How to draw lines on google map Flutter - flutter

Here I am using Google Maps and I want to draw this kind of line based on that I want to filter the data on a map. i don't know what I can use to draw these kinds of lines
Here is an example of what I need


How to write text on Flutter Google maps, or more specifically, inside or around polygons?

I have created multiple polygons on Google Maps in a Flutter app. Now I want to write some codes inside or even outside the polygons, for example, poly-101, poly-102, and so on. How can I do that? I see that the Polygon class does not have any label property. There are some options to add text for markers (How to display text text on google map marker in flutter), but I want to write text for the shapes and not for markers.

Multicolor polylines for a route in mapbox

i record routes with my app, mostly for motorbikes, and want to color it depending on the speed at each point of the route.
basically i know how to do it in mapbox and that is the problem. since you can set a color for only one polyline, i have to split up the route in speed sections and print every route sections polyline with it's specific color, which works fine basically. problem is that i have up to 500-2000 polylines for a route. so the map crashes very easily.
i don't have that problem when i set like 5000 image annotations to the map, which i can color individually. this could be a solution but it can take up to 20 seconds to print all image annotations. any other options to make a colored route like the on in the image ?
This is not possible with out of the box mapbox polylines.
You will have to add a new layer, perform the translations and add the gradient lines yourself. This might get you started drawing the lines:
Good luck

Bing Map Drawing Tool Module - Initialization

i have a Geolocalisation Web Application and i Use Bing Maps as a Front End Map Tool, for the back end, i would be able to edit points and polygons, for this, i am using Bing Map Drawing Tools Module.
My Goal is to use the same map to add / or edit a shape depending on what is the content of certain textbox.
So, there is any way to init the map by a default drawn shape and pushpin?

Is there a way to highlight roads using leaflet?

I have a complete set of waypoints (beginning, end, every intersection) and I'd like to display this on a map. I don't want to use a routing service and it should be offline.
How can I draw polylines on a map so that they follow the curves of the road?
I'm using leaflet.
Could the data be extracted from a relational database(PostgreSQL) and then convert it into GeoJSON and display on the map by leaflet?
I can't use any paid services either.
Leaflet has a polyline object. MapBox has a nice example how to use it.
I think scai has given you a good example to practice.By the way you can also store the data in JSON format in PostgreSQL.Refer this documentation for more details.JSON Types

Hide contour lines in terrain map type of google static maps API

I'm using Google static maps API to create terrain textures. Is there a way to hide the contour lines that are shown with some zoom levels? E.g., I need a way to change the following request to hide the contour lines:,15.480091&zoom=15&size=500x300&sensor=false&maptype=terrain&style=feature:water|visibility:off&style=element:labels|visibility:off