How can I fix these gaps in my outline shader? - unity3d

My game uses very low-poly models for most of its geometry, and my current outline shader, which inverts normals and "scales up" the material, doesn't really cut it for this. Admittedly I have very little experience with shader graph but I'm trying my best here. These outlines are part of the Render Objects renderer feature in URP.
Here is an example of the issue in question, as well as the shader graph itself.

The shader you made requires smoothed normals for all vertices. If you need to have an edge on one of your outlined objects, you will get the following result with gaps because the cube doesn't have smooth normals.
And your models being very low-poly makes it a lot more visible.
I'd suggest just using a Frensel Node and attach it to a step node to get harsh outlines which you can just connect to emmision or something since it would probably only take 4-5 Nodes


Use the sprite normal map to assimilate 3d mesh to use with Unity shaders

sorry if this is a noob question, is there a way to combine Unity shaders made using the Shader Graph with sprites? I would like to use the normal map attached to the texture to assimilate a 3d mesh, so that I can use some more advanced Shader Graph nodes (e.g. Fresnel).
It seems that the 2d shader examples online work only on the dissolve effect, character outline, tint changes, ... and I cannot find anything on using the highlights/lowlights already present in the 2d art to make it behave like 3d. I also have not found any examples of more complex shader effects that work on 2d. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
To give a more specific example, could this shader be adjusted to apply to a sprite?

Unity Shader Graph - Glow motion of an object with Shader Graph

I'm new to shaders and with the new Shader Graph from Unity I'm trying to experiment and archive some effects that I have in mind for my games.
I want to get something like this:
I want a glow effect to go arround my object. In my case it's a square neon light, so it's simple I think.
What I have so far, experimenting and unifying different tutorials, effects, etc.:
This is the current Shader Graph, i know its a mess and maybe there are useless nodes, etc.:
This is the tutorial I think it's the most accurate to what I need:
Thanks in advance for any tip that help me find the correct path to archive the effect.
To make it clear, the real problem for me is the motion effect. I already setup the glow effect with post-processing and bloom. My problem is how to do the effect arround the object. In my case it's a neon tube, so it's easiest I think, as the effect can be on all the object but from the start of the tube to the end. As the tube is closed, it will start again from the begining almost at the same point. Hope it make it clear.
you can use post processing to get the effect your after, specifically bloom and tone mapping effects.
With post processing applied you just need to increase the color into HDR levels in your shader.
Applying a blur outside of post processing is actually extremely expensive and isn't really recommended unless there is absolutely no other option.

Unity Lighning (shader, lightmap or blender UV issue?)

I have the following scene
As you can see the ball in front of me has a very extreme shadow on it's back. How could I make it less extreme? I would like to still see the triangles that compose the Ico sphere but darker and without having to change the sun's position.
I tried to play with my light values, shader value, changed shaders, etc. but without any success. I guess I'm lacking some basic knowledges regarding lightning. Any help / tip would be greatly appreciated!
Models which have light issues or seem to have a permanent black poly may have flipped normals and will not display light correctly. Whichever 3d modelling program is used to make the models will be able to flip a normal for you.

Shader to bevel the edges of a cube?

This question relates to using shaders (probably in the Unity3D milieu, but Metal or OpenGL is fine), to achieve rounded edges on a mesh-minimal cube.
I wish to use only 12-triangle minimalist mesh cubes,
and then via the shader,
Achieve the edges (/corners) of each block being slightly bevelled.
In fact, can this be done with a shader?
I recently finished creating such shader. The only way it can work is by providing 4 normal vectors instead of one for each vertex (smooth, sharp and one for each edge of the triangle for the given vertex). You will also need one float3 to detect edges.
To add such data in a mesh I made a custom mesh editor, comes with Playtime Painter Asset from Unity Asset Store. Will post the shader with the next update. Also will post to public GitHub.
You can see some dark lines, it's because it starts to interpolate to a normal vector which facing away from light source, but since there are no additional triangles, the result is visible on a triangle which is facing the camera.
Update (2/12/2018)
Realised that by clipping pixels that end up having a normal facing away from the camera, it is possible to smooth the outline shape. It wasn't tested for all possible scenarios but works great for simple shapes:
As per request added a comparison cube:
Currently, Playtime Painter has a simplified version of that shader, which interpolates between 2 normal vectors and gives ok results on some edges.
Wrote an article.
In general the Relief Mapping is able to modify the object silhouette like on this picture. You'd need to prepare a heightmap that lowers at the borders and that's it. However I think that using such shader might be an overkill for such a simple effect so maybe it's better to just make it in your geometry.

How can I smooth texture objects in OpenGL ES 1.1 (iPhone)

I'm currently experimenting with OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone and trying to get my head around some of the basics. So far I've managed to draw a grid of objects which are lit with one GL_LIGHT. Here is a screenshot of the current output (question to follow)...
So you can see that my test consists of a grid of about 140 cubes - some slightly elevated so I can see how the shaded areas work. Each cube consists of this model (from Blender) and have normals / texture coordinates...
What's puzzling me, is why I don't get a 'uniform' lighting across the entire surface. Each cube seems to be lit individually and I can kind of understand why that would be... but is it not possible to have the light transition 'normally' like it would if you arranged this model out of blocks and shone a light across it. I'd expect to not see a dark edge on each individual cube, but rather a smooth transition across the whole area.
(I'm still inwardly chuffed that I managed to get this far!)
Any help or explanations would be awesome.
The reason why you don't get 'uniform' lighting is because I presume you are using per vertex lighting. That is the lighting is calculated per vertex and interpolated over each triangle making up the model. Since your cube has a pretty low polygon count the transition of light across the model won't look smooth.
Using OpenGL ES 1.1 there are two solutions to this. You can use higher polygon count models or implement per-pixel (DOT3) lighting. I've not implemented this myself but have come across this problem before (my solution was to switch to OpenGL ES 2.0 and use shaders to perform per-pixel lighting).
Here is a link, which may be of use: What is DOT3 lighting?
All the best!