How to make a cell Blank when no data is being delivered to it - date

I have made a sheet to track equipment for the company I work for. I have used a script to populate last edited date to a column when a specific column is populated with data. My issue is that once I remove the data from column "A", the date stays in column "B". Is there some sort of formula or script I can use to make the column blank again once it is not being fed data.
I'm using google sheets.
Thank you.
Kind regards.


Relative Date Item in Power Pivot GETPIVOT DATA excel function

I am using a GETPIVOTDATA function in Excel to source data from a pivot table generated by a Power BI query (everything was originally only in excel, the file got too large, so i stored the main tables in PBI but kept the reports in excel for mgmt's sake).
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].["&$A$100&"]",'PIVOT Table_test'!$A$126,"[Master].[field1]","[Master].[field1].&["&C$26&"]","[Master].[AsofDate]","[Master].[AsofDate].&[2022-04-30T00:00:00]")
However, I want to make the GETPIVOTDATA function as dynamic as possible to prevent having too many hardcoded fields/items for each table that fields the charts we look at. However, when i reference the pivot table, the '[Asof]' field populates the static item as "...&[2022-04-30T00:00:00]")...
I have been trying to change that to reference a header row that contains a Short Date value (4/30/2022) like &["&$B&1"&"]")... but i keep getting #ref errors, every other field accepts the "&&" method, and when i leave the hardcoded timestamp in the formula, it populates.
So it has to be that reference but i do not understand what I am doing wrong. I have also tried changing the format of both the header row in Excel and the field within PBI but to no success.
Found the answer on another site. The solution in the item brackets is to write the following:

Counting days between 2 dates and swapping one of the dates for another if cell if not empty - google sheets

As the title suggests I'm wondering if there is a way to count days from 1 Column from the current day, then when filling in another column it stops counting the difference in days?
I'm using the following formula (found online)
Column A being where my date of entry is, column B is a hidden column with every row set to the
I have another column, Column C that I will enter the date manually after date of completion, at which point I would like it to then stop counting the days and show me the number of days between Column A and C (Date 1 and Date 2)
I'm not overly experienced in google sheets but I'm thinking maybe there's a way to
check if column C is empty, if so carry on with todays date, if it's not empty to
calculate Column C - Column A?
Would making an new column for checking if the completion date has been entered work?
If so would it be possible to get one formula to check whether True or False and determine what 2 dates to work with? Lets say Column D is for ISBLANK the following is what I think of
When I try this I have no luck and get a "Result was not expanded automatically, please insert more rows (1)" error message
Any help would be appreciated!
Apply the formula :
at C2. And drag downwards. That's should do.
Please share if it work/understandable/not.
Sorry it's a bit hard to understand this question, if you could post a current and desired screenshot example that would help I think.
So, I think your best bet here is to review this video if you're wanting sheets to auto-input a time entry when a cell is modified:
And it will show you how to script a cell to enter in a time entry when another cell is edited, and then you could use a variation of formulas to calculate the difference between the days of the original minus the date from the script (such as the once referenced below or by #p.phidot )
So for an example, once you script the time entry to work in the background of the sheet, you have a formula using an IF statement to make it pull between your today date or the new date being entered.
My cell references below are an example as I can't follow the question sheet.
This way if b2 is not blank it'll do a2-c2. You could also use ISBLANK if you like.

Multiple copies of a record based on formula

Good afternoon,
I am very new to Crystal Reports, so am not sure where to look for this information and would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction or tell me if what I am asking for is impossible.
One of our departments uses a field called RecordChanges to note changes made to a record. The field is text and the department stores information there about the date a change is made and the type of change, separated by commas (i know this is terribly inefficient, but it's what I have to work with). I have a Crystal Report that parses this text field and picks up the latest date and latest change made to the record. I would like to modify this report to include ALL the changes made to the record, so if the field RecordChanges of the data source has 3 dates, I would like this record to appear in my Crystal Report 3 times, once for each change that was made. How to parse the field I can figure out but where I'm stuck is how do I make the number of times a record appears equal to the number of dates found which is my {#DateFound} field?
There is a lack of details, but as far as I understood the problem and assuming that you did state in the comment that "there wouldn't ever be more than 5 changes to an order", here is a first try to tackle the situation.
I will assume that you already have a formula that "parses this text field and picks up the latest date and latest change made to the record". And that you know how to adjust this formula to pick up each of the record changes. I will name this formula as {#Parser1}.
Based on {#Parser1}, create other 4 formulas: {#Parser2}, {#Parser3}, {#Parser4}, {#Parser5}. As you probably presume, each formula must be changed to parser the Nth occurrence of the record change.
Create 5 details sections.
Put each formula in each detail section.
Suppress the detail section wich formula is null or empty.
That's it.
The limitation is that you can have at most 5 record changes.
This is an awkward solution, but it is necessary (as far as I know) since Crystal Reports works based on your data rows. It iterates over the rows, but cannot "generate" more rows by itself. If you can manipulate the data source, you can create other solutions.
You still need to do the magic trick to pickup the Nth change from the text.

Why does my formula for date go away when form is submitted?

I want my Google sheet that is populated from a Google form to have a column that is just a date (8/5/2019) so that it can be easily merged into a google doc through automation of Autocart.
I inserted a column next to the time stamp and populated it with the formula
and populated the whole column with this formula.
Whenever I test my form to see if it works the data is imported in but the formula in column B is taken away. Why does it take away my formula?
that is expected behavior. you should use instead an array formula one row above eg if your first date starts in A5 paste this in 4th row:
=ARRAYFORMULA({"Date"; IF(LEN(A2:A), TEXT(TO_DATE(A2:A), "m/d/yyyy"), )})

Transpose columns in another sheet to rows via Data > Validity dropdown

I have a collection of addresses on one LibreOffice Calc sheet (7 columns, 1st name, 2nd street and so one) and want to create an invoice template on another sheet.
I know how to retrieve and transpose a known row - the solution on this other question explains that: Transpose column on one sheet to row on another, with linking
However, this does not seem to work if I use Data > Validity to fill the first cell in the address area (7 cells below each other).
What I am basically trying to accomplish is a dropdown in the first cell where I select the name and it automatically retrieves the address from the other sheet into the cells below.
Is this possible or am I overthinking here?
I suggest:
Name the data in your first column (eg CName)
Name your array of data (eg Clients)
Set the Source for Validity Criteria to CName
Assuming the validation is in A1, in A2 and copied down to suit:
The -0 is not required if the validation is in Row1 but is where an offset should be made if not.