for series of navigator, like below:
navigator: {
series: {
colorByPoint: false,
color: 'grey'
Live demo:
API Reference:

How do you make the floating label text black for material-ui V1

Simply need to use withStyles some how to edit the default color from the primary/error color to simply just use black. But since the update from 0.19.0 to beta 1 this doesn't seem possible now.
The error message (the one under the text input) is using the object under theme.palette.error (see source) to choose which color to use.
That same palette color is used for the text field label too.
If you want to change both at the same time the right approach would be to use a custom theme that rewrites the theme.palette.error to something else.
import { createMuiTheme, createPalette } from 'material-ui/styles';
import grey from 'material-ui/colors/grey';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: createPalette({
error: grey
If you want to change just the FormHelperText color then you could customize it in theme by using the overrides parameter.
const theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiFormHelperText: {
error: {
color: 'black'
To change the Label of the TextField in the current version (v1.2.1)
You have to set the the color like this:
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
text: {
secundary: 'black'
for error the path is palette.error.main
the easiest way to find the right variables is to look directly into the code

Can't style slider (or maybe anything) in Material UI

There was an issue requesting documentation for theming which the author subsequently closed. The author found their answer. A non-programmer will probably not. At least, the non-programmer designer I'm helping doesn't even know where to start (and I still don't have a working different colored slider). This kind of documentation would be great. Even if it's just a link to the code #jdelafon found with some explanation that would suffice to answer the following specific example.
Ultimately, we want a set of sliders with each one a different color. It seems like the appropriate way to do this is with per-element inline styles.
I made a simple example here. Can you change the color of the slider? (We started down the path of breaking out to CSS, but the widget is so dynamic that this approach ends up being quite ugly.)
Slider has two different slots for theming, neither of which seems to respond to an embedded object with a selectionColor key.
Should be simple. Probably it is, but it appears to be undocumented. Otherwise it's a rad UI toolkit, thanks devs!
Take a look at this line of getMuiTheme.js. You can find there that slider can have those styles overridden:
trackSize: 2,
trackColor: palette.primary3Color,
trackColorSelected: palette.accent3Color,
handleSize: 12,
handleSizeDisabled: 8,
handleSizeActive: 18,
handleColorZero: palette.primary3Color,
handleFillColor: palette.alternateTextColor,
selectionColor: palette.primary1Color,
rippleColor: palette.primary1Color,
In material-ui you need to use MuiThemeProvider in order to use your custom theme. Taking your example:
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme';
import { Slider } from 'material-ui';
const theme1 = getMuiTheme({
slider: {
selectionColor: "red",
trackSize: 20
const theme2 = getMuiTheme({
slider: {
selectionColor: "green",
trackSize: 30
const HelloWorld = () => (
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={theme1}>
<Slider defaultValue={0.5}/>
<MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={theme2}>
<Slider defaultValue={0.5}/>
export default HelloWorld;
Your modified webpackbin:
The sliderStyle you tried to use is for different styles :-) Like marginTop / marginBottom, a full list can be found here.