GGTS throwing error when building, string index out of range - eclipse

I am working on a very large project, and am currently tasked to get the project to work correctly using GGTS rather than intelli-j. The project compiles and runs correctly from cygwin. However, when trying to build the project in GGTS an error occurs. The error thrown is as follows:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'project'.
String index out of range: -23
The error gets highlighted under a src/groovy package. specifically GGTS highlights the "p" in the following:
package com.bussiness.sys.rep
/* CODE */
When looking at the error thrown at this point the following is said.
The type org.joda.convert.FromString cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
I have tried multiple grails clean, refresh-dependencies, builds, looking into configuring the build path, and re-importing. I continue to get the same error. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
Using Grails 2.3.8, and GGTS 3.6.0.M1 based on eclipse 4.4, for Windows.


Eclipse Kotlin plugin not compiling Kotlin classes

Using Eclipse 2018.12, I've installed the Eclipse Kotlin plugin (, created a Kotlin project (using the "New..." options under "Kotlin") and wrote a "Hello World!" program:
fun main() = System.out.println("Hello World!")
However, when I try to run it I get the message
Error: Could not find or load main class TestKt
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestKt
Upon further inspection it seems the class has never been compiled. There is no corresponding .class file anywhere. Under the project directory I see Eclipse configuration directory .settings and files .project and .classpath. Besides that, I have an empty bin directory and a src directory with Test.kt only.
I found two similar questions about this in SO:
In Unable to Run Kotlin Application in Eclipse, the accepted answer simply indicates working with a new version of Eclipse and Kotlin plugin, both older than what I have now. Besides, the problem may have been solved in that case due to a new installation rather than the version.
Kotlin - Error: Could not find or load main class _DefaultPackage is quite old and the accepted answer does not apply anymore. It was about not naming the main class properly, but in my case there is not even a byte code file to be found.
Running "Project -> Compile Kotlin classes" had no effect.
How can I get this simple example to run?
Update: I've updated to 2020-06 (not that it should matter since Eclipse Kotlin lists 2018-12 in its requirements) and replaced Zuly by AdoptOpenJDK HotSpotJDK 11. The error persists. The Eclipse log does not show any related messages.
Update 2: re-created the project in a brand-new workspace but the problem persists.

Scala compiler other than 2.12 not working in Eclipse

I just set up a Scala project in Eclipse (Oxygen 4.7.3a, on Ubuntu 18.04) with the Scala-IDE plugin (4.7.0.v-2_12-201709291352-71a28d0) with a simple HelloWorld object. If I set "Properties -> Scala Compiler" to 2.12 everything works as expected: the project compiles and runs. But if I choose any other version (for instance, "Latest 2.10 bundle (dynamic)" I get prompted to do a full rebuild (as expected) but when I go to "Project -> Build" nothing happens. If I have errors in my code, the editor underlines them, but they won't show in "Problems". If I try to run it I get a class not found error.
I get the feeling that it is not actually compiling. Any ideas on what I need to configure differently?
I finally solved it by removing openjdk-11 and installing openjdk-8. After doing that and reinstalling Eclipse and Scala-IDE everything works fine.
It would have been helpful having some feedback from Eclipse regarding what was not working. I figured it out because I tried to build with SBT and the error lead to this SO question: Failed to initialize compiler: object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror not found
I tried the update-alternatives option (also changing the Java path in eclipse.ini) but then I got the "object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror not found" error in Eclipse problems. Since I didn't need openjdk-11 anyway I simply switched to openjdk-8.

eclipse gives error on start up after adding sbteclipse plugin

I add sbt eclipse plug-in .First I created the project named hello the in project directory i created a file named plugins.sbt and add this line in it
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.5.0")
and after the sbt> I typed eclipse then it created the project for eclipse
when I open eclipse it gives me error message
An error has occurred. See the error log for more details
The org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaElementFilters plug-in extension "" specifies a viewer filter class which does not exist.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
please help me to how to resolve this error and when I imported the sbt project eclipse give me another error
Building workspace has encountered a problem
Errors occurred during the build.
Error instantiating builder 'org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalabuilder'.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Please help me
scala version 2.11.1
sbt version 0.13
I added the scala-IDE plugin from this source
i am using eclipse juno and pasted the following location in install new software
my project compiles successfully in sbt
Are you using Eclipse Luna for Java Developers (as opposed to Eclipse Classic) AND Scala IDE 4.0 milestone 3? There is a known issue (solved in the nightly builds since then), reported on the mailing list here.
You can "fix" it by either upgrading the Scala plugin to a nightly build (they're pretty stable), or going with Eclipse Classic instead.

noClassDefFoundError using Scala Plugin for Eclipse

I successfully implemented and ran several Scala tutorials in Eclipse using the Scala plugin. Then suddenly I tried to compile and run an example, and this error came up:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hello/HelloWorld
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hello.HelloWorld
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
After this point I could no longer run any Scala programs in Eclipse. I tried cleaning and rebuilding my project, closing and reopening my project, and closing and reopening Eclipse.
Eclipse version number 3.5.2 and Scala plugin 2.8.0
Here is the original code:
package hello
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]){
println("hello world")
If you see this when you attempt to run as a Scala application then the most likely explanation is that your project didn't compile and no class files were generated. Please check whether or not that's the case: look in your project's output folder for hello/HelloWorld.class.
If your project didn't compile that could either be because there's an error which you've missed (and if this error isn't being reported in the Problems view that could be a bug, in which case please open a ticket on Trac) or because you've turned off automatic builds and not done a manual build of your project.
I had the same problem. Project doesn't compile but there are no errors highlighted and AFAIK the code is OK. It seems to be a problem with the Run Configurations.
Solution 1: Delete the existing Run Configuration for your object and create a new one
Solution 2: Create a new object and cut / paste all your code into that file
When running "clean" does not un-hose Eclipse, I next try saving my work, exiting Eclipse, and re-starting. That usually gets things going again, but not always. A few times I've had to update the Scala plugin with a more recent version (I'm using the latest nightly), to get things working again. I doubt that this worked because the new plugin happened to fix the bug, but rather expect that loading the new plugin gives the whole Eclipse-Scala
system a "total reset" that gets it unhosed.
I was getting this problem in a project that combined .java & .scala files.
The solution for me was:
Remove all .java files
Edit the scala code as needed so it compiles without them.
Add the .java files back in.
Edit the scala code back.
The other solutions given here didn't work for me. I tried: clean project, restarting Eclipse, closing-&-opening the project, creating a new .scala file. No joy.
I'm using Eclipse 3.7 (latest stable), Scala IDE 2.0.0 and Scala 2.9 on Ubuntu Linux 11.10.
The symptoms in my case were:
My project was working, but then it stopped compiling for no apparent reason. The IDE didn't show any compilation errors for .scala files, but there were no .class files in the output directory & I got a NoClassDefError if I tried to run anything.
If I created a deliberate error in a .scala file, that did get picked up as a compilation error.
The .java files were registering errors due to the missing scala classes.
I suppose there's probably a boot-strapping bug somewhere in the IDE plugin for .java/.scala mixes. I've done hybrid projects with this setup without problems, so it's only triggered in some situations. I don't know what the trigger is, but once triggered, there's no nice solution.
I had moved my one and only class/object/application to a package, but had not added the package declaration.
sbt compiled and ran fine; eclipse would not
Adding the package declaration at the top of the file fixed it.
Scala 2.8.3 plugin; no compile error
I encountered this error too but after doing the suggestions here (cleaning, deleting Run Configuration etc), I realized that I set the workspace wrongly that is why the class is not being found.
An indication that this is a problem is when the same error occurs when you try to compile a java project.
I encountered this error (compilation worked in sbt but failed in eclipse) when I created a new package object called "common". Deleting the package object in eclipse caused the compile error to go away. There was nothing in it.
I was using sbt-eclipse to build the eclipse project. I'm using scala eclipse 3.0.0-vfinal-20130326-1146-Typesafe.

Error updating jars with Eclipse GWT 2.0 plugin

Ever since updating our project to the newest version of the Eclipse GWT plugin and GWT 2.0 we get an error when starting Eclipse.
This is the error message:
An internal error occurred during:
"Updating project/war/WEB-INF/lib with
jars from GWT - 2.0.0".
Here is the exception message:
Attempted to beginRule: R/, does not
match outer scope rule: P/project
Everything works just fine, I just get this error when Eclipse starts up. I've done everything I can think of to fix it, but it still happens.
Any ideas? Is anyone else getting this error?
This was seen when, for instance, using a too old version of subclipse (see this thread, and bug 129045 or bug 128709)
This is linked to a change in the ISchedulingRule modifyRule(IResource resource) of the Resources component.
So are you using a compatible version of eclipse (i.e 3.5x) with GWT2.0?