Deserialization Failed - azure-media-services
I tried to execute with code on Github address.
Changed build method from Maven to Gradle.
I built it with Gradle and ran it. When executed, the error occurs, such as the image.
Why is there an error when I didn't fix the code?
enter image description here


Your project should have a settings.gradle

Hi I'm try to build a flutter app on git lab and every time its fails and show me the Error below:
Executing Gradle tasks as part of a build without a settings file
is not supported. Make sure that you are executing Gradle from a
directory within your Gradle project. Your project should have a
'settings.gradle(.kts)' file in the root directory.
I changed the location of the file setting.gradle and not work
any help??
the root of gradle
After searching and going through various trial and error methods, I finally tried the gradle init command and it fixed the issue. Alththough the settings.gradle file was already present but somehow its not seen by gradle itself, and initializing gradle fixed the error for me.

Could not run phased build action using connection to Gradle distribution ''

I am trying to manually update a minecraft mod/update a deprecated mod, and I have changed the build.gradle to match the Forge version I need, and it had an original error that I resolved which was it was using an outdated gradle build I think. The original error is this
Description Resource Path Location Type
Could not fetch model of type 'EclipseProject' using connection to Gradle distribution ''.
But I resolved that by changing the gradle wrapper properties to the version of gradle the forge version MDK has, but now it is giving me this new error. I have no idea how to fix this error and am looking for help.

Build Failure of Apache Beam 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT

I am Facing Issue While Building master Node of Apache beam 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT and Getting Error :
Failed to execute goal com.igormaznitsa:mvn-golang-wrapper:2.1.7:build (go-build-linux-amd64)
Can't find generated target file : C:\Users\KishanK\Desktop\2.5.0\Updated\beam\sdks\go\target\linux_amd64\beamctl -> [Help 1]
I am Facing problem from Last Few Weeks Build Always get Failed on Go SDK.
Thanks for reporting the issue. I also see the problem on my machine and opened a bug:
Note that Beam has migrated its build system from Maven to Gradle and Maven support is in the process of being removed. The error happens with Maven only and why it seems to have gone unnoticed. The simplest path forward is to build with Gradle instead, i.e., "./gradlew build".

Gradle Eclipse getting compile issues

In my build.gradle file I have a dependency that is wrong
When I do
gradle build
I get:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
> Could not find org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter234:.
Required by:
project :
However in Eclipse when I run the task, I don't get a clear message. I just get:
Note: I have Refresh the Gradle Project and get the same message
I assume you use mavenCentral or jcenter as a repository. Neither of them has an artifact with groupId org.springframework.boot and artifactId spring-boot-starter234 in your build script with the following line:
Therefore, gradle does not find it. One possible correct dependency for spring-boot-starter could be:
or pick another version that matches your project better from the Maven Repository.
You can right-click on the failed task (or ctrl-click on the Mac) and choose "Show Failures".
Or you can click on the little console icon (in the upper right corner of your screenshot) with the tooltip "Navigate to Console for this Execution"

GGTS throwing error when building, string index out of range

I am working on a very large project, and am currently tasked to get the project to work correctly using GGTS rather than intelli-j. The project compiles and runs correctly from cygwin. However, when trying to build the project in GGTS an error occurs. The error thrown is as follows:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'project'.
String index out of range: -23
The error gets highlighted under a src/groovy package. specifically GGTS highlights the "p" in the following:
package com.bussiness.sys.rep
/* CODE */
When looking at the error thrown at this point the following is said.
The type org.joda.convert.FromString cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
I have tried multiple grails clean, refresh-dependencies, builds, looking into configuring the build path, and re-importing. I continue to get the same error. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
Using Grails 2.3.8, and GGTS 3.6.0.M1 based on eclipse 4.4, for Windows.