Getting problem while comparing string in Drools XLS decision table - drools

In cell B11 I am trying to compare my data with below column by using $1, but it is not working, the issue occurs only for String data I think.
Can anyone give me right explanation/reason that why compare is not working?
Instead, if I write:
country== or country
then comparing is done successfully. Why?


Relative Date Item in Power Pivot GETPIVOT DATA excel function

I am using a GETPIVOTDATA function in Excel to source data from a pivot table generated by a Power BI query (everything was originally only in excel, the file got too large, so i stored the main tables in PBI but kept the reports in excel for mgmt's sake).
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].["&$A$100&"]",'PIVOT Table_test'!$A$126,"[Master].[field1]","[Master].[field1].&["&C$26&"]","[Master].[AsofDate]","[Master].[AsofDate].&[2022-04-30T00:00:00]")
However, I want to make the GETPIVOTDATA function as dynamic as possible to prevent having too many hardcoded fields/items for each table that fields the charts we look at. However, when i reference the pivot table, the '[Asof]' field populates the static item as "...&[2022-04-30T00:00:00]")...
I have been trying to change that to reference a header row that contains a Short Date value (4/30/2022) like &["&$B&1"&"]")... but i keep getting #ref errors, every other field accepts the "&&" method, and when i leave the hardcoded timestamp in the formula, it populates.
So it has to be that reference but i do not understand what I am doing wrong. I have also tried changing the format of both the header row in Excel and the field within PBI but to no success.
Found the answer on another site. The solution in the item brackets is to write the following:

How to make a cell Blank when no data is being delivered to it

I have made a sheet to track equipment for the company I work for. I have used a script to populate last edited date to a column when a specific column is populated with data. My issue is that once I remove the data from column "A", the date stays in column "B". Is there some sort of formula or script I can use to make the column blank again once it is not being fed data.
I'm using google sheets.
Thank you.
Kind regards.

Data Type Cast Won't Stick in SSIS

I'm trying to automate a process with SSIS that exports data into a flat file (.csv) that is then saved to a directory, where it will be scanned and imported by some accounting software. The software (unfortunately) only recognizes dates that are in MM/DD/YYYY fashion. I have tried every which way to cast or convert the data pulled from SQL to be in the MM/DD/YYYY, but somehow the data is always recognized as either a DT_Date or DT_dbDate data type in the flat file connection, and saved down as YYYY-MM-DD.
I've tried various combinations of data conversion, derived columns, and changing the properties of the flat file columns to string in hopes that I can at least use substring operations to get this formatted correctly, but it never fails to save down as YYYY-MM-DD. It is truly baffling. The preview in the OLE DB source will show the dates as "MM/DD/YYYY" but somehow it always changes to "YYYY-MM-DD" when it hits the flat file.
I've tried to look up solutions (for example, here: Stubborn column data type in SSIS flat flat file connection manager won't change. :() but with no luck. Amazingly if I merely open the file in Excel and save it, it will then show dates in a text editor as "MM/DD/YYYY", only adding more mystery to this Bermuda Triangle-esque caper.
If there are any tips, I would be very appreciative.
This is a date formatting issue.
In SQL and in SSIS, dates have one literal string format and that is YYYY-MM-DD. Ignore the way they appear to you in the data previewer and/or Excel. Dates are displayed to you based upon your Windows regional prefrences.
Above - unlike the US - folks in the UK will see all dates as DD/MM/YYYY. The way we are shown dates is NOT the way they are stored on disk. When you open in Excel it does this conversion as a favor. It's not until you SAVE that the dates are stored - as text - according to your regional preferences.
In order to get dates to always display the same way. We need to save them not as dates, but as strings of text. TO do this, we have to get the data out of a date column DT_DATE or DT_DBDATE and into a string column: DT_STR or DT_WSTR. Then, map this new string column into your csv file. Two ways to do this "date-to-string" conversion...
First, have SQL do it. Update your OLE DB Source query and add one more column...
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), MyDateColumn, 101) AS MyFormattedDateColumn
FROM MyTable
The other way is let SSIS do it. Add a Derived Column component with the expression
SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],6,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],8,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([MyDateColumn],1,4)
Map the string columns into your csv file, NOT the date columns. Hope this helps.
It's been a while but I just came across this today because I had the same issue and hope to be able to spare someone the trouble of figuring it out. What worked for me was adding a new field in the Derived Column transform rather than trying to change the existing field.
I can't comment on Troy Witthoeft's answer, but wanted to note that if you have a Date type input, you wouldn't be able to do SUBSTRING. Instead, you could use something like this:
(DT_WSTR,255)(MONTH([Visit Date])) + "/" + (DT_WSTR,255)(DAY([Visit Date])) + "/" + (DT_WSTR,255)(YEAR([Visit Date]))

numeric fields added with single quote in jasper generated excel file

I'm designing a jasper report with the field type & text field type as double.
When run the jrxml file using jasperreports4.7.jar for excel format,
it'll add a single quote in numeric columns.
so i can't do any numeric manipulation in excel.but same is working fine in jasperreports3.jar.
is anyone facing the same issue?
pls help me
What you need to do is to define the field you want to print as an Integer or Double. (You must set your Report to java)
If I do not know yet what type of field is comming I am making, lets say 3 fields, one String, one Integer, one Double. Then I pass the info the what it is dynamically to another -meta-field.
In the designer I lay all 3 fields over each other. Seems to work.

How to display multiple resultset of a dataset in textbox

In one of my report datset returns more than one output for a query since the ouptut will be displayed in textbox where it can fetch more than one row report is getting failed. can someone help me on this. can we use listbox to overcome this problem .iam using ssrs 2008.
Appreciate your help on this.
A Table control, or a List (which is, technically, just another table) should work just fine.