Azure Resource Manager connection: Failed to obtain the Json Web Token(JWT) using service principal client ID - azure-devops

I'm following tutorial to deploy ARM with Azure DevOps pipeline, but getting error. I wonder what is wrong? Error happens with "Azure Resource Manager connection". It find all subsc correctly, but cannot move forward.
Failed to obtain the Json Web Token(JWT) using service principal client ID.
Exception Message:
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '111117a0-1c4f-486f-8765-e19669693333' was not found in the directory '11111041-ba57-4f49-866b-06c297c12222'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant. Trace ID: 1174e46d-22fb-456e-9c18-450c95080b00
Correlation ID: 333c3a0e-42f4-41d7-83c1-f8e3e3a83274 Timestamp: 2020-04-07 10:07:14Z

I created Service Principal automatically and now it works!


Azure Release Pipeline does not have enough permissions to deploy Bicep/ARM template

When I try to deploy my Bicep template through a DevOps release pipeline I get the following error:
Deployment failed with multiple errors: 'Authorization failed for
template resource '1525ed81-ad25-486e-99a3-124abd455499' of type
'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions'. The client
'378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' with object id
'378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' does not have permission to
perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write' at
failed for template resource '31c1daec-7d4a-4255-8528-169fc45fc14d' of
type 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments'.
I understand through this post that I have to grant "something" the Owner or User Access Administrator role.
But I don't understand what user has the ObjectId 378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45.
I tried to look it up with the following az CLI command, but it says that it cannot find a resource with that Id:
az ad user show --id 378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45
The response it returns:
Resource '378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
I'm a but clueless here. What do I exactly have to grant permission?
When you use service connection in DevOps pipeline, for example Azure Resource Manager service connection, it will create a service principal(app registry) on Azure portal-> Active Directory. You can find the service principal by clicking the link on service connection:
When you deploy with service connection, please make sure you have give correct permission for this service principal on target resource, like mentioned Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write. Suggest to give contributor role on the resource. Otherwise it will reports the error in your pipeline log.
When you add the role, you will find the object id, it's different with service principal application ID or object id.
It's azure role not Azure AD role. You can find the difference in the doc.

Error: "There was a resource authorization issue: The pipeline is not valid."

I'm trying to build a Azure Devops pipeline and ran into this error during the run stage. Can you please help me solve this issue? Thank you
There was a resource authorization issue:
The pipeline is not valid. Job Build_Scoring_image: Step buildscoringimage input connectedServiceNameARM references service connection aml-workspace-connection which could not be found. The service connection does not exist or has not been authorized for use. For authorization details, refer to Job Deploy_to_Staging: Step input kubernetesServiceConnection references service connection mlops-aks which could not be found. The service connection does not exist or has not been authorized for use. For authorization details, refer to
I clicked 'authorize resources' next to the error and it still failed.
We suppose that your issue is could be resolved by re-configure your service connection in Project Setting.
Service Connection in Project Setting
Service Connection Management
And your service connection would be available again in pipelines.

Can't use Managed Service identity (MSI) for App Service deployment with hosted Microsoft agent

We have a release pipeline that is failing with following message:
resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name
'appservicename'. Error: Could not fetch access token for Managed
Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for
virtual machine ''. Status code: 400,
status message: Bad Request
We have 2 different service connections:
Azure Resource Manager using service principal authentication
Azure Resource Manager using managed identity authentication
The first one works like a charm. However, because the developer wanted to limit admin access on the Azure AD, he tried creating a managed identity authentication service connection which at first glance, since it allowed us to select the App Service, appeared to indicate it's working, until an actual deployment was triggered and it failed per the error message above.
After numerous searches online, I think this answer may be the clue to why this is failing with the managed identity authentication service connection yet succeeding with the service principal connection just fine.
I just want to confirm, is this truly the case? that a hosted agent doesn't support MSI based authentication, which is what we are using… or has that changed?
We are indeed using Microsoft agent pool.
It doesn't make sense for our app service to use a VM at this time. The use case just isn't applicable for the dashboards we have.
As it is written in the docs:
You are required to use a self-hosted agent on an Azure VM in order to use managed service identity
I assume that it was alway like that. Here we are talking abut MSI assigned to VM which serves as build agent. Not MSI which is identity of App Service. Why? Service Connection is an abstraction which makes easy authentication to your Azure Subscription. So it gives identity to VM and then when your perform some action against your Azure thanks to MSI Azure know that can perform that action. Another aption is authentication via Service Principal, but thi can be done from any VM (inlcuding MS Hosted) because it relies on Client Id and Client secret which is kept in service connections. And MSI have to be assigned to particular VM which cannot be done with MS Hosted agents.

Problem connecting Azure DevOps on-site with Azure

I am trying to create a service connection from Azure Devops on premise to my Azure connection. But I get this error:
Failed to obtain the Json Web Token(JWT) using service principal client ID.
Exception Message: An error occurred while sending the request.
The user is owner in the subscription.
Problem connecting Azure DevOps on-site with Azure
According to the error, it seems that the Service principal key has expired.
You could try to run below script on the Azure DevOps OnPrem machine and can verify if able to generate the access token:
And try to create a new service principal and service principal key to create the new service connection.
BTW, you could check if it works with Azure DevOps service when using the same service connection configuration.

Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Managed Identity App Service Error On Deployment

I am just new to Azure Cloud and Devops, so forgive me if I may forget some critical info here.
So during creation of tasks for the release and selecting subscriptions, I get an error when trying to authorize the subscription (which I suspect is because of insufficient permissions associated to my account), so I go to advanced options to select the managed identity authentication.
After which no error shows now. So I set all remaining items and assign Deploy Azure App Service task. However during the running of the agent I get an error during Deploy Azure App Service step.
Error: Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name 'sample-vue'. Error: Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine ''. Status code: 400, status message: Bad Request
I have already set my azure app service to have a system assigned managed identity, but still this error occurs. I can't find any answer, online, with regards to the error above so hoping that someone could help explain to me the problem and how to possibly fix it. My hunch now is that I may have some insufficient permissions, but I don't know what it may be.
Please try the following items:
Remove and re-add the service connection in DevOps.
Check the rights of the account on Azure subscription. Please verify if the account has at least contributor access on Azure subscriptions. Check