Adding dashed line connecting popup to point - mapbox-gl-js

I'm looking for a way to change the popup-tip to a dashed line connecting the popup window to the point it's related to.
I'm not sure that changing the tip is the way, it just make sense, but any way will do.
Any ideas?


VSCode Scrolling to next line on long lines of code

When I highlight a long line of code - if I barely move my mouse to the row above or below it will automatically go to the beginning of the line. Really annoying for simple highlight and change edits. At the moment, I only use my arrow keys as an alternative.. or I have to be very careful and not get close to the row above and below the line I'm working on. I've attached a GIF as an example.
I've looked in the settings for "scroll" options and i'm unable to find anything. Anyone have any ideas?
Workaround. Use word wrap: "editor.wordWrap": "on"
You can even enable it temporarily (editor.action.toggleWordWrap alt+z)

How to make regular lines jump like connectors

Exactly like the title says, how can I make a regular line behave like a connector and jump over other connectors?
The question is old, but I just had the same problem with Visio (App on Windows 10). In my case, y4cine's answer did not work because I was missing an option in the page setup. So you need to:
Use the connectors.
Set the line jump style.
To set the line jump, simply:
Access the page setup by right-clicking your page tab.
Go to Layout and Routing.
Line jumps.
Line jump style: Arc
This is the option that I was missing.
See also:
Use a connector and set its appearance to straight. (right mouse click)

Line inside editor

I am trying to remove this line from my Netbeans editor view. I have no clue what it's for, and I find it disturbing.
How can I remove it? (Can't find it in color settings)
Here's a picture:
You have to set the right margin setting to 0.

eclipse single line color

how can I change the color of a single line in Eclipse to be able to find it fast while scrolling ? many people are suggesting to download eclipse themes but I am interested in changing the color of a single line to be able to re-find it faster
You can leave this little comment in that line:
A small blue rectangle will be shown next to the scrollbar (the same way as your errors and warnings), and you will be able to instanlty find that line by clicking on it.

Any way to make break point symbols be on top in the vertical ruler in Eclipse?

The problem is that search results overlap and make it hard to see whether I've set a break point or not. Any ideas how to remedy this? I can't seem to find a customizable order of which symbols are displayed on the vertical ruler.
alt text
Found a workaround: set the Annotation for Breakpoints to include a "vertical bar". This will place a thin vertical line to the left of the line with the breakpoint. Good enough I guess.