Is there a shortcut to switch between code panels in Spyder 5.2.1? - ipython

I'm currently new to Spyder and I'm trying to get a feel for the shortcuts.
I have seen that you can actually create multiple code panes using split vertical/horizontal (in order to work on multiple code files), however I didn't find any shortcut to switch between the multiple code panels I had.
So, is there any shortcut to move my text cursor from A panel to B panel ?

(Spyder maintainer here) There's no keyboard shortcut for that, sorry.


Observable editor functionality

I'm new to Observable and as I was editing a notebook I selected several lines and then used the Command-/ keystroke and it "//" commented all the selected lines. I use this command frequently in VS Code and used it in Observable by reflex. I was surprised it worked.
Is there is list of the functions the Observable editor implements? Is there a manual available for the editor it uses for editing cells?
There's a comprehensive list of editor shortcuts that you can access by clicking the ? icon in the bottom right of the page.
You can also type ? to toggle the keyboard tab.
More info on keyboard shortcuts here

Is it possible to quickly swap lines in VS Code?

I'm currently experimenting with VS Code, having used Sublime Text 3 for the last five years or so. In Sublime, I could quickly swap two lines by selecting them both and then doing Ctrl+T.
As far as I've been able to find, the only equivalent command in VS Code is Alt+↑/↓, which pushes the selected line either up or down, and would be excruciatingly slow unless the selections are very close to each other.
Is this still true as of 2019? Is this basic functionality really not possible in VS Code?
There is no built-in functionality.
You can use a combination of VS Code's multi-cursor selection and the Swap extension.
Select one line or lines
Select another line/lines while holding down Alt or CMD (for Mac)
Use the extension's swap shortcut
Via keyboard shortcut
Windows: CTRL+ALT+8
Via command palette
You can customize the keyboard shortcut to be same as what you used in Sublime.

Is there a shortcut to switch panel instead of switching tab?

I'm working on VSCode (last version) and sometimes I work with splitted panels.
I can't find a way to achieve same behavior than a Ctrl + Tab but for panels.
It currently sends me to another tab in the current panel.
In vscode these are referred to as editor groups and can be switched between using either:
CTRL+K, CTRL+LeftArrow/RightArrow
to move focus through the editor groups. If you only have two active groups then this is equivalent to what you describe. This is the under Focus Next Group/Focus Previous Group in the keyboard shortcut settings so you could remap this to something else if you prefer.
To specify focus in editor group 1/2/3

How Do I Switch Between Multiple Eclipse Windows (in "Split Screen" Mode)

Eclipse allows you to open more than one text editing "window" at a time to get a "split screen" effect. This is great, but the problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be any way to switch between these windows, directly.
Now, you can use the usual commands (Ctrl+Page Down, CTRL+e, ALT+RIGHT, etc.) to switch between specific buffers. In other words, if I have window 1 with and open, and window 2 with open, I can use Ctrl+Page Down to go from A, to B, to C. However, I can't just go from A or B (ie. from window 1) in to C (ie. to window 2), unless I use CTRL+e and type in "".
There are half a million Eclipse commands though, and they're certainly not all labeled consistently, so it's quite possible I'm just failing to find the relevant command. Does anyone out there in SO-land happen to know it?
By default, its Ctrl+F6. However, its useful if you map you keys to Ctrl+Tab to switch between open editors like Windows.
You can change your preferred keys in Window>Preferences>General>Keys and change "Next Editor" to any key of your choice(Ex: Ctrl+Tab). Hope this is what you needed.
This can be achieved easily if you are using Vrapper in Eclipse. Vrapper
is a Vim plugin for Eclipse. If you are trying to maximize your productivity in Eclipse like we all are, it's well worth the try.
Once you got it installed, check out the Split Editor Plugin for Vrapper. You can then create splits on the fly and switch between them using the standard Vim shortcut: Ctrl-w w
Bonus: don't forget to maxmize your editors using Ctrl-m. If your editor ever loses focus for some reason, regain it by pressing Ctrl-F12
Finally open any file in your project using Ctrl-Shift-r
Edit from anula comment:
A useful thing to mention here: Ctrl-w by default binds to closing window, so if you want to use it as in Vim you need to first go to Window->Preferences->General->Keys and unbind "Close".
You can install the HandySplit plugin from Eclipse Marketplace and bind its 'Toggle focus between split editors' command to any keyboard shortcut you like.

Anything similar to Emacs' buffer/window support for Eclipse?

I'm trying to make the switch from Emacs to Eclipse. One thing that seems to be missing is its buffer/window support.
I know in Eclipse I can drag an editor's tab title over to split the view, creating the equivalent of a new Emacs window, which is a step in the right direction.
I can't find any key bindings for this functionality, though. Ideally, I'd like to be able to set keys to split horizontal, split vertical, switch to next (there is a next editor, but I want the next window/whatever you call it), switch to previous, close this window split (not this editor), close all other editor window splits.
As it is, the only way I've found to close a split pane is to drag all the files over one by one until none are left. Things like this make working with split screens tedious in Eclipse.
Any help would be appreciated, hopefully there's something simple I'm missing.
Emacs+ has this exact behavior for Eclipse:
According to the keys preference there is an unbound command to open a new editor, which would open another tab rather than split the view. There is also an unbound command to close all other editors. Ctrl+W will close the current editor and Ctrl+F6 will switch between tabs. You can bind or rebind these to be closer to their Emacs equivalents. Alternatively there is an Emacs key map which you may find more helpful. Unfortunately I don't it's possible to split the view from the keyboard.
Try Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab for cycling through tabs (buffers) and Ctrl-F4 for closing a tab. You can also look through the shortcut bindings in the eclipse configuration.