bash insert word at first position in file using sed - sed

How can I use sed to insert a word at the first line of a file at start position.
For instance I have the file witn the following content:
that is a test without scope
that is the second line
that is the third line
The result should be:
[TICKET_NUMBER] that is a test without scope
that is the second line
that is the third line
I'm trying this, but I get the following error:
sed -i -E "1s/^[$ISSUE_ID]/ " $COMMIT_EDITMSG_FILE
sed: -e expression #1, char 17: unterminated `s' command
I've followed some examples, but I can not make any progress.

You may use this sed:
sed "1s/^/$ISSUE_ID /" file
[TICKET_NUMBER] that is a test without scope
that is the second line
that is the third line
1s will apply s command on first line only
^ will match line start
"..." will let shell variable expand


sed: get a line number with regex and insert text at that line

I want to get the first line of a file that is not commented out with an hash, then append a line of text just after that line just before that line.
I managed to get the number of the line:
sed -n '/^\s*#/!{=;q}' file // prints 2
and also to insert text (specifying the line manually):
sed '2 a extralinecontent' file
I can't get them working together as a one liner or in a batch.
I tried command substitution (with $(command) and also with backticks) but I get an error from bash:
sed '$(sed -n '/^\s*#/!{=;q}' file) a extralinecontent' file
-bash: !{=: event not found
and also tried many other combinations, but no luck.
I'm using gnu-sed (via brew) on macOS.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -e '/^\s*#/b;a extra line content' -e ':a;n;ba' file
Bail out of any lines beginning with a comment at the beginning of the file, append an extra line following the first line that is not a comment and keep fetching/printing all the remaining lines of the file.
Here's a way to do it with GNU sed without reading the file twice
$ cat ip.txt
foo baz good
123 456 7889
$ sed -e '0,/^\s*[^#[:space:]]/ {// a XYZ' -e '}' ip.txt
foo baz good
123 456 7889
GNU sed allows first address to be 0 if the other address is regex, that way this will work even if first line matches the condition
/^\s*[^#[:space:]]/ as sed doesn't support possessive quantifier, need to ensure that the first character being matched by the character class isn't either a # or a whitespace character
// is a handy shortcut to repeat the last regex
a XYZ your required line to be appended (note that your question mentiones insert, so if you want that, use i instead of a)

Why does this 'sed' fail inside qx() in Perl?

This sed works, to replace the value for Java home in a shell script:
sed -i 's#^JAVA_HOME=.*$#JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-oracle.x86_64"#' /apps/
but now I am trying to use/invoke that sed from inside a Perl app, using qx():
qx(sed -i 's#^JAVA_HOME=.*$#JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-oracle.x86_64"#' /apps/;
and when I do that, I am getting an error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 58: unterminated `s' command
From checking, I gather that error is happening because the sed is missing the last delimiter, but it seems like it is correct, i.e.:
sed -i 's#.....#.......#' /apps/
Can someone tell me why this sed is failing with I use in a qx() in Perl?
$#JAVA_HOME is treated as a Perl variable (the number of the last element of the array variable). Escape it: \$#JAVA_HOME

sed: -e expression #1, char XX: unterminated `s' command

I'm trying to use a regular expression with the command sed to substitute any 8 consecutive digits with a specific 8 digits in a whole file. I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it but I keep getting an error saying the command is unterminated. Any idea why ?
sed -i 's/d\{8\}/20170526' ./somefolder/somefile.xml
the error says char17 which corresponds to the / before 20170526
You need 3 separators (a slash in your case) for a sed switch statement.
sed -eE 's/[0-9]{8}/20170526/' ./somefolder/somefile.xml

SED: unterminated `s' command at hyphen

I'm running the following in my provisioner
sed -i 's/DocumentRoot \/var\/www\/DocumentRoot \/var\/www\/app\/web-root\/\g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
however I'm getting the error: sed: -e expression #1, char 69: unterminated 's' command - which is a hyphen (-) at that position. I've tried escaping it (\-) to no avail.
Any ideas?
your line:
sed -i 's/DocumentRoot \/var\/www\/DocumentRoot \/var\/www\/app\/web-root\/\g ...
sed needs s/.../.../g you have escaped the last / before g flag, more than that, you escaped g flag too. At least this mistake won't let your sed command go.
what better is, you pick another delimiter, if your pattern/replacement containing /(slash) too. It can save those dozens back slashes:
sed -i 's#foo/bar/blah#foo1/bar1/blah1#g` file

How to output the contents of a variable to a newline using sed

PING=$(ping -c 2
sed -i.bak "s/test:/&\n$PING/g" test.txt
Im trying to output the variable PING on a newline after test: in the test.txt file.
But i keep receiving this error.
sed: -e expression #1, char 64: unterminated `s' command
I don't know where I'm going wrong any help is much appreciated.
you can write sed scripts like you write bash scripts, and newlines are command separators. you need a line continuation.
sed "s/test/&\
$PING/g" file
Style advice: get out of the habit of using UPPERCASE variable names. One day you'll use PATH and break your script.