How to use Eigen as third party library in Unreal Engine 5? - unreal-engine4

I'm trying to include Eigen in UE5 - there's some old UE4 documentation on this but it produces a different plugin file.
It looks like UE5 includes Eigen under Engine/Source/ThirdParty/Eigen/, but the actual library does not seem to be there. So, I tried to add a new plugin using the UE5 editor (called 'ThirdParty'), include the Eigen source manually under Plugins/ThirdParty/Source/Eigen/, and add the path references i.e.:
new string[] {
However, this does not seem to work, as #include 'Eigen/Dense' or just 'Eigen' results in an error in the rest of my project. Any ideas? Many thanks.

In Unreal Engine 5 all you should need to do is add
AddEngineThirdPartyPrivateStaticDependencies(Target, "Eigen");
into your project or plugins Build.cs file, and you should be able to include the library using
#include <Eigen/Core>
as usual!


Generate starter code based on new file VSCode

Is there a way to configure some code based on a file extension when created in VS Code? I'm currently working with psioniq file header which has been pretty helpful in generating good header files, but I'm looking to take this a step farther.
When I create a new file, based on a specific file extension, I would like it to generate some starting code that I can configure. For example, I work with Verilog a lot. It would be really cool if Code could generate based on the file name.
Create new file
Code generates some code (like below) or something else that could be configured based on the filetype:
module <filename> (
input ,
output ,
Anyone have any extensions they know about or resources they can point me to to implement this?
This would be a pretty easy extension to write but an alternative is snippets.
You can create keywords, based on the extensions, that when you type it it'll create all that code for you.

Give file path in plugin

I have developed npapi plugin using firebreath. I want to access one image that is placed inside the computer. I am confused how to give the file path in plugin class or shall i need to place it in other specified folder?? Please help.
Inside your main plugin object you can call getFSPath() to get the full path and filename of your plugin .dll. You can use that to then find a relative path to a resource file you want to open.
In 1.7 or later (1.7 was released on Dec 17, 2012) you can #include "BrowserPlugin.h" and use BrowserPlugin::getFSPath() from anywhere. From there it's just a simple string manipulation, or if you want to be a little more complete / foolproof you could just use boost::filesystem
#include <BrowserPlugin.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace boost::filesystem;
// ....
std::string getPluginDirPath() {
path pluginPath(BrowserPlugin::getFSPath());
return pluginPath.parent_path().string();

Can't find 'Build.xml' after export Antenna files

I have made a J2ME program. This program will be used in 3 specific countries and has to support 7 different screen resolutions.
At the moment I have created 7 different builds for each resolution type and 3 variants in each for each of the 3 countries.
I am using LWUIT as my UI framework. I have configured MTJ with the following.
on Eclipse 3.7.2
In the package explorer i right click on my project directory
select 'Export' (I couldn't find 'Export Antenna Build Files' under the 'Mobile Tools for Java' option)
I wait for it to do its thing.
I open the project folder and search for Build.xml. But can't find anything .
I find a folder called 'mtj-build' that contains another folder(custom-tasks) and two files and mtj-build.xml .
I want to able to write a build file that would be able to do the following
put in the correct resources according to the resolution its building
put in the correct theme according to the resolution its building
set the relevant attributes in the Application Descriptor file for each country
repeat this process automatically for each resolution and each country and place the respective .Jad and .Jar files in a particular folder structure as shown.
As I understand to do this I would need to set up a Build.xml. But then I can't find Build.xml after selecting the Export Antenna Build Files option.
How do I achieve this goal? Is it even possible to do this? Please do help . Thanks in Advance
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #1======================
Follow the links mentioned by Eugen Martynov below.
on a side note: The reason I wasn't getting the option to Export Antenna Build files on the right click of the project was because they were referring to a customized version of the Eclipse IDE called Pulsar Eclipse.[ ]
The Antenna build xml file generated by it is far more optimized than the one you get out of the standard Eclipse. I dunno why that is. But thats my Observation.
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #2======================
Thanks for your suggestion Eugen. I will be writing a few sub Ant Build files to simplify my problem. I still have to figure out how to break this down.
Thanks for the link Telmo Pimentel Mota. In my current build I have 'wtkbuild' and 'wtkpackage'. And the build is working great. I just now have to figure out how to call or execute one build file from another following Eguen's suggestion.
I wouldn't give you complete answer but I give you way to find out it yourself.
Here about ant and building process. Here is building j2me with antenna. There are also should be examples of build.xml files in antenna sample folder. Here is alternate example about ant and building j2me without using antenna.
In your case you have to use different res folders and set different manifest options based on two additional properties country and resolution. You could pass properties outside build.xml by using properties file or by command line:
ant -f <path to build.xml> -D<property name>=<property value>

How to create new demon.model in openGLES?

I want to create a rotating object with 3d effect , I am using the sample project iPhoneGLEssentials provided by In the sample project demon.model file is used , I need to create my own .model file. Can any one help me how to create the required .model file?
You can see from the source for that demo that's not a common format. It just has the arrays for positions, normals, texcoords and element indices. You can see how it is read from the .model file in the moduleUtil.h. You can search online for libraries that can load specific formats for models. Engines like irrlicht has support for many formats such as .3ds, and .x. You can start from checking there.

Photoshop plugin Pipl resources and disabling save

I have a photoshop plugin for a file format Ive written in c++ that loads and opens the images, however I do not have code to save the image in the same format
Using SimpleFormat sample plugin as a base I have the following code:
FormatFlags { fmtSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail },
However removing fmtCanWrite or IfRead etc produces parser errors in the Pipl tool, I've checked the syntax and it should be correct but I cannot figure out how to do this =s
This is really counter-intuitive but if you check out pg 77 of Plug-in Resource Guide.pdf from the SDK the flags aren't really flags, they are actually keywords. Based on the grammar they give, to not include the write flag you actually need to replace it with a do-not-write flag.
For example, this compiles fine for me:
FormatFlags { fmtDoesNotSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail }